Beach Match! Victory awarded via a pin, submission, knockout or disqualification. The ring will have no canvas and will be set up by placing 4 ringposts in the sand and trying ropes around them

"Phew! That's the last of em!" Sumiko said as she drove the last ringpost firmly into the sand below. It was made of a lightweight metal. The pole was hollow, but it was still decently heavy. The burnette would wipe the sweat from her brow as she looked at the handiwork. All four ringposts were set it. All that was left to do was set up the ropes and turnbuckles. Sumiko was an active and energetic girl. She liked to keep herself busy. So when she offered the idea to upper management, they were more than happy to let her help with setting up this beach match in as literal a sense as possible. Sumiko would fetch the colored rope from the official that had accompanied her. The referee was clad in typical attire. She nodded as the Japanese wrestler monologued for a bit and passersby began to gather around, driven by the curiousness invoked from seeing the petite yet toned lightweight section off a portion of the beach to make what seemed to be an impromptu wrestling ring.
"Thanks again for letting me help out! I'd have felt bad just watching production gals like you do all the work. And it's been good to kill time like this while waiting for someone on the LAW roster to answer my open challenge. Something about going at it on the beach, bare sand beneath our feet. Beach matches are super fun. I don't know who accepted, but whoever they are, I hope they're ready to grapple till sundown because Sumiko is ready!"
Dreamer was all fired up, as usual. She practically zipped around the ringposts as she attached the padding for the turnbuckles and tied the ropes to them. Within minutes, everything seemed good to go. She'd let out an audible exhale and place her hands on her hips as a small crowd formed and eyed her and the ring with curious expressions. Sumiko would begin to tug on the ropes to ensure the ring's integrity as she waited for whichever LAW wrestler it was that answered her challenge to arrive on the scene!