Name: Bianca
Nickname's : The best , Bianckie (Only Katherine got the right to call her like that)
Age: 20
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Light bleu
Height: 6'3
Weight: 180 lbs
Entrance music: Maître Gims - Tant Pis ( INSTRUMENTAL ) :
Alignment: Tweener
Nationality: Usa
Fighting Style: Grappler , Powerhouse
Signature's : Belly To Belly suplex , Spear , Stinkface , Body splash , Springboard leg drop, Bull-Plex
Finishing move/s: Tombstone Piledriver , Triangle Choke , Scissors , Smothers , Rear Naked Choke
Personality: Bianca is quite a stubborn girl... She is a strong friend that can support you in and outside of the ring but... The road to get to her ain't that easy... She calls herself the best... There for she mostly gives credit to those who managed to earn her respect over the years. If not expect her to be quite cold but maybe with the right words and touch you can break the iceberg.
History: Bianca started her career in RR wrestling... She would definitely feel out of place with all the much smaller girls out running her... Times definitely changed since the old Inter's... This division now accepted all sorts of girls as long as they were willing to learn but... Bianca felt she knows it all already and wanted to quit day one to go elsewhere instead... That was until she met Katherine... Which was very nice to her slowly bringing her up to speed to what this division was about... Yes the Inter division was about speed , agility and risk taking but... It was also about heart and she felt under the ice Bianca had a fire burning that was just waiting to be ignited. Katherine decided to train her. She was really scared about Bianca safety when she got asked if she could teach her how to do 450's , moonsaults and Shooting Star Presses... While she already struggled with the basics like landing a simple body splash from the 2 rd rope. Her reply to Bianca went as follow '' I do not think that is a good idea. '' before hugging her tightly to change up her mind suggesting something else... They came up with a springboard leg drop once she mastered the basics... Bianca was quite happy of her new moves , she became more than friends with Katherine , she was definitely her bff from now on. Katherine even helped her come up with her finisher teaching her how to add impact to the move suggesting for her to jump around a bit before landig her piledriver. They would even go to form their own tag team BKC : Bianca & Kat connection which turned out to be quite successful for both of them but... Something came between the 2 to split them up... It was AOD , the angel of darkness who was feuding with Katherine at the time... AOD played mind games , managed to get into Bianca head promising her fake promises like being more than just a tag team wrestler in exchange to turn on against her very own best friend. Which would end up being broken promises once she was no longer use for her... Her best friend was truly upset about Bianca actions but while most people would of given up on her already... Katherine did not. She soaked it up and made it her goal to bring '' The real Bianca '' back.
Attires :
Nickname's : The best , Bianckie (Only Katherine got the right to call her like that)
Age: 20
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Light bleu
Height: 6'3
Weight: 180 lbs
Entrance music: Maître Gims - Tant Pis ( INSTRUMENTAL ) :
Nationality: Usa
Fighting Style: Grappler , Powerhouse
Signature's : Belly To Belly suplex , Spear , Stinkface , Body splash , Springboard leg drop, Bull-Plex
Finishing move/s: Tombstone Piledriver , Triangle Choke , Scissors , Smothers , Rear Naked Choke
Personality: Bianca is quite a stubborn girl... She is a strong friend that can support you in and outside of the ring but... The road to get to her ain't that easy... She calls herself the best... There for she mostly gives credit to those who managed to earn her respect over the years. If not expect her to be quite cold but maybe with the right words and touch you can break the iceberg.
History: Bianca started her career in RR wrestling... She would definitely feel out of place with all the much smaller girls out running her... Times definitely changed since the old Inter's... This division now accepted all sorts of girls as long as they were willing to learn but... Bianca felt she knows it all already and wanted to quit day one to go elsewhere instead... That was until she met Katherine... Which was very nice to her slowly bringing her up to speed to what this division was about... Yes the Inter division was about speed , agility and risk taking but... It was also about heart and she felt under the ice Bianca had a fire burning that was just waiting to be ignited. Katherine decided to train her. She was really scared about Bianca safety when she got asked if she could teach her how to do 450's , moonsaults and Shooting Star Presses... While she already struggled with the basics like landing a simple body splash from the 2 rd rope. Her reply to Bianca went as follow '' I do not think that is a good idea. '' before hugging her tightly to change up her mind suggesting something else... They came up with a springboard leg drop once she mastered the basics... Bianca was quite happy of her new moves , she became more than friends with Katherine , she was definitely her bff from now on. Katherine even helped her come up with her finisher teaching her how to add impact to the move suggesting for her to jump around a bit before landig her piledriver. They would even go to form their own tag team BKC : Bianca & Kat connection which turned out to be quite successful for both of them but... Something came between the 2 to split them up... It was AOD , the angel of darkness who was feuding with Katherine at the time... AOD played mind games , managed to get into Bianca head promising her fake promises like being more than just a tag team wrestler in exchange to turn on against her very own best friend. Which would end up being broken promises once she was no longer use for her... Her best friend was truly upset about Bianca actions but while most people would of given up on her already... Katherine did not. She soaked it up and made it her goal to bring '' The real Bianca '' back.
Attires :