Harada Hana vs Sumiko Dreamer - Beach Match

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Harada Hana vs Sumiko Dreamer - Beach Match

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Location: The Beach

Beach Match! Victory awarded via a pin, submission, knockout or disqualification. The ring will have no canvas and will be set up by placing 4 ringposts in the sand and trying ropes around them

"Phew! That's the last of em!" Sumiko said as she drove the last ringpost firmly into the sand below. It was made of a lightweight metal. The pole was hollow, but it was still decently heavy. The burnette would wipe the sweat from her brow as she looked at the handiwork. All four ringposts were set it. All that was left to do was set up the ropes and turnbuckles. Sumiko was an active and energetic girl. She liked to keep herself busy. So when she offered the idea to upper management, they were more than happy to let her help with setting up this beach match in as literal a sense as possible. Sumiko would fetch the colored rope from the official that had accompanied her. The referee was clad in typical attire. She nodded as the Japanese wrestler monologued for a bit and passersby began to gather around, driven by the curiousness invoked from seeing the petite yet toned lightweight section off a portion of the beach to make what seemed to be an impromptu wrestling ring.

"Thanks again for letting me help out! I'd have felt bad just watching production gals like you do all the work. And it's been good to kill time like this while waiting for someone on the LAW roster to answer my open challenge. Something about going at it on the beach, bare sand beneath our feet. Beach matches are super fun. I don't know who accepted, but whoever they are, I hope they're ready to grapple till sundown because Sumiko is ready!"

Dreamer was all fired up, as usual. She practically zipped around the ringposts as she attached the padding for the turnbuckles and tied the ropes to them. Within minutes, everything seemed good to go. She'd let out an audible exhale and place her hands on her hips as a small crowd formed and eyed her and the ring with curious expressions. Sumiko would begin to tug on the ropes to ensure the ring's integrity as she waited for whichever LAW wrestler it was that answered her challenge to arrive on the scene!
Last edited by winner3 on Tue Oct 22, 2019 1:59 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Harada Hana vs Sumiko Dreamer - Beach Match

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As she stepped out of the beach house and into the sand, Hana allowed herself a rare smile. Unlike the massive arenas of LAW, the beach was somewhere the redheaded bodybuilder could feel at home. The sand beneath her toes, the warm on her skin, Hana took a deep breath and listened to the ocean. While working on her physique, the beach was somewhere Hana could go to feel confident, meet other like-minded fitness enthusiasts, and see the kind of reaction she got to what she was doing with her body. It was almost always a good reaction, but it was nice to check every so often. Besides, Hana thought, she needed the confidence boost lately ...
Slinging her beach towel over her shoulder and taking a deep swig from her water bottle, Hana stepped out onto the beach. It seemed a good day for it, sunny and warm. Lots of folks out and about, from children to older couples, to water sports enthusiasts to dog walkers. Hana's tentative smile broke all the way into a grin.

It was this warm feeling that prompted Hana to answer the open beach challenge. She didn't know who the opponent would be, but with a surge of confidence, in her home turf, maybe Hana could squeak out that elusive win in official competition. Another glance around the beach, and it was easy to see where she was expected, with the impromptu ring set up and the crowd already gathering to watch two women go at it.

"Are you Sumiko?" Hana asked, as she reached the ring. "I-I mean, I thought so, but if there was another beach challenge happening today ... That is, you're the one I'm here to challenge, right?" Hana was just now stepping between the ropes, and already she felt like she'd made things awkward. Kneeling by her corner, Hana placed her water bottle and her towel on the sand, trying no to fumble with it too much.

"I wasn't expecting a ring," Hana said, as she stood up. "I don't know what I expected, but this is neat! I can't wait to take someone on, on familiar turf!" Hana made her way to the center of the ring, with her hand extended. Maybe if she started this one nice, it could end nicely, too ...
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Harada Hana vs Sumiko Dreamer - Beach Match

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A beautiful and amicable, yet shy red-head approached the brunette wrestler. Sumiko had already worked up a bit of a sweat, but her energy and spirit never wavered. Her smile didn't either. Sumiko had already expressed eagerness and anticipation with her opponent. When Hana arrived and introduced herself, she couldn't help but grin ear to ear.

"Sumiko Dreamer! That's me! Come on in!" She declared whilst waving happily to the smiling woman just outside the ring. Sumiko was eager to throw down. She had always pursued a fun and spirited contest first and foremost. After giving Hana a chance to enter the ring and place her belongings, the Japanese-American girl approached for further discussion.

