Age: 36
Nationality: Brazilian
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Green
Height: 6'5”
Weight: 264 lbs
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance music: Touch and Go
Solo Attire

(Left) Bikini attire /w her partner Maria

Alt Bikini /w Maria

Style: Gentle grinder
Strategy: Calista like to remain as close as she can to opponents so can subject them to her gentle yet stamina ravaging holds. Her goal in a match is not a submission or a KO but to leave the competition completely drained so can pin on pleasure them at her leisure. Most opponents leave matches with Calista feeling pretty happy, even if they lose.
Overall Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Preferred matches: Submission and hentai. Is open to most interesting stipulations but has no interest in rough matches.
Strength: ★★★★★
Calista is strong even for her size. She's on par with all but the most powerful heavyweights and can devastate smaller and lighter opponents.
Stamina: ★★★☆☆
Calista likes to be in control of the pace of her matches. If she can keep them slow, she can last an entire match without breaking a sweat. If things spiral out control however, she's rather susceptible to being worn down.
Toughness: ★★★☆☆
She's tough but by no means unstoppable. She can shrug off a lot of blows from smaller wrestlers but fairs worse against opponents who can match her in strength and size.
Speed: ★☆☆☆☆
Most certainly not one to rush, Calista struggles against more agile wrestlers.
Finesse: ★★★★★
Calista has amazing mastery over her own strength. She has a knack for applying holds that are just as damaging or weakening as regular holds but are almost entirely painless.
Strikes: ★☆☆☆☆
Calista detests striking, seeing it as crude. That said, she can give a pretty mighty shove if she needs to/
Throws: ★★★★☆
Her amazing strength and experience means her power moves can be absolutely devstating. She will only use them if she's truly angered, however, preferring much more gentle and intimate ways of dealing with foes.
Holds: ★★★★★
Her talent and her passion. Calista has an incredible way with holds but submissions against her rare, instead she uses holds to painlessly drain opponents of their energy and leave them so exhausted that they can't resist even the simplest pin attempts. She uses simple stretches and squeezes often mixed with sensual rubbing or grinding. The painless nature of her holds combined with their intimate nature often leaves foes simply relaxing into her grasp, only realising too late the damage they've caused.
Aerial: ☆☆☆☆☆
Calista will never take to the air.
Counters: ★★☆☆☆
She can surprise opponents with the occasional clever reversal but it's not a mainstay of her moves.
Finishing moves:
Paradise Pressure: A simple bearhug. Like her partner Maria, this move is a favorite of hers. Unlike her partner, however, Calista has much more control over her strength. She applies just enough pressure to squeeze the breath out of her opponent and make the hold difficult to escape from but not enough to really hurt her opponent. It's not unusual for weaker-willed opponents to simply sink into her inviting embrace as Calista takes her time turning them into a exhausted husk.
Paradise Press: Another simple but effective move. Calista restrains a grounded opponents hands above her head and lies on top of them in a full body press. She can use this a pin or as sustained press. Once her opponent is weak enough that she no longer needs to restrain them, she can use her free hands to caress or tease or her opponents.
Personality: Calista possesses an aura of both absolute calm and unshakeable confidence. Despite her quiet demeanour, she often finds herself to be the centre of attention but it rarely bothers her and she mostly conducts herself with dignity and grace. These traits carry over into the ring. It's rare for her to lose her cool, even when losing. Anger comes to her like a bolt of lightning and disappears just as fast. Her calming and pleasant attitude can sometimes bring out the more positive traits in her opponents which she enjoys as she much prefers her matches to be more intimate and sensual than aggressive.
History: The past for Calista is something of a sore subject. As far as she's concerned her life began once she left home and university. With a degree in economics, Calista became a stock trader. She thrived in the 'work hard, play hard' atmosphere, trading in the day and partying all through the night. She spent several years getting by on less than 2 hours of sleep a day. It was during this time that she became aware of catfighting, first purely as a way to gamble and then something for her herself to partake in. At 25, the breakneck pace of her life finally caught up with her and she retired from trading with enough money to last her for decades. She continued to wrestle and with her attention and time focussed entirely on it, she found she was quite good at it. Even so, she had little desire for prestige or to be in the spotlight since her career had given more than enough hard work for lifetime: she wrestled purely for pleasure. Over time she came to partial owner of the league she fought in and began to take a more managerial role. She seemed to want to settle down, until she met Maria. Taking the younger wrestler under her wing, she found a renewed interest in wrestling thanks to having a partner. She had been courted by promotions before but when LAW approached her she found herself agreeing to their proposal. She'd rested long enough and she ready for a little more excitement in her life!
History: The past for Calista is something of a sore subject. As far as she's concerned her life began once she left home and university. With a degree in economics, Calista became a stock trader. She thrived in the 'work hard, play hard' atmosphere, trading in the day and partying all through the night. She spent several years getting by on less than 2 hours of sleep a day. It was during this time that she became aware of catfighting, first purely as a way to gamble and then something for her herself to partake in. At 25, the breakneck pace of her life finally caught up with her and she retired from trading with enough money to last her for decades. She continued to wrestle and with her attention and time focussed entirely on it, she found she was quite good at it. Even so, she had little desire for prestige or to be in the spotlight since her career had given more than enough hard work for lifetime: she wrestled purely for pleasure. Over time she came to partial owner of the league she fought in and began to take a more managerial role. She seemed to want to settle down, until she met Maria. Taking the younger wrestler under her wing, she found a renewed interest in wrestling thanks to having a partner. She had been courted by promotions before but when LAW approached her she found herself agreeing to their proposal. She'd rested long enough and she ready for a little more excitement in her life!
Spirits (She loves whiskey)
Fine food
Beautiful opponents
Taking things easy
Cheap food
Loud noises and music
Nosy people
People who rush her
Most animals