MMA Milf: Zira Cabalero

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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MMA Milf: Zira Cabalero

Unread post by Bare »

Name: Zira Cabalero
Age: 29
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Red
Height: 6’2
Weight: 196 lbs
Alignment: Face leaning tweener
Nationality: American
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Entrance music:
Appearance Gallery:

Main Attire
Secondary Attire
MMA Gear
Hentai Attire
Training Outfit
Casual Look
Business Bitch
Bummin Around
Urban Queen
Night Life Outfit
Personality: Bold and boisterous Zira is a woman that doesn’t bend or bow easily. Quite the ckntrary in fact she has an extremely competitive personality bordering on combative. As a result she is eager to look for competitions and tests of her own skill and strength. On top of her spirited competitiveness Zira is also just as determined to display this and reach for the top of any given promotion or competition she’s in.

However unbeknownst to many, Zira has a significantly softer side to herself that she only really shows to her husband and child. When in private, she’s tender, and affectionate to both, as well as highly protective, not only of her kis, but her husband as well, largely from professional fighting backround making her view herself as the toughest one in the family.

Despite her toughness and competitiveness however, Zira has a bad tendency of putting dangerous amounts of pressure on herself. Whether familial or professional she tends to make things do or die, the bigger the fight ir event the more pressure on herself. Naturally this can weigh on her subconciously, causing her to make mistakes, whether in a match kr her… personal life.

Wrestling Style: Coming originally from mma Zira has a natural inclination towards strikes and jujitsu based submission offense. Unlike others with a similar backround however Zira embraces the differences pro wrestling has to offer, and is more than willing to experiment with high flying and more exotic throws or submissions if she has the chance.

Preferred matches - Standard, Submission, KO, MMA, Hentai, Hardcore, Other gimmicky matches.

Preferred Move(s) Punches, Kicks, Elbow Strikes, Knee Strikes, Headbuts, Scissor holds, choke holds, limb and joint targeting submissions as well as basic suplexes and high flying moves.

Signature Move(s)

Mirked Out - A simple left roundhouse kick carried over from her days in the mma ring, Mirko got many tkos from it, over thirteen in fact. The name and usage of the move serving as a homage to Mirko Cro Cop who was one of Zira’s inspirations for stepping into the octagon.
Lunarm Bar - Catching an opponent with a Russian leg sweep Zira will roll through with them while grabbing and locking the opponent’s arm back while locking her leg around their neck for a headscissors on top of it.
Lunar Cycle - A move quickly adopted after her wrestling training Zira will loft a foe up and slam them down with a simple powerbomb. Afterwards though Zira will hold onto the foe’s legs and roll forward on top of them directly intl a face sit pin.
Finisher Move(s)

Full Moon - Zira’s favorite submission from her mma days, its a Peruvian Necktie making use of all her limbs at once to choke out an opponent and is named cheekily for how someone’s rear end is prominently displayed to the crowd.
Crescent Crash - Using a mix of her raw power and impressive knee striking ability, Zira will lift an opponent on top of her shoulders before throwing them off and lifting her knee up to smash them in the head on their way down with a STF.
Speed - 8/10
Stength - 8/10
Stamina - 7/10
Agility - 6/10
Charisma - 8/10
Strikes - 10/10
High flying - 5/10
Submission - 7/10
Power - 7/10

History (spoilered for long):
Hailing from Austin, Texas, Zira grew up in a rough neighborhood, one where if you weren’t willing to stand up for yourself you’d get walked all over. Naturally coming from a no non sense family Zira was never the type to allow herself to be treaded on, in fact she was much more likely to tread on others in all honesty.

Over time as she got older she developed a reputation as a delinquent and the toughest kid in the neighborhood, beating up anyone that crossed her. This also naturally meant that Zira was… pretty bad at school usually. The only saving grace she had that kept her from being expelled was the fact that Zira excelled in sports. In fact she was what many would comsider a star athelte in, basket ball, volley ball, and weightlifting. Which given her school’s less than stellar record in either academics or sports, was more than enough to keep her around despite her general lack of interest in school as a whole.

Naturally her raw natural talent in sports and physical activity in general made many assume she’d take a full ride to some college and get a easy degree. That or try out for a pro sports team, some even thought that Zira would make a go for the olympics which granted she had the ability to do any and all of the above. But, definitely mot the interest for any of them.

Instead Zira opted for a different route when she graduated from highschool. That being the route of becoming a professional fighter. It was one few expected, but with her parents having passed away just before graduating, Zira felt the urge to cjallenge and test herself. Maybe as her own form of grieving.