"Indeed! Let's you and I have an awesome match! It's gonna be fun, healthy competition!" Still brimming with energy, she'd try to continue psyching herself up, as well as her opponent! Sumiko's white-clad bikini frame was slightly, but noticeably smaller than Hana's. Being a weight class above Sumiko and sporting a more toned bod than her certainly seemed to convince certain members of the audience that Harada had the advantage. But despite being something of an underdog, Sumiko seemed pumped. If anything, she fed off of it!

"Thank you so much for accepting my challenge! You seem like you'll be a strong opponent for sure!" She'd say while leaning in to give Hana a hug. If the gesture was accepted, Dreamer would make begin to make some small talk while the cameras and officials made preparations.

"You said this is familiar turf, yeah? Do you have a history with beach matches? This is my first one and I'm psyched to get to throw down with you!"
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Re: Harada Hana vs Sumiko Dreamer - Beach Match

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Hana sized up the young woman, following her introductions. She was definitely fit, and she seemed enthusiastic. Very enthusiastic. Hana couldn't help but wonder how that would translate into her in-ring efforts. Still, Hana couldn't deny that it was infectious ...

When Sumiko came in for the hug, Hana was startled. Her eyes shot open, her eyebrows went up, but she still returned the hug. Her firm body flexed a little bit, tensing against Sumiko, as she squeezed her a littleand patted the girl across the back.

"Y-yes," Hana said, nodding, "this should be a good match! I'm looking forward to it ..." She looked around to the crew preparing to shoot the match, and the crowd of onlookers that was gathering. Hana's face reddened a bit, as she realized she was about to be doing this in front of so many people.

"I, um, I've never done a beach match before," Hana admitted. "I would spend a lot of time on the beach, though. Working out, fitness competitions, volleyball, that sort of thing. I probably shouldn't have admitted I've never done a beach match before ... Er, I mean, I think I've got the idea, anyway, so, yeah! Harder to grapple on than a mat, but not as tough to land on? I mean, I've done competition on the beach before, how hard could it be?" Hana's blush only deepened, as she thought she might have just made a grave tactical error. Embarrassment crept into Hana's face, as she backed away.

"I, uhm, I've been looking forward to throwing down with you, too!" Hana added, still fumbling to recover. "I see a couple of my old bodybuilding friends over there, actually, so I guess I have to show off for them a bit, too. So, let's make this the best match we can!" Hana was trying to psych herself up, and Sumiko's energy made it a bit easier. Maybe, hopefully, the young girl would be a bit less ruthless than many of Hana's previous opponents ...
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Harada Hana vs Sumiko Dreamer - Beach Match

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Sumiko would listen intently when her nice, new, redheaded friend explained her exploits and her hobbies and feats both in and out of the squared circle. The enthused brunette practically looked at Hana with a wide smile and starry-eyed expression! She had already gotten carried away!

"Ohhhhhh! That's so awesome, Hana! I try to work on my strength all the time, to show people that I can pull off great feats despite my size!" Sumiko would say whilst raising her arms and bending them to flex. Her biceps, while not super-sizable, were visible. She'd abruptly break her stance to continue talking. "Like, even today! I took time to set up this ring enclosure on the sands, all by myself! JUST for the workout!"

Dreamer would lean in close to Harada and stare at the bikini-clad bombshell's impressive core! Her mouth formed a small "o" in awe of what she was looking at. The audience only grew in number as the two continued interacting and getting to know one another.

"But you've been in fitness competitions! You look like it, too! Can I feel your muscles? I hope that's not weird! They just look sooo impressive!" Clearly, Sumiko had skipped over the part where Hana had never wrestled a beach match. What the lightweight dynamo lacked in strategic prowess, she compensated for with high-energy enthusiasm and amicability. Sumiko continued shifting gears, perhaps in an unintentionally annoying way.

"Oh! You mentioned some of your friends over there are bodybuilders! Maybe after this match, I can wrestle them, too!" She'd say after turning around and gazing into the distance in an effort to get a good look.
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Re: Harada Hana vs Sumiko Dreamer - Beach Match

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Hana was impressed by how enthusiastically Sumiko listened to her. Her opponent didn't seem intimidated at all by the list of Hana's accomplishments. If anything, it seemed to make her all the more enthusiastic for the match! Hana's eyes widened a little bit, as she watched Sumiko react gleefully to her attempt at boasting.

Hana looked Sumiko up and down wordlessly as she posed, taking in the young woman's physique. She was clearly trained, visibly stronger than some girls in LAW. Hana suddenly became very self conscious, looking out to the fans in attendance and wondering how they might be stacking Sumiko's physique up against her own. Was she measuring up?

