Name: Irisa Kato
Alias/Ring Name: "The Love Serpent"
Age: 25
Eyes: Turquoise
Hair: Silver
Height: 5'11
Weight: 170 lbs
Nationality: Japanese
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Alignment: Lawful Heel
Entrance music: Bravely Default - Serpent Eating the Horizon
Wrestling Information
Strategy: A sadistic mix of power and cunning, Irisa harbors technical skills that few wrestlers can match. She has forged a style that combines the worst aspects of pain and pleasure, interweaving invasive fingers between spine-bending submission moves. She is merciless in her tactics, finding ways to exploit her opponents weakness and introduce them to full spectrum of agony and suffering. She specializes in applying painful submission holds combined with bone breaking slams that can quickly turn intense matches into career-ending affairs.
She lives for the screams of her opponents, fueling her desires with their cries for mercy and release, only to provide them with neither. She uses rough striking techniques to soften up her prey first, relying on powerful kicks to target vulnerable parts and limbs. She varies her targets in the opening stages of a match, testing her opponent's body until she has identified the vulnerable components, and then honing in on them for the kill. Weakened limbs are targeted relentlessly, with arms, legs, necks, and spines being twisted and contorted until either a fracture or submission has been achieved. A broken opponent is the ultimate sign of success in the eyes of irisa, and she will pursue any means within the rules of the ring to achieve those ends.
Type: Cruel Submissionist
Style: Technical Powerhouse
Preferred Matches: Submission, Hardstyle Hentai, Humiliation, POW
Physical Stats
While Irisa is capable of dishing out pain galore, she herself can only take so much from more skilled opponents before eventually giving in
Can overpower almost anyone in her weight class, and maybe even a few higher up
Far from a speedster, but still decently maneuverable in the ring
Expert at squirming and reversing submissions holds, but falters against strike based attacks
intricate knowledge and application of submission based attacks
Wrestling Technique Stats:
Striking: ★★★☆☆
Utilizes basic heavy hitting kicks that leave quite the impact
A master of the craft
Body breaking and ring shattering slams. A lethal ability, especially when combined with her already well-developed submissions skills
Not happening
pretty good at reversing or escaping from submissions, but struggles at doing the same with strikes
- Submissions
- Heavy Kicks/Stomps
- Power moves/slams
Signature Moves:
Slithering Heights: Irisa inverts her opponent so that they are upside down and draped along her back. She then hooks her arms around their legs and places her hands on their knees to keep them secured. Their head is elevated a few feet from the ground, resulting in a devastating drop when she executes a belly to back piledriver.
Slithering Heights

Python Punt


Serpent Slam

Catch and Release

Finishing Moves:
Entangled Affair: Kneeling step-over head-hold armbar, locked in until her opponent gives their screaming submission
Entangled Affair


Serpent Stretch

Bendover Slam

Hentai Finishing Moves (NSFW):
Pin of Shame: Irisa displays her handiwork in the form of a double leg cradle pin, with prime opportunities for further humiliation...
Pin of Shame

