Best Two Out of Three: Evelyn Fallanger (D) vs Dr Mina Takemi

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Re: Best Two Out of Three: Evelyn Fallanger (D) vs Dr Mina Takemi

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Per the moments they had in stasis, Evelyn collected her thoughts. Overwhelming power sat in Mina’s limbs, something she countered once, but the threat remained. Crippling said power meant targeting a limb. Typically, a dominant limb, but she was no mind reader, unlike Mina. The latter deciphered everything from the perks beneath her outfit, the racing heart rate, all unavoidable signs beyond Evelyn’s level of acting capability. Still, locked face to face, Evelyn’s grin reached its apex, forming dimples as she exchanged banter blow for blow. Not even a coin could slip between them, listening to the faintest breath. For this rookie, her eyes and mind were wholly focused on Mina’s countenance, gaping at just how bold this woman was. Should she be impressed? Afraid? Beyond contemplation, she held a light admiration for it, contrasting to her preference of dipping everything in slight nuance. She maintained her grin, but the wink made her face burn like embers, biting on her bottom lip. Honey? Taste? It took a second to register and another two to fire anything back.

“Don’t ya worry, Miss Takemi. I’m all about good times. And I’ll prove it!”

Ahhh, perhaps that wasn’t the best thing to say. Words spill out when Evelyn wants to impress someone, especially for Evelyn, who ran on autopilot before landing the kick and DDT combo. Her abdominals crunched with a sudden sit-up, flipping back her hair before turning over onto all fours and popping up. Hand jutted onto her jutted hips, turning on a heel to face her writhing opponent. “Bet that hurt a bundle.” She said aloud. Although she felt ill when they screamed, she reminded herself what’s at stake and pressed on without much delay! That squirming leg became her prey, raising her boot to punish Mina’s thigh with a stomp! Compression mounted, her weight applied, trying to pin the limb. Once it felt ripe, she retreated one step then hopped, becoming parallel with the mat, hoping to target Mina’s leg again with an elbow drop!
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Re: Best Two Out of Three: Evelyn Fallanger (D) vs Dr Mina Takemi

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

The world was swimming and littered with tiny black spots after the DDT. She felt the ache of the move all the way in the small of her back... And that was a bad sign considering she'd been dropped on her head. Her hands clutched the point of impact tightly as she winced and suffered sweetly. This was what they'd signed up for however. And worse, if she fell now, there was still a whole other fall to go.

She vaguely felt the bounce of the canvas as Evelyn quickly returned to her feet. The impact of the woman's stop however was undeniable! Her bare thigh yielded in all of it's thicness to the cruelty of her boot! It caused Mina to sit up in agony before throwing herself back down and slapping against the canvas with her hands! "Ahn!" She cried out again in prolonged agony as Evelyn stood upon it, driving her weight into it!

"No- Wait!" She felt a sudden sense of clarity wash over her as Evelyn took a step back. She wasn't about to just stop... But she couldn't move. Her body was still responding poorly thanks to the DDT. And the radiating pain in her thigh made it even harder to focus!

"AAHHH~!" She screamed out as the point of Evelyn's elbow buried itself deeply in the soft muscle of her motherly thighs! Only a few inches from a low blow, the merciless maneuver caused the older woman's eyes to tear up! The limb was red from abuse and would certainly bruise! Her leg shot up to her belly and her hands wrapped around it, cradling it tightly against her body in a vain attempt to soothe her kissably pale thigh!

She was left on her side cradling herself in the wake of the grounded assault! She looked over her shoulder, trying to find Evelyn through pain-filled eyes. Her bottom lip trapped firmly between her teeth as she resisted the urge to cry out more... She'd pay!

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Re: Best Two Out of Three: Evelyn Fallanger (D) vs Dr Mina Takemi

Unread post by Monsy »

One bellicose-placed foot cemented her suspicions, grinning like she’d found a chest brimming with gold. While the short plea itched Evelyn’s benign heart, the elbow dropped without hesitation, driving a boney stake into supple skin. Perfection. She landed on her back by Mina’s waist, rolling over and kneeling on their opposite side. Arms folded over a jutted knee, watching, no - stalking. Quick but controlled breathes seeped from the rookie, flashing pearly whites as she looked left and right before standing tall. She felt slightly queasy after delivering that, but one thing became clear: exploit this. Keep the pressure applied.

But when their eyes met, Evelyn hunched over, speaking gingerly as her hands reached to hook one of Mina's arms.

