MUSH MATCH: Elizabeth vs Layla

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MUSH MATCH: Elizabeth vs Layla

Unread post by xalex »

Winning condtion: Make your opponent tap out or pass out first.

Strikes and kicks

Bearhugs and smothers

The match takes place in a hotel room



Eli would sit on the bed leaning backwards. This was promising to be a very fun match! The British woman would look around the hotel room. Actually a nice place a lot of space and and great lighting. She would smile and throw her head backwards to the ceiling. Even the ceiling was looking quite nice, good for her opponent!
The british woman was already in her thigh and reliving ring clothes. Or her cuddle clothes in that case.
Why did she always have to come in too early? Now she had to wait for her opponent again. The red haired woman would blow some hair out of her face. Lately she got a real good run with the company getting a lot of funny matches, first with Olivia then now this one right here. This would be a lot of smothering hugging and maybe some more…

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Re: MUSH MATCH: Elizabeth vs Layla

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Layla Dougan-Roux had never been in a hotel match. Hell, she'd barely ever been in a hotel. And today's agenda? Wrestling in one!

With no crowd to cheer nor discourage her, Layla would be perfectly free to do as Layla does. Somewhat preferring the more tender local of a room such as the one she was set to scuffle in, the absolutely giant blonde slowly opened the hotel door, a bathroom atop her stacked frame, after she delivered the smallest of knocks.

"He..Hello? Is this..the right room?" She'd nervously mutter, as her top half peered through the door.

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Re: MUSH MATCH: Elizabeth vs Layla

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Eli would turn her head to look over to the door, as soon as she heard someone turning the door nod. She would look with sparkling eyes at the person standing in the doorframe. It was a godness send to her. Eli would directly jump up from the bed and turn around.
“You´r always at the right room!”
She would put her hands onto her hips. “Looks like we are the two lucky ones allowed to have fun today. I am Elizabeth, but you can call me eli or hun!” would eli offer with a big smile on her face. She would look at the gorgeous body of the blond. Wow these curves. And she was soo big too…

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Re: MUSH MATCH: Elizabeth vs Layla

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Happy that she found the right spot, Layla finished her shuffle into the room, to show this woman inadvertently just how giant she was. The fact she had to crouch just a little to get through the door only exaggerated her massive scale further.

"I..I hope we have a good match!" She'd nervously hum, rubbing her arm as a reflex as she shuffled further into the room. From there, she'd look around to get a feel for her surroundings, before looking at her foe once again.

" do we...go about this?"

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Re: MUSH MATCH: Elizabeth vs Layla

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Eli would slowly walk over to the fellow giant. She was a little bit smaller than herself and maybe a bit skinnier. But altogether she was still a goddess in the eyes of eli. She would stand right in four of her. “Hm we can start a little bit slow but then we can go wild on each other!” would eli offer stepping slowly forwards before bumping her chest into the big chest of the other woman trying to push he gently backwards to tease her a little bit.

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Re: MUSH MATCH: Elizabeth vs Layla

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Layla grinned and then giggled quite a bit, as Elizabeth opted to nudge giant busts together. Already enjoying the feeling, ideas were running rampant in her mind on how to enjoy this rather private scenario, one laced with a bed right behind her fellow giant. With a devious glint in her eye, she'd tilt her head just slightly, with her eyes falling to that bed.

"And what if..I don't wanna start slow?" She'd giggle, before rearing her tummy back, her frame soon correcting itself after to straighten up; and near enough uppercut Elizabeth's bust with her own sizeable pair, to shove her back!

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Re: MUSH MATCH: Elizabeth vs Layla

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Eli would groan out loudly in surprise when her boobs were uppercutted with such a force that she was forced to bend backwards. She would need to take a big step backwards to catch all the momentum and don´t fall onto her butt. She would look shocked at layla for a moment before her face would turn back into a smile. She would stand tall again before slowly walking forwards trying to walk into Layla and push her frame into the frame of the other woman slowly trying to push her backwards. She would just walk into her. “then I am happy with that!”
ELi´s breasts would be pressed against the breasts of the other woman and would go flat even mushrooming a little bit.
Last edited by xalex on Sun Jul 14, 2019 1:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MUSH MATCH: Elizabeth vs Layla

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Layla grinned with a toothy smile as her mushing motion knocked Eli near flat to her rear, but her smile hid the fact that somewhat, the giant was tensing her figure rather subtlety, fully expecting the redhead to return with force similar to that in which she delivered.

Low and below, the blonde was right in her guess, as Eli shoved her bust into Layla's body in an effort to get her back. Only perhaps to the redheads shock, the blondes preparation and stance meant she barely moved a inch!

"Ohhh...super cute...good effort!" She'd giggle, taking all this as fun.

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Re: MUSH MATCH: Elizabeth vs Layla

Unread post by xalex »

Eli would run into her opponent and it was like running right into a wall. A soft wall with breasts but still. Eli´s momentum would come to a deadend when she smashed her chest into the chest of Layla. Not believing this at first she would stare right at the blond woman for a few seconds. Then she would grind her teeth, most likely she only got lucky there. Eli would lean forwards trying to push her full mass and strength into her opponent hopping to make her bow and back up.

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Re: MUSH MATCH: Elizabeth vs Layla

Unread post by Devilish53 »

With that renewed effort, Eli was starting to gain space with her busty blonde wall, shoving her back slowly but surely. Such was all a part of the grinning giants schemes however, first to feel Eli's amazing body up against her, then to take action!

Giggling out as Eli went full strength, whether it would be enough for the redhead would be an unanswered question, as Layla not only tried to sidestep to let Eli fall into empty space, but throw her arms around her for a clinch!

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