"Hey!" Hana flinched, when she looked back and caught Sumiko getting her face in there, admiring her abs. If nothing else, it seemed her opponent was impressed with Hana's body. Hana was caught off-guard by Sumiko's request, throwing her even further off her game.

"Um, sure," Hana said, giggling nervously. She didn't want to come across like a bitch, or anything. Especially since the crowd for this beach match seemed to be growing by the moment. Putting her weight on one foot, Hana engaged her abs, tensing them, showing off the definition in her belly as she brought her arms up and flexed them for a simple, but impressive, pose. Hana could hear camera phones coming out in the distance.

"Y-you could try wrestling them," Hana said, giggling more sincerely at Sumiko's suggestion of facing her friends. Then, she tried to get serious, remembering that they were about to have a match. "But, I don't think you'll be in any shape to, when I'm done with you!"
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Re: Harada Hana vs Sumiko Dreamer - Beach Match

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Sumiko was enjoying her interactions with Hana. Despite being a bit "much" for many LAW cohorts at times, Hana hadn't brushed Sumiko aside or asked her to tone it down. Rather, the beautiful, toned redhead asserted herself as formidable competition! When she claimed that the newer lightweight wrestler wouldn't be in any shape to compete right after having wrestled her new friend, Sumiko's eyes lit up with determination. Dreamer bent her arms, raised both fists, and clenched them. She looked into Hana's eyes.

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear! Give me your best shot, Hana!" With that said, the audience began to become invested in the tension between these two bikini-clad beauties.

With Sumiko's posture and words suggesting that she was ready to throw down, the official would approach and inquire about starting things off. Sumiko would nod her head to the female referee in a resolute fashion before turning her attention back to Hana.

"I knew taking the time to set up thing ring and this match would be well worth the effort! Thanks again for being my opponent, Hana! I'm sure you're even tougher than you look!" She'd say before putting her hand out and a pre-match handshake. There was a fine line between antagonizing your foe and trying to bring out the best in them. And Sumiko aimed to bear on the latter side of that line

If all went well and Hana accepted her gesture, the brunette lightweight would leave tracks in the sand beneath her as she made her way to her corner. She'd stretch and flex. The air of intensity never left Sumiko's presence. When the announcements were made, Dreamer would happily wave to the crowd that had gathered. She'd give a nod to Hana's friends in the distance before looking across the ring at Hana, herself with an eager smile.

Once everyone was made aware that the loser had to be buried in sand, the crowd would react and look on curiously. With only seconds left until the bell, all eyes in the area were set on the events of this heated beach wrestling match!
Last edited by winner3 on Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Harada Hana vs Sumiko Dreamer - Beach Match

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Hana found that her attempts to sound tough and trash talk her opponent hadn't really worked. They never did, when Hana thought about it. However, instead of provoking Sumiko to outdo her in intimidation, it just seemed to fire up the young woman's enthusiasm! Hana caught herself smiling little bit as the smaller, peppier girl enthusiastically squared up for the match.

It didn't hurt that Sumiko had complimented Hana as well, of course, something that made the bodybuilder blush lightly from her cheeks down to her upper chest. "At least somebody think I look tough," she muttered, smiling. The ref stepped in then, ready to start this match off. Hana took some deep breaths, trying to steady her nerves through the opening announcements of the match.

Prepping for the coming conflict, Hana backed up to the corner and grabbed the top rope. She stretched her arms, and flexed her toned shoulder muscles. Going low, Hana's strong thighs and calves flexed, inadvertently showing off a little bit for the fans. Rising back up to her full height, Hana braced herself against the turnbuckle, flexing her oiled abs in the sunlight. Looking around at the crowd, Hana was impressed that all of this could be set up at a beach ...

Hana returned Sumiko's eager smile as the announcement was made of the match stipulation. Hana tried and failed to not wince. She could already imagine the feeling of wet, sticky sand burying her body if she lost this one. She couldn't dwell on it, she told herself. Too many times already, Hana had beaten herself before the opening bell. Even now, Hana had to stay positive!

Hana looked to the crowd, raising her arms and flexing to some applause, as the opening bell sounded. She tried to focus on her years here as a bodybuilder, growing in both build and actual, physical power. Did she have that over Sumiko? She was nervous, but there was only one way to find out ...