"No hard feelings about that, right?" She finished her little line with a wink. Once her hands hooked the tricep, she positioned one foot back and tugged. Yet, this draw stopped when they reached their knees, providing a means of isolating that targetable leg. One foot lifted, seeking to press down on Mina's calf, tucking her boot's tip behind the knee while an arm tried to wrap around their head, issuing a headlock where Mina's face could push into her side breast. If applied, it became the seedling of her plan to grind the veteran down, controlling their head and hopefully adding difficulty to counter. In Evelyn's mind, it was the perfect hold.
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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
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— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
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Re: Best Two Out of Three: Evelyn Fallanger (D) vs Dr Mina Takemi

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

Mina was still in the process of nursing her poor thigh when Evelyn pressed the attack. It was expected. They were in a fight after all. "Ngh. Let go!" She demanded pointlessly as the woman pulled her up to her knees. A moment later she found herself pressed against the pillowy flesh of Ms. Fallacy's bust. Her bikini top hardly covering the side of her breast meant that her bare skin warmed Mina's cheek. If it wasn't for the throbbing pain in her thigh she would have been in heaven.

The other wrestler braced herself further, trapping her leg under foot and preventing her from rising to her feet. "Ugh!" Mina grunted as she felt Evelyn cinch in the hold and apply some unwanted torque to her neck. She wasn't in danger of a submission from this position. While it was close to a Guillotine Choke, it wasn't quite... The maneuver was meant to wear her down. To sap her strength and eliminate her power advantage. "Just you wait till I get a hold of you!" She growled as she struggled against the hold.

Her hands were free to fight back. And they did so by bracing against the girl's waist. Her fingers curled around her body, digging into the sensitive, plump flesh of her backside. It brought a heat to the Motherweight's cheeks as she noted subconsciously how nice she felt beneath her fingertips. She pushed against her opponent attempting to relive part of the pressure. And as a consequences, squeezed and caressed her bikini veiled butt.

Hopefully for Evelyn's sake she wasn't sensitive... Any indication of arousal would be like blood in the water. And Mina was an especially hungry shark when a pretty young thing like Evelyn was involved.

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Re: Best Two Out of Three: Evelyn Fallanger (D) vs Dr Mina Takemi

Unread post by Monsy »

Curling her inner-lip, she wet it with a tongue. Her eyes clammed shut as her bicep flexed as seconds weighed on her limited muscle stamina. Tension was mounting in her back, and sweat glistened her grip. So with one slow breath, she remained stable, especially with Mina’s curse embellishing her already swelling confidence. “Oh yeah? Well, I can’t wait to see it. You probably have way more experience than I do, so it must suck being under my spell. Tch, tch. Not a good image for the fans. Good for me, though!” Nothing was more important than that in her mind.

Amidst the climax of punishment, two hands grabbed handfuls of her wealthy bikini-clad backside. Her hips reared back, a foot jutting forward after nearly becoming unbalanced. As those digits curled, her heart skipped, breaking composure with a quick gasp. Then heat bloomed like spring, a pinkish tint onto pale cheeks. “G-Gettin’ a little desperate now, huh?” She ushered a shaky sigh, flexing her thigh and holding out. But strain piled into her arm, loosening her hold, slowly slipping bit by bit. Soon, the grip would break. She needed an answer. Something bold. The question was, what?

The ropes. It was a gamble, costly if it blunders, but Evelyn committed anyway. So after her pinning foot lifted, she exploded into a sprint, eyes honed forward. Aided by Mina’s push, she threw her back against the ropes, rebounding at full speed. Blitzing like a missile, ready to deliver the payload, she sprung up and tried thrusting both feet at her opponent for a dropkick!
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
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Re: Best Two Out of Three: Evelyn Fallanger (D) vs Dr Mina Takemi

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

Evelyn was eager to rub in her advantage. She taunted the Ring Therapist in a way that only made her more eager to tear her apart... If she ever got the chance. The strain on her neck was adding up and she wasn't making much headway. Or at least... She didn't think she was until Evelyn twitched at her touch. She hadn't meant to molest the girl. But the nature of their close contact was such that things like this could happen, on purpose definitely, but in this case, even by accident. She was gasping and sighing from just a simple touch. Mina couldn't do anything to prevent her expression from becoming like a shark's smile.

Evelyn's hold was gradually weakening. And it wasn't long before she released her entirely! She exploded in a sprint away from Mina! But when her back was turned Mina had regained her composure! Mina rushed to meet Evelyn as she made her return trip! And as the beautiful young girl sprang upwards, Mina caught her! She captured the girl's thighs on either side of her head before she could even form the drop-kick! And she brought the girl crashing painfully back down to the canvas in a surprise sit-out powerbomb! "NO YOU DON'T!"
If the move connected it would surely be painful... But worse than that, it would leave a cooing Mina's head between Evelyn's legs. Her ankles came down upon Evelyn's shoulders, pinning her down! Her hands would rest upon her inner thighs and force them apart! The position would surely emphasize the curves of her womanhood against the fabric of her bottoms. Mina's face was close enough that Evelyn could feel her exhales against her sensitive underside. And this was infinitely more true as Mina pressed her lips cutely to the exposed flesh of the perimeter of her plump butt.

