Carol Gardner

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Carol Gardner

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »


Name: Carol Gardner
Age: 26
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Pink
Height: 5'11
Weight: 199 lbs
Nationality: America
Alignment: Heel

Full Body
Glamour Shot
Carol is much like her sister, slightly less strong but a bit more creative. She is always quick with a verbal jab, never failing to mock her opponents to get a good laugh from anyone around, usually her sister. Outside of the ring, she is usually quite talkative, cracking jokes at the expense of those around her, making her dislike by most, though nobody would ever call her boring.

Carol had a similarly rough upbringing with her sister. Born in a bad neighborhood, she was the more street smart of the sister, opting to take every opportunity she could to take the sneaky way out, not that she wasn't just as tough as her sister. She got involved in some inner city gangs in her early twenties, working as an enforcer with her sister, because of her size and power. But after the two had been arrested one too many times, they gave it up. When her sister had initially suggested wrestling, Carol was quite skeptical, but after her sister told her how much she was making, and that she was becoming a dangerous figure, the power and money were too much to resist, and Carol quickly followed.


Strategy: Goes in ready to use her strength and size to overpower her opponent, looking to crush her foes early. Those who are able to stand toe to toe with her will find she uses her experience and her mouth to try and throw off her foes, looking to make them make mistakes, while trying to take the upper hand early.

Preferred Attacks: Brawling, Strikes, Throws, and Slams

Preferred Matches: Standard, Street Fight, No DQ

Attitude towards Hentai: "You'd love that, wouldn't you?"


General Stats
-Endurance: 2/5 - Prefers to end fights quick, poor stamina.
-Strength: 4/5 - Slightly weaker than her sister, but still has incredible strength.
-Speed: 3/5 - Quick enough for a heavyweight, able to surprise some opponents.
-Defense: 4/5 - Able to take a lot of punishments, foes will have to wear her down over time.
-Technique: 2/5 - Brute force, not very technical.

Wrestling Stats
-Strikes: 4/5 - Very strong strikes.
-Submissions: 1.5/5 - Very basic, a big weakness for her.
-Power Moves: 4.5/5 - Big power, able to muscle around most. Has a harder time when a match goes long.
-Aerial Moves: 1/5 - Nope.
-Counters: 3/5 - Can power out of some moves, however, many submissions give her trouble.


Signature Moves

Perfect-plex: Bridging fisherman's suplex.

Triple Powerbomb: Three powerbombs in a row. After the first two, she will muscle her opponent back up, and after the third, she will go for the pin.


Street-smart Slam: A move that Carol used to use to deal with unruly folks on the streets, a reverse Alabama slam, with Carol throwing her foes down on their head and chest!
Hard Knocks: Carol flips her opponent in circle, building momentum before slamming them down on her knee, hitting them with a big backbreaker before going for a pin.


Friends: None yet.

Allies: None yet.

Rivals: None yet.

Enemies: None yet.

Crushes: None yet.
Last edited by ADarlingDucky on Wed Mar 21, 2018 10:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Carol Gardner

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Record: 0/1/0

1. Carol Gardner vs Lauren Fredericks - Loss via Pinfall (Carol was pinned after Lauren's Showtime (two backbreakers and a fallaway slam))

2. Carol Gardner vs Kanata Yamamoto - Ongoing
Last edited by ADarlingDucky on Thu Jul 26, 2018 8:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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