Sex: Female
Birthday: June 2, 1989
Age: 28 years old
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blue
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Face
Entrance Theme:
Fighting Style: Jitsuko's style is all about pure power: throws, slams, squeezes. She will use any and all moves that she can that shows off her incredible strength and size.
Preferred Matches: Standard, iron woman.
Favoured moves: Body slams, power slams, bearhugs, gorilla presses, suplexes, back-breakers, power bombs.
Finishing moves: Moon and Tide - A tilt-a-whirl backbreaker
Tidal Fury - A torture rack
Main Wrestling Attire
Alternative Wrestling Attire
Casual Attire
History: Jitsuko is the only daughter and only child of a semi-well known Japanese wrestling family. From a young age, she was trained for the business, and while she grew more experienced she also grew larger and stronger, giving her both skill in the ring and the body to back that skill up.
Once she grew old enough, she broke out on her own, touring the various independent wrestling scenes in Japanese, making a small name for herself, until she finally came to LAW, gaining a job at the new federation and deciding to plant her feet here, intending on making a name for herself and rising to the top among the various women who were clamoring for recognition in the new company.