"I can't believe you would challenge me with such a sensitive, lewd body!" She grinned, talking as her lips were still pressed to Evelyn's bare skin. She nuzzled her inner thigh cutely with her nose. The revealing position sent the crowd into an uproar! They were chanting and cheering! "Look 'Miss Fallacy'. They can't wait to see your secret face!" She grinned and licked her lips. "What do you say we show them!?"
Last edited by SuckerPunch on Mon Feb 08, 2021 6:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Best Two Out of Three: Evelyn Fallanger (D) vs Dr Mina Takemi

Unread post by Monsy »

D’aaw, no return quip? So sad to hear it! It made her snicker, though. Their brief exchanges bolstered both their spirits, it seemed. She loved the healthy competition. But she needed to save her breath, too. Buying a few extra seconds, fending off strain to wear them down a little farther. And when their expressions met, she smiled back, adding a wink before bursting off. Bolting for the ropes, her return even greater. As Evelyn leaped, the crowd stood, preparing to see her enforce her control until suddenly, Mina snatched her.

Absorbing the girl’s momentum, Evelyn felt her world stop before being plunged into the canvas. Back-first, her lungs deflated with a scream. Pain coaxing her limbs to sweet surrender while dizziness racked her vision. The crowd cheered the surprise reversal. It felt like she floated in the heavens. Her eyes wandered, and she found foreign legs pinning her shoulder down. Still, all she did was scratch at their boots, trying to turn onto her side. Then reality checked in, finding her legs dangling to either side with Mina aligned at her centre.

She was vulnerable. Sparks dazzled her core as warm breath cooed across the bikini-clad valley, and warm lips peppered the supple skin along its edge. Blood rushed towards her neck and face, blossoming the earlier pink cheeks into bright, flawless rubies. “L-Lewd? Me?” The words were like caffeine. It boosted her heart rate from a steady patter into an uneasy skip. Nervous sweat formed on her nape and pinned shoulders. Her attire choice came to haunt her. Skimpy, shamelessly showing off a majority of her skin; the dignified places kept sheathed only by a few knots. The crowd’s pop only hastened her breath, making her swallow hard as her eyes turned to see their fists raised, egging on the display. Neither did the referee come to make the count.

What could she do? Plead? Fight? Curse them?

"H-Hah, sure! The only lewdie around here is you, lady! M-Ma'am... Miss Tak-.” She forced a laugh, quickly backrolling her retort before both arms came and cusped her own mouth, stifling her stumbling voice. Squirming her legs, she tried finding leeway with ultimate hopes to envelop Mina’s head and bring her in. In tandem, her hips writhed, and her shoulders jerked, attempting to lift. Something had to give, right? Either this hold or the truth behind a woman who dubs herself Miss Fallacy.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
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Re: Best Two Out of Three: Evelyn Fallanger (D) vs Dr Mina Takemi

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

Mina grinned from her position lording over Miss Fallacy's body. She was lovely. As if molded from clay. And in this position all of her curve were on display. Every struggle and kick caused something to jiggle enticingly. Her soft cheeks tinged red with embarrassment. She was just... Too cute!

"Ara ara... You're blushing Miss Fallacy. What ever is the matter? Surely you're not getting turned on by being overpowered... Are you?" The position gave the ring therapist free reign over the blonde's pinned body and it did not seem as though the ref was planning on making the save. She too knew what the audience had come for and the young blonde found herself in a rather precarious humiliation hold.

Evelyn lashed out! She tried to bring her luscious legs about Mina's head. To pull her in and shake herself free... But Mina's hands simply adorned the girl's inner thighs, holding her at bay and spreading her wider. Showing off the muscles in her inner thighs. "So eager to have my face between your thighs? And here I thought you weren't a... Lewdie, was it?" She bit her lip as she observed the girl.

"Don't worry Miss Fallacy, I'll make sure everyone knows the truth about this slutty body of yours!" Mina kept her hands braced on Evelyn's thighs, spreading her wide and putting her on display. The big screen at the top of the ramp showed her shame in stunning high definition... But Mina wasn't done.

Her thumbs roamed inward and pressed firmly upon the very edges of the blonde's attire, pinning the fabric to the curve of her vulva. And then she pulled them apart! She pulled Evelyn's bottom's taut over her flower while also spreading her pussy! If she was wet, the damp fabric would be nearly transparent! Mina spread her shamefully under her attire! Her bottoms becoming a topographical map of her femininity. "Look on the big screen Miss Fallacy! It's your special place! We can all see it! Listen to how excited your plump little secret is making everyone!"

