Kayla Mizrahi

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Kayla Mizrahi

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

”Yes, Baroness?”
Name: Kayla Mizrahi
Nickname: The Iron Maid
Age: 27
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light Brown
Height: 5”10’
Weight: 181 lbs
Birthplace: Jerusalem, Israel
Entrance Music:
Piano Black by the Seatbelts
Wrestling Information
Catch them. Crush them. Kayla’s strategy is to weather her opponent’s blows, wait for her opportunities, then latch on to them when they make a mistake and start the process of grinding them to dust. Her greatest asset is her unfailing patience. She doesn’t take bait, she doesn’t fall into traps, she doesn’t go for risks.
Style: Power Submissions
Type: Domination

Preferred Attacks: Bearhug, Scissors, Choke, Smothers

Preferred Matches: Anything the Baroness wants.

Attitude to Hentai: “As the Baroness commands.”

Endurance: ★★★★★ - Her most important stat. She strives to endure and survive.
Strength: ★★★★ - Is bursting with hardened, toned muscle. Her legs are particularly powerful.
Speed:★★ - Turning her body into stone comes with a cost.
Defense:★★★ - What she can’t take, she avoids.
Technique: ★★★★ - Was always a skilled grappler.

Wrestling Statistics

Strikes: ★★★ - She’s no boxer, but she’s fairly well trained.
Submissions: ★★★★★ - Has an impeccable ground game. One she gets on top, good luck escaping.
Powerhouse: ★★★★ - Uses these to wear her opponents out and set them to be crushed.
Aerial: - Finds the idea laughable.
Counters: ★★★ - Is working on this area with the Baroness.

Signature Moves:
Off The Rack
ImageKayla puts her opponent into the torture rack, bounces up a few times to weaken their spine, then tosses them up and drops them hard on the point of her knee. Sometimes she will keep them in this position and stretch them out.
At Her Service
ImageThis modified Romero Special sees Kayla lift her opponent up with her legs and pull their head under her arm with a dragon sleeper, depriving them of air and weakening their legs at the same time.
Finishing Moves
Feather Duster
ImageComing from behind her opponent, Kayla traps their arms behind them in a double chickenwing maneuver, hoists them up, holds them for a few seconds, then drops to a sit and sends them falling face first.
Deep Cleaning
Kayla makes her way behind her opponent, leaps up, and traps their arms behind their back, while she catches their neck in a tight rear naked choke. She can quickly put someone out with this, but she most often uses it to simply whittle her foes down, either making them easy targets for her fellow maids or the Baroness herself.
Personal Information
Kayla might come off as an enigmatic person, and it might seem like she has some deep, complex motivation driving her, as if she’s playing some long game with a conclusion that only she is aware of. In truth, she’s a simple woman with only one rule.

Whatever the Baroness wants, the Baroness gets.

Some would say her service to Stephanie is a cruel curse, and she felt so at first. But over time she’s come to view it as a blessing and a welcome change from her meandering, random life. There is something freeing in following orders, in working at the beck and call of another, in being freed from personal responsibilities and letting someone else use you as an instrument. Maybe the Baroness satisfies some pent up need to be useful to someone important. Maybe Kayla is just really kinky and into a 24/7 power exchange. She doesn’t know and she doesn’t care.
How does a member of the Israel Navy find herself in Japanese wrestling, and ultimately wind up in the service and borderline worship of a hedonistic Frenchwoman with a body squeezing fetish? It’s a weird story, and it starts with Israeli Ground Forces. Kayla joined them coming out of school and immediately showed great promise within their ranks, with exceptionally high marks in CQC. Unusually strong for her height and weight, she was a driven, determined woman - perhaps to a fault. She had always been a humorless child growing up, with her parents off on business often and doing little to really engender her social skills.

While she excelled at any individual task given to her and was a perfect physical specimen, she performed poorly in a group and was kept out of active duty. She served in a training capacity for a time, but her inflexibility failed her there, too, as she proved too rigid, too taciturn, too strict for even such a rigid profession.

Unsatisfied and aimless, Kayla traveled abroad, hoping she might find some success in other areas, but nothing seemed to fulfill her. She was not a complex woman, and military life had suited her, enforcing structure to her life that she found comforting. The further she went, however, the more she found herself lost and doing what she could to survive. With combat being the thing she was most skilled at, that was what she fell back to, going into street fighting and eventually moving up to a traveling wrestling promotion.

She was successfully in this, if not wildly popular with her wildly placid personality. Still, it was something she could do, and it kept her stomach full. It seemed she was doomed to a meandering, pointless existence.

That was, until the day her promotion crossed paths with a rival company and had a crossover event. It was there that she met the Baroness, and everything changed.

With the two of them having similar physiques, they were pitted against each other, and Kayla expected an easy win at first, thinking her opponent was little more than an overstuffed, overfed rich woman with a decent body. When they battled, however, she learned how wrong she was. The battle was a sweaty, grinding, grueling affair, with both wrestlers tearing each other apart across the ring, but in the end, the Baroness trapped Kayla in her clutches and knocked her out with her deadliest moves, crushing her body while she knocked her out with a smothering kiss.

That could’ve been the end of it - good as Kayla was, it wasn’t the first time she’d lost. But this was different. There was something about having such a tone, powerful wrapping around her that gave her an unmatched thrill. There was an electricity to the Baroness, a power she couldn't quite comprehend, but she knew she wanted more of it. She knew she craved it.

So she sought the Baroness out at her own home, and challenged her to a match. One with no time limit, no referee, no rules, no witnesses, where the only way to win was to outlast the opponent to exhaustion.

When the sun set on that day, Kayla was a free woman.

When it rose, she was still free, but in an entirely different way.

Her time with the Baroness had been a painful one, but transformative and revealing. She saw something grand in the Baroness, something wild and worth protecting. She might not have known what it was, but she knew it was worth protecting, and that was what she vowed to do, pledging her service as not just an enforcer for the Baroness, but someone to train her staff and ensure they met the rigorous requirements asked of them.

It was the perfect role for her, a life of stability and service. It was where she belonged.
Full Outfit
=Fun Facts=

+The glasses aren’t for show. Kayla is quite near-sighted. She’s not so bad that she can’t wrestle with them off, but any activity that requires her to see something beyond, say, ten feet, is not happening without their aid.
+She’s actually quite good at keeping the mansion clean. You might think this comes from her life as a militarywoman or her desire to please the Baroness, but no - she’s always been something of a neat freak and a germaphobe.
+She doesn’t show it much, but Kayla is a faithful Jew, or at least considers herself to be. She still observes the holidays, and is in frequent communication with her old rabbi back home.
+Kayla didn’t name her moves, the other maids did.


Friends: Stephanie Renaud
Allies: Stephanie Renaud
Rivals: Anyone who is Stephanie Renaud’s rival.
Enemies: Anyone who is Stephanie Renaud’s enemy
Crushes: Stephanie Renaud
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Sun Oct 02, 2022 11:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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