Alias: The White Tsarina
Sex: Female
Age: 42
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White/Grey
Height: 6’4
Weight: 310 lbs
Nationality: Swede
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance theme - G-Darius - Kimera II

At 42 years old Melony is still at the peak of her femininity, towering, white haired, blue eyed and curvy beyond reason. A mature plus size beauty in its most extreme expression. On closer inspection all that bouncy outside is also hiding a very strong and developed inside. Hard muscles forged by years of wrestling against heavyweight opponents.
Tsarina of Thicc
Wrestling Information
Style: throws, submissions, bearhugs, powermoves, smothers.
Preferred Matches: Standard, Smother, Domination...
* Toughness: 5/5 - With so much meat on her bones she can last through the toughest of beatings.
* Strength: 5/5 - She is naturally gifted and has developed an incredible strength over the years.
* Stamina: 3/5 - Exceptional for somebody of her build, above average if this factor is ignored.
* Speed: 2/5 - No, she isn’t fast it is a fact.
* Defense: 3/5 - She's unsurprisingly not a good dodger but her experience allows her to anticipate a lot of attacks
* Technique: 2.5/5 - Her attacks are effective but they definitely lack subtlety. She however has a lot of experience and a good theoretical,not necessarily practical, knowledge on many wrestling moves, including some she doesn't use or can't execute.
* Strikes: Although a slap from someone like her would probably tear most people heads off their shoulders she rarely resorts to strikes. Will only hit an opponent if forced, if she does, expect pain.
* Submissions: Smothers, bearhugs and various crushing moves, lots of them.
* Highfly, Aerials: Not really no… Unsurprisingly her splashes are devastating but that’s the only kind of “aerial” moves you can expect from her.
* Powermoves: Her exceptional strength allows her to execute devastating slams, carries, powerbombs, drivers and the likes on opponents of any sizes and weight.
Avalanche: Starts with a gorilla press slam followed by a grapevine breast smother combo. Blizzard: Starts also with a gorilla press then she lowers her opponent to her shoulders in a position of a fireman carry then finishes with a fireman carry face slam (F-5).
History and personality
Melony has always had an exuberant and passionate nature and it has played tricks on her during her youth: she became a mother for the first time at 15 years old and got another daughter at 17. With two different partners. Who both turned out to be jerks. The first one ran away when he discovered that she was pregnant and the second managed to obtain the exclusive custody of their child thanks to his family connections in high places. Unfortunately she was also prevented from keeping her first born, Cassandra, as she was deemed to young and irresponsible by the social services. Sylvia and Cassandra grew up without their mother and were still unaware of the existence of their sibling until a recent date. These traumatic experiences affected Melony durably and she never got any other child afterwards. She never dared to make contact with her daughters and it was actually they, once adults, who searched for her. Melony's embarrassment and shame was at its peak when they met again after being separated for so long. But it went better than she had anticipated, Cassandra hasn't fully forgiven her mother yet but she doesn't hate her, and Sylvia opened her her heart almost immediately after hearing her story.
She developed her taste for wrestling after being separated from her daughters. Her faith in herself and in the world was low and she needed something to let out her frustration as well as turn everything into derision, if life was absurd then she might as well embrace nonsense. This is how she created her Tsarina gimmick, a futile and pompous but also playful empress from a cold eastern country. Over the years wrestling become less and less of a venting activity and more of a true passion. She had progressively rediscovered joy in life and her goofy persona became more of a tongue in cheek jest than a mask acting as a coping mechanism. Outside the ring she also developed a taste for fashion, she has even created her own clothing brand for which she designs every single item. Her ring attire is also one of her creations.
Wrestling debut

- She used to be blonde
- Her hair lost its coloration in her early 30s
- Despite her ring name she has no Russian ties
- It unclear whether she was influenced by her gimmick or this trait influenced her in-ring character but she can be surprisingly sophisticate at times
- Unsusprisingly she loves cold weather
- But she also loves hot drinks
- Her favorite color is white, unexpected right?
- If we set aside her hair discoloration she as aged very well and she is still getting modelling offers from plus size lingerie brands
- Was dumped by Cassandra's father, she dumped Sylvia's