Rapture Lock



Ring Attire






Head to Toe









Personality: Irisa is known for her cunning nature and hierarchical outlook on life. She values strength above all else, and despises anything that could even remotely be related to weakness. She views herself as the ultimate pinnacle of strength, developing her mind and body as a single solitary fortress that even adept warriors find hard to overcome. While there is no denying that she is a formidable combatant, her glaring narcissism and egotistical remarks have a tendency to exaggerate her actual abilities.
Despite her insistence on strength, she enjoys challenging opponents who are obviously weaker than herself, viewing their feebleness as a stain on the world of wrestling that needs to be snuffed out underneath her decisive heel. She will purposely push others beyond their limits, putting their limbs to extremes they have no business of being in just to revel in the fact that she is in total control of their bodies.
She is as strategic as she is villainous, employing tactics and maneuvers that require significant ring iq to perform. It's all part of the game she likes to play, one where she pulls the strings and lays out the plans for the ultimate defeat of her victims. She enjoys nothing more than deciphering her opponents, crafting out a well-thought out strategy on how to dismantle them, and then executing it to flawless perfection in a way that leaves her prey stupefied and shattered. She rarely resorts to cheating as she instead finds much more pleasure destroying an opponent while still operating within the rules. That being said, she won't hesitate to perform dirty tactics if she thinks she can get away with it.
A truly disturbing women, Irisa recognizes that strength does not exist in the physical sense alone. She likes to combine it with the psychological by intimidating opponents with her signature glare and her perverted advances. Domination comes in so many forms, and Irisa likes to employ all of them so as to truly and utterly destroy her opponents.
History: Born into a family of crime in Tokyo Japan, Irisa was the sole daughter of Kurisu Kato, alleged Saiko-komon, or advisor to the local Yakuza boss. Given his high status within the organization, Irisa has always been accustomed to a life of comfort and privilege. All that she ever wanted could be brought to her with a snap of her fingers, with her family's many servants attending to her every need. Naturally, she developed a sense of self-importance relatively early on in life, having gone most of her childhood without ever hearing the word "no."
These traits could be due to none other than Irisa's mother, from whom much of her personality was molded. Her mother had been born into a relatively lower-class family on the outskirts of Tokyo, but due to her salacious charm and charisma, she was a great asset to the Yakuza crime lords, eventually gaining acceptance into the otherwise fraternal organization where she eventually met Irisa's father.
Irisa admired her mother's cunning and sought to emulate it, learning from her all the tips and tricks there were in getting others to do what you want. She already had the looks and the beauty, but despite all her mentoring, she never really could pick up the charm her mother so naturally exuded. Her parents sought to rear her as a cunning politician, one whose loyalties would secretly lie with the Yakuza, but her tendency towards violence, as opposed to diplomacy, made this prospect a distant fantasy.
Being a female, her options with the organization were rather limited, and it wasn't long until her parents began looking for more 'legitimate' ways to integrate their child into adulthood. Frustrated with her lack of progress, Irisa began looking for her own ways to contribute, refusing to live a life of mediocracy bound by societies rules and laws.
The Yakuza operated dozens of businesses and outlets in all sorts of industries, some of them legitimate, others not so much. There was one that operated somewhere in the middle, an upstart shoot wrestling promotion that the Yakuza had invested heavily in. All sorts of fights were promoted here, ranging from standard bouts to more specular, crazy, blood-filled events. The organization had operated mostly underground, with limited female involvement, but Irisa sought to change all that. Using her father's connections, she was able to convince the boss to invest in a female roster, one that Irisa herself would directly participate in.
She received training from some of the organizations best, learning all sorts of violent moves and techniques that had no doubt been used to extract pain from countless Yakuza victims. She combined these brutal techniques with more traditional ones, using her family's influence once more to obtain mentorship from veteran pro wrestlers indebted to the crime ring. She trained long and hard, capitalizing on her natural skills and mentorship to develop herself into a true powerhouse grappler. When it was time for her to make her debut in the underground circuit, she absolutely dominated, pummeling her opponent into oblivion with the cheer of thousands of bloodthirsty fans roaring behind her.
Over time the underground league became less and less rule-bound as it attracted an increasingly bloodthirsty audience. It wasn't long until Irisa found herself participating in all sorts of matches, but found the most satisfaction in the ones that provided both pain and pleasure. Irisa loved every moment of it, but the underground nature of the league meant that it didn't attract nearly the same attention as the more mainstream circuits, and if there was one thing about Irisa, she loves it when all eyes were on her.
No talent, no matter how big, small, or secretive seemed to escape the ever-watchful gaze of the LAWrecruiters. As luck would have it, one of them was there the night she was pummeling yet another helpless victim. Admiring her natural skills and violent charm, she was offered a contract on the spot. She didn't have to fight in the shadows anymore. She could now show the world what she was truly capable of without fear of public disdain or malice. How could she resist?
Being a new recruit into the league, Irisa knows she has a lot of work to do to show the world that there is a dangerous amount of bark behind her bite, but given her genuine skills and ability, combined with her tenacity and love for violence, Irisa has not doubts that she'll be on her way to the top very soon.
Fun Facts:
Dominatrix: Irisa revels in forcing acts of submission. While most submissive acts will do, nothing gets her off quite like an opponent worshiping her feet.
Luxury Suite: Irisa occupies a spacious luxurious penthouse in downtown Tokyo, at the expense of her parent's of course. She even has a special room dedicated for playtime with POW's...
Hands only: Detests any combat with weapons, preferring to keep things hand to hand only.
LAW Information