At a glance it was easy to see just how excited Mina was. Her expression was lewd. Hungry. But beyond that, the crowd was in an uproar! There were women in the audience who were staring at her exposure wide eyed. Mouths agape. And hands on themselves. There was no denying that LAW was the lewdest show on earth. And right now, Evelyn Fallanger was the main event. She was what everyone had come to see... For better, or for worse!

"Tell the truth! What feels better? My touch? Or knowing that all eyes are on you?"
Last edited by SuckerPunch on Mon Feb 08, 2021 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Best Two Out of Three: Evelyn Fallanger (D) vs Dr Mina Takemi

Unread post by Monsy »

Her earlier words came back to haunt her. She was on her back, dazed, spread wide, the thin-coverings of her bikini as the only protection for her dignity. She’d fight! Her legs sprung like vipers, trying to envelop Mina’s head on both flanks. Surprise as her edge. Alas, it wasn’t enough. Strength had caught her speed, parting them beyond her comfort zone. Balling her hands into white-knuckle fists, wincing as her hamstrings cried out in protest. Those damn words were aggravating her ears. “Not at all! I swear.”

After all, no one could prove something so depraved when she’s stuck and in clear pain!

No other company had shamed her this way. L.A.W was a new beast, its spectators yearning for eye-candy and utter domination. Her legs fed the craving like a buffet, lavished upon a big screen, presenting every asset like a gift. They drank up every writhe, stretch and shiver. And being slammed with such potent words. Did she want to lash out? Of course. But she wanted to stay smiling, retain confidence. The crowd will know she wasn't shaken! That's right; she will overcome this. In contrast to such hopeful thoughts, her head turned, the heat starting to radiate in her cheeks. By now, the intention was all too clear - she was no fool. Escape would become paramount.

Could she roll over? No, Mina’s legs kept her shoulders. What about throwing to one side? Mina controlled her waist.

What then? What?! “Wha?!” Pried from her private reality came Mina’s hand, dancing past her bottom’s hem and across the flush surface. A warm, shuddering sensation coaxed her lips to open and gasp. Her expression was timid, chewing on a bottom lip, watching, but doing nothing. Even so, her eyes gaped when those thumps dipped into her fabric, the sensation exploding into subtle pleasure. It was as if they were alone. Her folds were splayed for all eyes to witness. The cameras donned upon the treat, giving Miss Fallacy the pop she desired! At first, her hand jolted, spurred by a cocktail of shock and shame. But it stopped short of shielding the view. Why? She was already bathing in heat, a sweat rose underneath her shoulderblades and across her forehead, her heart bludgeoning against her chest. Yet, a particular rush filled her body. It was foreign exhilaration. The type that rendered her speechless. Motionless. Was the attention really all hers? No! She shouldn’t worry about that.

Her head started shaking with passion, trying to sheath it from the cameras with her hand. Her second now intruded on Mina’s display, attempting to stretch over her parted folds. All the while, she made her protest known, mustering the fight to end their slew of poisonous words!

“N-Neither! Just-Just… Let me go!” 
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Best Two Out of Three: Evelyn Fallanger (D) vs Dr Mina Takemi

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

"Neither!?" Mina asked in outrage as one of her hands released the girl's inner thigh.

*Smack!* Mina's powerful right hand clapped down upon Miss Fallacy's near bare butt in a resounding spank! It was quickly withdrawn, so as not to obscure the sight of the pleasant quivering that occurred as a result. It was a stinging spank. One that would leave a red hand print upon her tush, but no bruises. The only bruising would be of her pride as she was reprimanded like a child misbehaving.

"Don't lie!"
*Smack!* She gave the other wrestler another shameful, burning clap on her hindquarters! This time her hand didn't leave however.

"Tell the truth, Ms. Fallacy! You're excited that all of these people are watching you, aren't you?" She looked down on the woman through the gap in her parted thighs. The hand that had remained on her ass gently massaged and kneaded the erogenous zone that she had previously been punishing. Soothing the pain with sensual comfort. "Admiring your body and lusting for you. They want to see more... And you love it, don't you, Ms. Fallacy?"

The Ring Therapist had begun to work her craft. Evelyn's expressions, her hesitance, all of it was giving her away. It helped that Mina had felt the same thing before... The duality of shame and fame. "I bet it's making you wet, isn't it?" She licked her lips lasciviously as she all but moaned the suggestive words to her captive audience. "Move your hands, give the people what they want! You're a performer after all, aren't you?" She asked cruelly.

"All eyes are on you!" She said as she pressed her digits into the aching muscles of her glutes. The strain of the match and the sting of the spanks... They made the relief of the groping all the more pronounced... Mina watched and waited... To see if she was right. Was little Ms. Fallacy an exhibitionist? Was she getting off on being watched like this? Her reactions would tell the truth, even if her words didn't!

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