Name: North Chioni
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6’2
Weight: 170
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance Music
Cold as Ice
At first glance, Winter appears to be a cold, dignified, serious and distant person who prefers to keep her emotions subdued and speaking in a very high-class, eloquent, almost robotic fashion. Which is not far from the truth, but this is due to her upbringing and being thrusted into a adult/parental role so young. However when interacting with those close to Winter like her younger siblings. She smiles and appears to be rather doting. Caring about what they are doing. So in reality Winter is a caring person that finds herself looking out for those younger than herself. Winter is someone who likes to keep her emotions subdued, that way they cannot overtake her and she can function at 100% all of the time. Which can be a factor from her time spent in the private sector
Winter is the eldest child in the Schnee family. A rather important family on the world stage. Having far reaching influence in the world. Running a company that creates a large array of products that people use regularly to this day. Naturally Winter would be seen as the heir to this family and all of its riches and responsibilities. Groomed as such by her father, despite his reluctance to relinquish his power when the time comes. Regardless Winter was given the best education money could buy. Even with the added security surrounding her. North was also taught self defense in several styles. As a way to be prepared for any situation. Winter was content with they way her life was going. Despite the stress upon the family. Yet to this day Winter is unsure how it all began to fall. But once her sister Weiss was born. Winter’s father became obsessed with his work. More specifically his power and unwilling to ever give it up. Becoming more and more aggressive taking out whatever anger he had out on his family. Thankfully Weiss felt it the least. The first to break was Winter’s mother falling into alcoholism to dull whatever pain she was feeling. With Weiss being down seemingly two parents she would have to assume a pseudo maternal role. Winter’s father would bare down on her even harder than before. Controlling every aspect of her life. Winter now seeing her father in a more negative light. She knew that she was only being molded to be a puppet for her father to use. Knowing this Winter would do everything she could to try and change her path. Changing the path in such a way where she would be herself and could make her own decisions. Yet her father’s grip on the family was far to tight. Whatever Winter tried to do to free herself and try to set the family on the right path. Winter’s father would make sure that the attempt fail.
With each of her attempts failing, Winter would be more and more disillusioned to the idea that she could fix her family. Seeing as how dysfunctional they already are. In reality, no child Winter’s age should be in the position she was in. So as she grew older, Winter was also growing more distant towards her family save for her siblings. Now Winter would have a younger brother, which she was unsure how that came to be. Not that it mattered to her Winter would care for her siblings all the same. But once the time came and she was old enough. Winter is now considered an adult and can make her own decisions. Her first one being to free herself and leave her family. Opting to look into the private sector for work. Ideally security. The army was an initial thought. The following thought was that her father could just fund the military in such a way where he has control over her. At least in the private sector she could hide herself enough and be far enough away from her fathers reach. Within the private sector North would find that her world view changing day by day. Which is natural seeing as how sheltered she was admittedly so. But day by day she was learning far more than she could before. Working in security Winter would have to protect all types of individuals. Some individuals being more “legally ambiguous” than others. But nonetheless she would do her job and do it well for several years. So much so that Winter was well known for her work. That being so she was highly coveted for security work. With that Winter’s prices would match her new found fame.
Though life in the private sector was good. It was not really Winter herself. She only came to it as an escape from her family. So now it was time for Winter to blaze her own path forward. One of her more interesting clients was a world renowned wrestler. Due to Winter’s professionalism the name is redacted. But during her time with said wrestler, they would always try to goad Winter into a match. Winter would always decline, noting that her job was to protect the client not fight them. That said Winter would watch their matches closely as she needed to. Something odd was happening to Winter, as it seemed like she was being overtly focused on wrestling. Before Winter could care less the outcome of a match, but now she was vehemently cheering for a winner. Of course she would deny it later but the truth remained. The wrestler would not fail to notice this. Upon the last day of the contract, the wrestler would finally challenge Winter to a match one last time. Seeing as how Winter is not working anymore it should be fine. Before Winter still would have denied the wrestler a match, but instead she was eager to match up with said wrestler in a match. Despite having the physical advantage over her opponent, Winter could do very little to win the match and lost. Even with the loss Winter felt that she had finally found something she could call hers. A fire inside of her that would not be put out so easily. Which meant that she needed help in approaching the wrestling world. One in which her now friend would be more than happy in helping Winter. Now Winter is being thrown into the world of wrestling head first. Unsure of what she will find there, Winter is sure that the journey will be one well worth it.
With each of her attempts failing, Winter would be more and more disillusioned to the idea that she could fix her family. Seeing as how dysfunctional they already are. In reality, no child Winter’s age should be in the position she was in. So as she grew older, Winter was also growing more distant towards her family save for her siblings. Now Winter would have a younger brother, which she was unsure how that came to be. Not that it mattered to her Winter would care for her siblings all the same. But once the time came and she was old enough. Winter is now considered an adult and can make her own decisions. Her first one being to free herself and leave her family. Opting to look into the private sector for work. Ideally security. The army was an initial thought. The following thought was that her father could just fund the military in such a way where he has control over her. At least in the private sector she could hide herself enough and be far enough away from her fathers reach. Within the private sector North would find that her world view changing day by day. Which is natural seeing as how sheltered she was admittedly so. But day by day she was learning far more than she could before. Working in security Winter would have to protect all types of individuals. Some individuals being more “legally ambiguous” than others. But nonetheless she would do her job and do it well for several years. So much so that Winter was well known for her work. That being so she was highly coveted for security work. With that Winter’s prices would match her new found fame.
Though life in the private sector was good. It was not really Winter herself. She only came to it as an escape from her family. So now it was time for Winter to blaze her own path forward. One of her more interesting clients was a world renowned wrestler. Due to Winter’s professionalism the name is redacted. But during her time with said wrestler, they would always try to goad Winter into a match. Winter would always decline, noting that her job was to protect the client not fight them. That said Winter would watch their matches closely as she needed to. Something odd was happening to Winter, as it seemed like she was being overtly focused on wrestling. Before Winter could care less the outcome of a match, but now she was vehemently cheering for a winner. Of course she would deny it later but the truth remained. The wrestler would not fail to notice this. Upon the last day of the contract, the wrestler would finally challenge Winter to a match one last time. Seeing as how Winter is not working anymore it should be fine. Before Winter still would have denied the wrestler a match, but instead she was eager to match up with said wrestler in a match. Despite having the physical advantage over her opponent, Winter could do very little to win the match and lost. Even with the loss Winter felt that she had finally found something she could call hers. A fire inside of her that would not be put out so easily. Which meant that she needed help in approaching the wrestling world. One in which her now friend would be more than happy in helping Winter. Now Winter is being thrown into the world of wrestling head first. Unsure of what she will find there, Winter is sure that the journey will be one well worth it.
Various Images
Proper Combat Attire

