Sex: Female
Age: 34
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Purple
Height: 6'4 ft
Weight: 245 lbs
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Face (Sometimes verges on Tweener when with the MILF Club)
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Raikou is an expert of using her incredible assets to her advantage, her main offensive weapons being her two gigantic breasts. She mainly uses squeezes, body splashes, smothers, and even occasional leg locks to wear down opponents. She also is very strong and resilient despite what her jiggly frame might suggest.
Style: Hentai wrestling
Type: Controlling powerhouse
Preferred Attacks: Hip attacks, hip drops, any type of smother, bearhug, body splashes, scoop slam, leg locks
Preferred Matches: Anything but hardcore stips.
Endurance: 5/5 (Years of hentai wrestling, with all its grinding and pressing and smothering, has made Raikou very resilient, able to go the distance with any opponent and take tons of damage and still keep going)
Strength: 4/5 (Can lift lightweights and middleweights with ease. Sometimes struggles against fellow heavyweights near her own size)
Speed: 2/5 (Age, along with her massive frame, makes her a little slow, although she can be devastating with enough momentum)
Defense: 2/5 (Mainly tries to power through moves and take attacks rather than counter or block them)
Technique: 3/5 (Has a decent grasp of technical wrestling for a woman her size, stemming from her years in the business)
Strikes: 2/5 (Prefers to get close to opponents and grapple with them, but can manage some clubbing blows if the need arises)
Submissions: 4/5 (An expert at squeezes, Raikou can also employ some stretches, leg locks, and sleepers into the mix!)
Powerhouse: 4/5 (If she has a size and power advantage, she will always use it)
Aerials: 1/5
Counters: 2/5 (As mentioned before, she more takes attacks rather than deflect them)
Favored moves:
Raikou Train (With her opponent in the corner, Raikou runs toward them, gaining as much momentum as she can, before jumping up and splashing them, her size making it so that in most cases her breasts end up smushing her opponent's face!)
Mt. Fuji Elbow (An elbow drop to an opponent lying on the mat. Simple, but enough to knock the wind out of most women! If she feels especially mean enough, she can do a version where her armpit lands right on top of an opponent's mouth and nose)
La Campana (Standing over a downed opponent, Raikou has her back turned to them and grabs hold of their ankles, turning them over to their front before grabbing their wrists, their legs trapped by her arms, and lifting them up, rocking them back and forth between her legs! Sometimes she does this move near the corner of the ring so their head lightly taps the bottom turnbuckle with each rock)

Bliss Bomb (This is a move she mainly does to small opponents. After lifting her opponent up and squeezing and jostling them in a painful bearhug, she slowly moves them down, arms still wrapped around their waist, before their head finally rests between her massive breasts. She then takes a few steps forward and falls, landing right on top of her opponent with her breasts consuming their whole head and leaving them in a pinning predicament)
Broken Hearts and Broken Backs (With her oppoent face down on the mat, Raikou jumps up and lands butt first right on their lower back, grabbing their chin and forcing their arms over her knees so she can simply sit back with a camel clutch. Her size makes this move devastating and near crippling, which is why she often avoids trapping smaller opponents with it)
Visual Appearance:
Ring Attire

Casual Attire/Misc
Rocking the mommy look!

Just a pic from a photoshoot

At Home

Work Out

A signed autograph of her during her early career

A picture with her old student, Nitokris!

Personality: TBA
Past/History: TBA
Fun Facts: TBA
LAW Information