Regardless she first made a go at Boxing. The most direct and straight forward sport. One where she excelled due to her natural strength and built up skill at fighting. During this time however Zira also took the time to improve herself. Learming more conventional and traditional forms of martial arts such as Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, and Tae Kwon Do, even dabbling just a bit in Capoeira.

As a result of over two years Zira deceided to start branching out a bit, entering in individual martial arts tournaments… either winning them or coming close to it. Over the years she also even dabed in pther projects. Like modeling for sports catalogues or doing some martial arts roles in various youtube projects and small time independent movies. Though these were only really when she needed an extra influx of cash really, and she didn’t exactly think much of them, or actors in general really.

Although that particular stance would change over time. As by the time she had hit twenty three Zira would find herself meeting a man who paid for a premium ring side to ‘observe’ as he said when meeting her after. Though she nearly cleaned his clock when he showed up randomly at her backstage door. But the man, that hse had learned was named Mateo, was actually an actor. Apparently he had been cast in a role that required martial arts knowledgr and backround, so he had been recomended to observe her matches for ‘research’.

Frankly Zira didn’t really get it, and she honestly thought he was kind of a pervert. But he was persistent and seemed genuine, so she allowed him to sit in on her training sessions and opening matches in the UFC. A big deal for her since it was her first time breaking into that particular sport.

Over the time of these sit ins however Zira had admittedly gotten fond of Mateo. He was humerous and kind, and actually seemed to respect her strength and skill as opposed to fearing them. All of which things she finds very attractive, especially given she rarely find any of such traits in many people. So with him rooting for her in matches, and likewise her helping him with his film, the teo grew clpser and closer… with her eventually ending up as his date for the premiere of his movie… Their first date of many.

Over time they continued to grow closer, going on dates and eventually… getting married to eachother by the end of the year. Around the same time Zira had gained major tractiom within the UFC, racking up wins and
An incredible undefeated record, even setting herself up in position for a title sjot against the reigning champion of her weight division. Or at least she was, up until she learned that she was pregnant at least.

Naturally Zira had to be forced into a hiatus not only from the UFC, but all of her physical activities and sports. Something that Zira wasn’t exactly… happy about. Thankfully Mateo was more than able to provide for them fiven the surplus of money he made via his movie deals…. though Zira would be lying if she said it didn’t bother her to have rely solely on someone else, even if it was her husband. But uears of self reliance and independence made it jard to get used to such a paradigm shift.

Thankfully though it wasn’t a permanent shift and Zira eventually gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Immediately smitten with her daughter Zira took another two months to raise her and get the new family acclimated to their new dynamic. Afterwards however Zira immediately went back to work, training and rebuilding her muscles and shaking off the ring rust she had developed. Within a few months she was back to fighting shape, ready and willing to take the title she was promised… only to find that the champio. She was itching to fight had left the octagon.

Obviously a bit disappointed it only added a chip to Zira’s shoulder as she fought to claim her long awaited title. After doing so she defended that belt with gusto, taking on challengers as often as the company would allow her to prove herself… Something that meant she often spent most of her time training, traveling or fighting or taking care of her daughter when Mateo wasn’t able to. This when paired with Mateo’s own busy scheudle meant that the two actually soent very little time with eachother.

An issue that the two didn’t think much kf at the time. After all they were both busy and successful. It was only natural to be busy and they were both willing to give eachother neccessary space. However… over the next two years things like pressure, milestones of their daughter, and patience for one another began to slip through the cracks of their schedules. Leading to problems with their marriage, and tension between eachother that even their daighter could pick up on.

Such is the problem Zira and Mateo find themselves in in the present day. Both with extremely busy schedules, wanting the other to step up for the family, but neither willing to back down. In all honesty the only saving grace was a certain face Zira knew resurfacing in a Japanese wrestling promotion known as LAW.

Interest piqued by this Zira pitched a rather crazy idea… thst they both learn how to wrestle and join LAW. That they make a wager and see who has more wins in a year, wjtb the loser being forced to step back from their job. In all honesty a fair arrangement, one that Mateo agreed with and in time the two began to train together, learning how to wrestle. Naturally Zira took to it well and was ready in record time with Mateo not being far behind ber in terms of how quickly he picked things up. Now both Zira and Mateo are ready to debut and get this bet going… only question is who will win?
Last edited by Bare on Fri Oct 21, 2022 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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