Hana slowly approached the center of the ring after the opening bell, reaching out her hands and taking a wide stance. She smiled sincerely to Sumiko, trying to reassure her that this wasn't a cheap shot in the making. Instead, Hana offered her outstretched hands, trying to challenge the young woman to a test of strength, in the middle of the ring!
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Re: Harada Hana vs Sumiko Dreamer - Beach Match

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Hana's stretches did attract plenty of gazes, as well as audible whistle and cheers. Sumiko wasn't quite as well endowed as her middleweight opponent. The slightest tinge of redness found it's way onto her face as the redhead readied herself to throw down. Truth be told, Sumiko's admiration of Hana's formidable body was almost as much raw enthusiasm and respect as it was fondness.

While the brunette wasn't always the most perceptive, it was clear enough to her that Hana was trying to push past own inhibitions and concerns with the stipulation in order to give it her all. Sumiko was a wrestler that valued a competitor's genuine and best effort whenever she stepped into the squared circle. The brawny lightweight girl adjusted her bikini top and stepped forth at the sound of the bell. She happily met Harada in the center of the ring and exchanged smiles with. Though Sumiko's countenance portrayed energy along with sincerity, she made a somewhat conspicuous effort at dialing it back when she took Hana's hand.

The petite girl began pushing forward with considerable force, but not enough to overpower Hana outright. She'd try to stand her ground and instead, cheer her opponent on to charge at her with everything she could muster.

"Come on, Hana! Give me all ya got! Ha-na! Ha-na! Ha-na!" Dreamer roared. As she got into it, Hana's friends in the crowd joined in on the chant. Soon, it would catch on with much of the crowd, and the cheers became audible to the LAW production crew covering the match, as well as other paseserbys on the beach! All the while, Sumiko's muscles flexed as she tried to rival the bodybuilder's own. For her size, Sumiko was quite strong, but even she was wise enough to realize that if both herself and Hana gave it their all, the larger, more endowed, and more trained woman and bodybuilder in Harada would come out on top!

Sumiko opted to meet Hana's pushes with equal force in the test of strength. Every time her opponent upped the force with which she pushed, Sumiko would stand her ground and meet the charge head-on. She'd keep this up until the differences in the peaks of their strength became clear! Before she took Hana's hand and accepted this Contest of Strenght, Sumiko had already accepted the likely outcome of the challenge, her own defeat. But she was more than willing to see it through if it meant instilling Hana with the confidence she needed to go all out uninhibited, and if it meant that she'd get to experience her foe's strength in its entirety!
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Re: Harada Hana vs Sumiko Dreamer - Beach Match

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This was it, Hana told herself. No backing down now. She was going to take on Sumiko right here, on a sunny beach in front of many of her old friends, an show them what she went into professional wrestling to do. She was going to put that body, that build she'd put so much work into over the years, up against another woman. Hopefully, to find victory. Even though, up to now, she hadn't found a way to earn that in the ring ...

The two women's fingers interlocked, and Sumiko came on strong. "Ngh! W-whaa ..." Hana moaned lightly, a little surprised by how hard the smaller girl was taking it to her. From her body, it was clear that Sumiko had put a lot of work into building strength, but Hana wasn't quite expecting all this force from the smaller woman! Grunting, Hana tried to push back. Her buxom frame quivering, Hana flexed her shoulders and tried to put some strength into her arms. She surged forward, pushing against Sumiko and starting to gain ground.

However, Sumiko didn't crumble. Instead, the young brunette surged forward herself. "Ah!" Hana squealed, hoping that nobody had heard her. Hana's body trembled as she fell back, her shoulders starting to grind together. Still, the redheaded bodybuilder wouldn't let herself fall. Not like this, not when she could see this crowd she knew and loved pulling for her! So instead, Hana flexed her glutes, pressed up from her waist, and righted her spine against Sumiko's surge.

The two women struggled against one another for long moments, before Hana finally regained and kept the upper hand. The fans, both new and seasoned, were watching from the edge of the boardwalk. This was an honest contest, with neither woman taking a cheap shot or an easy way out. They simply pressed against one another, looking to find the inevitable victor!

Hana pushed in, arms spreading a bit wide. Her torso surged forward, bust slapping against Sumiko's upper body as Hana looked to rise to her full height. Hana's body flexed, from her glutes up to her triceps, as she pushed down on Sumiko. If the girl relented, gave any ground at all, Hana would press down on her, twisting her fingers and shoving her body down to the sand below them. Beads of sweat were forming at Hana's brow with the effort, and she couldn't tell if the burning on her shoulders was from the sun or the effort. Hana put everything she had into this final surge, a low rumble erupting from her throat as she pressed hard into Sumiko, looking to dominate her in the opening moments of this match!
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