Raleigh Simmons
"The Cobalt Comet"
ProfileReal Name: Raleigh Simmons.
Nicknames: The Cobalt Comet
Age: 30
Eyes: Navy Blue
Hair: Chestnut Brown.
Height: 5'10
Weight: 190lbs
Nationality: American
Entrance Music:
"Go with the flow" By queens of the stone age.
Flowing auburn hair, piercing blue eyes and a golden tan Raleigh exudes charisma just from his exterior alone. With a muscular physique and a flashy outfit, his body is publicly accentuated for all to appreciate as he puts on a show for the crowd.
Lightning fast with a quip or a remark regarding his opponent, Raleigh strives to retain an ebullient demeanor whenever staring down an adversary. Outside of the arena, he's more or less the same individual, albeit with a strong emphasis on affability.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: A nuisance when tangling up in a grapple, Raleigh's strongest asset is his uncanny ability to ricochet around the ring as if he were a lightweight- Once he has someone in his crosshairs, he'll make it his mission in life to elegantly whip them around the ring, as if they were weightless .
Style: Jack of all trades.
Type: Energetic
Preferred Matches: Boisterous and intense.
Attitude To Hentai: "Bring it on! I can barely contain myself just thinking about it!"
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★- His toned stature provides him with a solid degree of protection.
Strength ★★★★- Decades of weightlifting have done his body well.
Speed ★★★★★- Prides himself on agile maneuverability.
Defense ★★- Can stave off basic attacks, but is unimpressive in this element.
Technique ★★★★- Only he truly knows what will come next.
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★- Will rattle of blows that leaves enemies stunned.
Submissions ★- Never crossed his mind once.
Powerhouse ★★★- Bulkier than most opposition, but has beaten and been beaten by bigger.
Aerials ★★★★- can slice through the air like a steak knife through cheese.
Counters ★★★★- Can redirect the flow of a fight almost at will.
Match Ending Moves
"Meteorite Strike" Raleigh charges up a turnbuckle, using his momentum to suddenly swing around once he reaches the peak before tucking his knees into his stomach, curling up and plummeting towards his target

Finishing Moves
"The big dipper" Raleigh wiggles out of his shorts before snatching up his foe, hoisting them onto his shoulders before piledriving them. While they're dazed, he proceeds to wedge his throbbing member into their maw until he's satisfied.

A Meteoric Rise
Having always been fond of the lights, adrenaline rush and thrills that the professional business of slams and strikes had to offer, Raleigh grew up religiously watching a multitude of federations rise and fall, always wondering if he had what it took to go even further than the bigshots. After enrolling into a wrestling school just down the road from where he resided, he was put through his paces from dusk until dawn, never leaving the gym until every inch of his body was screaming from the rigorous training. After years in the underground circuit, he was drafted into the LAW roster, where he has his sights set on proving his legitimacy to the world at large!
Friends: Agatha and Jess.
Record- 0/1
Loss to Athena via seduction/pinfall.
Fun fact: Raleigh always had a knack at imitating a wide range of voices, and doing personal covers of famous actors is a silly hobby he's picked up over the past, few years.
Raleigh proving he has too much testosterone

Dressed up as a literal Gryphon.

When losing is more fulfilling than winning.

Raleigh about to plant a tree~

Hugs are always the breast~

Snusnu is imminent~

Size only matters between the legs~

Raleigh getting in some serious stretching~

Athena giving Comet a little TLC