Caged Foulness - Izwack V Ashley!

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Caged Foulness - Izwack V Ashley!

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Izwack - The Facesit King Vs Ashley Lucas!
No DQ Cage Match!
Victory Can Only Be Obtained Via Pinfall!

Some men might have been scared about the idea of stepping into a cage match, but luckily Izwack wasn't just 'some man'! He was THE MAN! The best that there every was! And just like he always did, he was going to show the world why he was the number one wrestler! Whoever he was going up against better be ready, because they had never faced anybody as spectacular as him before!
Nude/Ring Attire
With his high paced theme blasting through the arena speakers Izwack made his presence known by bursting onto the stage! Arms high in the air and underwear firmly on his face as he made his way down to the squared circle, glowing with arrogance as if he was ten feet tall! Despite not being in LAW for too long people already knew what he was all about and weren't the biggest fans to say the least! The audience making their displeasure known, the only ones not booing or insulting him being those in the front row seats, too busy holding their noses to make any meaningful noise!

The panty masked luchador didn't give a damn about them though, he was amazing and that was all that mattered! The cage that ominously hung above the ring did not discourage him as he jumped up and scrambled inside the arena, stumbling up to his feet and grabbing at his greasy crotch! "Who is it then?! What loser fuck is getting locked in a cage with THE CHAMP!"

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Re: Caged Foulness - Izwack V Ashley!

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"I'm sorry, I'm up against WHO!?!"

That outcry was Ashley's reaction when she heard about her latest match up. Of all the opponents in all of LAW, she was set up against the guy whose whole gimmick was that he stinks!?! Ashley would have thought that with all the success she was finding recently that she would be entitled to something just a little more dignifying! But even if she didn't like it she'd still go through with it, she wasn't going to be a diva about it. That's why she found herself waiting backstage to go up against her foul-stenched adversary, adjusting her attire and seriously rethinking her life choices "Ugh, this is the worst."

She wouldn't have to wallow in regret for long though as her entrance theme would start playing, so she would go out to make her appearance. Ashley ran out to the top of the ramp, basking in the cheers of her fans. Being cheered for always gave the blonde a warm feeling, a feeling that would quickly be scattered as she was overwhelmed with the leftover stench from when Izwack stood here that wafted into her nose "Augh! God, what is that!?!" she cried, starting to tear up.

She was even close to the ring and the smell was offensively bad, how bad was it gonna be when she was locked in a cage with the man producing that scent!?! For the first time in her wrestling career Ashley was afraid to step into a ring, literally shuddering at the thought of getting any closer. Someone misreading the situation may be led to believe that she was afraid of the man who stood in the ring, but this was not the case. Ashley would start to reluctantly make her way to the ring, though it was clear from the expression on her face she didn't want to.

Skipping a lot of the actions she took in her usual entrance to appeal to the crowd Ashley would run down the ramp as fast as she could, wanting to get this thing over with as fast as she could. Upon entering the ring she would be left face-to-face with Izwack, forced to inhale way more of his scent than she wanted to. Ashley looked like she wanted to cry, a fact that someone as egotistical as Izwack would no doubt give himself the credit for "Let's just make this quick." she said, wrinkling her nose in disgust.
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Re: Caged Foulness - Izwack V Ashley!

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Watching his opponents entrance Izwack couldn't believe his luck! It was another stupid girl, LAW was truly full to the brim with them! She hadn't even made it to the ring and she was clearly terrified by the mere sight of him! Matches against the inferior gender were always a walk in the park, but never had any of his past female opponents come across as so fearful, this would clearly be the easiest bout yet!

"QUICK?! QUICK?! HA! You'd like that wouldn't you slut! NO! I'm gonna take my time with you! You'll be BEGGING for me to get on top of you to pin you by the end!" The panty masked luchador yelled up at Ashley with his usual irritating enthusiasm, delusional enough to continue thinking that she was actually afraid of him!

With a roll of their eyes at this absolute shit show of a match the referee called for the cage to be lowered down! The titanic mass of metal slowly descending until it encased the ring and trapped everyone inside! With that spectacle done it was time for the real meat of the match! The black and white clad official throwing their arms into the air as the audience began to swell even further in volume! The bell ringing out so that the match could get underway!


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Re: Caged Foulness - Izwack V Ashley!

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Any doubts that this wouldn't be the worst match ever were dashed as the man producing the awful scent proved to be just as unpleasant as he would bark back at her with an egotistical tirade, insisting that he would leave her begging to be finished off by the end. Ashley would roll her eyes at the deluded man's words, deciding not to dignify him with a response, though that was also because she didn't want to open her mouth anymore than she had to in the face of this stink. She looked apprehensively from side-to-side as the cage descended down on them, now until the match ended Ashley wouldn't be able to escape the assault to her senses standing across from her in the ring.

This only made her want to end things as fast as she could even more, so when the bell rang she would run right out of the corner at Izwack, crossing the distance in the blink of an eye. She would then grab Izwack by the shoulders before throwing a knee strike aimed right at his abs, hoping to force him to bend forward. If she was successful she would lean forward and grab him around the gut before hauling him up onto her shoulders in a powerbomb position. After coughing and gagging from her face's close proximity to his crotch she would throw him down to the mat, looking to start the match off with a bang by landing her signature move; a Gutwrench Powerbomb she called the Studley Bomber!
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Re: Caged Foulness - Izwack V Ashley!

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As tended to be a reoccurring theme in Izwack's matches, he talked a beyond big game but once the bell had rung things only went downhill! Given his poor reflexes for somebody in the field of professional fighting, the unwashed lucha didn't even have a chance to step back before Ashley was right on top of him! Using her height advantage to bring him down into an outstretched knee! Plentiful amounts of exhaled air and saliva spilling out into Izwack's improvised mask, small pathetic form bending forwards as this was merely a taste of what his opponent had planned!

Just as quickly as the first attack had landed Izwack found himself hoisted up onto his foes shoulders, his only real defense being the natural stank foulness of his crotch odor, but even then that wasn't enough to save him as he found himself coming down even faster than he had been brought up! Minuscule form colliding with the canvas in an epic fashion as the mat beneath him echoed with roars of the mighty impact! Leaving him in a picture perfect sprawled out position!

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Re: Caged Foulness - Izwack V Ashley!

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Ashley would show that she was not joking about wanting to end this quickly as she started the match off by nailing Izwack with her signature move, the Studley Bomber. After her slam left the man laid out on the mat with his limbs sprawled out Ashley would take a moment to behold the pathetic sight, with the stench radiating off the man it wouldn't be too hard to mistake him for a corpse that had been there for days. That stench was what inspired the girl to keep going, bending down to grab Izwack by his outfit and drag him up to his feet. If she succeeded she would then toss him to the nearest ropes with an Irish Whip, and upon him being rebounded back she would attempt to slam her forearm into his chest to take him down with a Lariat.
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