A change of attire never hurt anyone

Pray that you are not my enemy

I suppose I am not as young as I thought

I am quite flexible

It is a rare thing for me to sweat

Care to spar?

I am in no mood for games

“Ready for any Job”

“A less than satisfactory result….”

Winter’s Combat Information
__________________________________________________________________________________________General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★– Winter as the trial by fire her father put her through. Winter is more adverse to pain than others around her.
Strength ★★★–Winter is not one to flex her strength to be able to throw someone. Instead using it best in other places
Speed ★★★ – Winter is not the fastest wrestler, as her strategy revolves around staying grounded. Yet if the need arise she can and will give chase to her opponent.
Defense ★★★★ – North’s defense can be higher if it wasn’t for her own pride at moments. Wanting to just trade blows if the match calls for it
Technique ★★★★- Thanks to her parents, North has an extensive catalogue of knowledge behind her.
Combat Statistics
Strikes ★★★ –Not the greatest striker but Winter can still throw power blows. But will likely lose to an expert striker.
Submissions ★★★★– This is North’s forte, while initially used to deescalate situations. Now it is used to end confrontations
Powerhouse ★★★– Not the strongest, yet her opponents should still be careful as there are things far more scary than throwing someone.
Aerials ★★ – Not public information but Winter is scared of heights. Though in very rare situations the moment will overtake her fear of heights.
Counters ★★★★ – Being taught in self defense first, Winter naturally is adept in making something out of nothing,
Despite seemingly being a generalist Winter would much rather plant her feet and face what is coming at her. Taking the blows and countering them accordingly. When she is able to set her pace defensively, Winter feels untouchable. On the offensive though Winter tends to keep things varied as a way to keep her opponents off balance. If she is constantly switching between grappling, striking and holds. It is nigh impossible to predict what she will do.
Unorthodox matches (I.E Boxing, mma, Karate)
Special Condition matches
Hentai (Maybe, ask me personally for details)
Favorite Attacks
1) Various Submission
2) All manner of kicks
3) All manner of punches
4) Armbar
5) Reverse Choke Hold
Signature Moves
The long memory

From Dust Till Dawn

Lover’s Conveyer Belt

Fall of Demeter

Winter’s Prey

Frozen Nightmare

Friends: Blake Belladonna is a combatant she’s never fought but has always quite an interest in her. Instead of meeting in the ring like so many others, they bonded over their love of books
Allies: Vacant
Rivals: Vacant
Enemies: Vacant
Lovers : Vacant
Interesting Facts:
1) Winter is fluent in 5 Languages
2) Winter’s favorite color is blue
3) Winter is rather experimental when it comes to romance.
4) Despite her appearances Winter is a fun person to be around
5) While Winter can afford a driver she tends to enjoy driving
6) Reading is a passion of Winter’s
7) Is secretly a super fan of wrestling