Tina vs. Morgana

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Tina vs. Morgana

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Match Type: Standard

Tina was ready to try to get her hands on Summer and her little group of minions. She wanted to steamroll them all into the ground and try to goad Summer out into a fight. She knew she could beat Summer in a straight match, Summer only won because she kept cheating. Tina was going to prove herself out there tonight against Morgana.

As her music played Tina came out and waved to the crowd, smiling and pointing to them as they cheered her arrival. She was feeling fired up and more than ready to smash Morgana. She was going to make a very public example out of her and send a message to Summer if she had her way. Tina ran towards the ring, sliding in underneath the ropes before standing up in the ring taking her place in the corner and leaning back as she awaited Morgana.

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Re: Tina vs. Morgana

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For the first time in her career here in law , Morgana Corvi was going to compete in an normal match as she could not wait to show everyone what she could do. As the Italian had already put on her black leotard as she was pulled the gloves on as now only the cloak was left. On her Leotard and Gloves she had placed round orange symboles as the Raven would place the hood over her head as she left the dressing room.

As she reached the backstage the Italian wrestler would just talk with the crew members there to pass the time until it was her time to make an entrance. As she would begin to smirk when she heard Angel of Darkness by Alex C ft Yasmin K started to play as the lights in the arena would go out at the exact same time..

Running on the entrance ramp she would stand their in the dark until 20 seconds had past , and Yasmin . K would sing the line Angel of darkness for the third time. As on that moment for a few seconds the spotlight would shine on her , and then go off again as she walked down to the ring as during certain moments the spotlight would shine on her again as she strikes a pose while it happened. As the fans were cheering loudly the announcer was trying to introduce her as he said ''now entering from Rome,Italy.Weighing in at about 150ibs,it's Morgana Corvi'' as she would reach the ring , and enter it while the lights were still out. Then when the music would stop playing a spotlight would shine in the middle of the ring to reveal her standing their , and then go out as the lights would turn back on in the arena as she then said ''Well I know you people bin waiting to see me beat someone in an normal match for an while now. So I hope your ready to see me beat up the former champion tonight''as the fans cheered loudly as they hoped to see an good match between the two.

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Re: Tina vs. Morgana

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Tina watched her confident opponent come down to the ring and she stood with her hands on her hips. She caught the words of her opponent and shook her head as she stepped up to the center of the ring. "I am gonna toss that flabby ass of yours all over the ring and show you how bad of an idea it is to be cocky when you step in between the ropes with me." Tina said with a smile, winking at Morgana.

The bell rang and Tina waste no time in trying to establish herself as she rushed right at Morgana looking to fly into her with a running lariat to send her opponent immediately crashing down to the canvas!

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Re: Tina vs. Morgana

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The bell had barely even rang when the other wrestler went on the attack as the Italian tried to avoid the incoming Tina , but would be unable to dodge as she got knocked down to the mat with one of the most painful running lariats she had ever experienced. As she would be looking up at the lights for the first , and hopefully last time of the match as this was not how Morgana had expected this match to go.

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Re: Tina vs. Morgana

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Tina ran in and kicked off the match favorably, but now it was up to her to keep the momentum going. The tigress bent down to pull Morgana up by the arm before trying to wrap her up and grab hold, attempting to quickly continue her offense by sending Morgana to the mat with a snap suplex! Tina was trying to really focus herself and keep working away at her opponent as she was aiming to quickly get herself a win tonight for the crowd. She was also trying to build herself up and get her hands on certain women who seemed to be dodging her as well.

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Re: Tina vs. Morgana

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Morgana would just groan as she was forced to send as Tina forced her to stand as she felt the Tigress to keep her trapped. As before the Italian even knew it she was slammed onto the mat as it seemed the former champ was not messing around. Since Tina went full steam ahead as Morgana would be tossed around like an ragdoll right now as the fans cheered the other wrestler on.

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Re: Tina vs. Morgana

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Tina was really starting to roll and she smiled as she sprang up running towards the ropes as quickly as she could, leaping up onto the middle rope springboarding off and flying through the air to crash down on Morgana with a springboard moonsault!

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Re: Tina vs. Morgana

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Morgana would slowly rise to her feet as Tina rushed towards the ropes as the Italian would watch as her opponent flew towards her as she tried , and failed to caught Tina as she ended up on her back with the American above her.

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Re: Tina vs. Morgana

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Tina came crashing down onto Morgana and stayed on top of her, reaching down to hook a leg as she was going for a quick pin against her foe! The referee saw the moonsault and slid in to place to get ready knowing that a count could be coming.


Tina held her breath wondering if her quick blitz at the start would be enough to put away her opponent although Tina wasn't sure what was going to happen. She kept her weight down on Morgana in an effort to make sure she stayed down....

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Re: Tina vs. Morgana

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Morganna was trapped beneath her opponent as she would be pinned for an cover as the referee would begin to count as the Italian wrestler tried to kick out.As she could not allow herself to lose this easily as she tried to shove the other middleweight off her , and get her shoulder up as she cried out ''nooooo this ain't over yet''as the referee's hand went into the air for an second time.

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