Vivi and the Enforcer (For Devilish)

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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Vivi and the Enforcer (For Devilish)

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

If there was one thing Korra could do in her spare time it was hit things. Things had been slow since it appeared not a lot of people wanted to fight her for the (somewhat justified) assumption Korra would jump them or beat them bloody. Korra hasn’t actually beaten anyone bloody in awhile but that just made the next victim more likely, still despite what they said about her she could exist in life with other people and be social. That’s what she was doing in the gym....being social. Totally not looking for something cute to beat up, what would make you think that? Her fists found there fury on some poor heavy bag at first while her eyes wandered around looking for anything to take up her time, at first finding nothing and instead opting for something more simple with her opting to instead lift some weights while looking around for something or someone.

The Ominous Future
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Re: Vivi and the Enforcer (For Devilish)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Viviana on the other hand, was trying to do anything but merely strike at things. With a small past career in amateur kickboxing, much like her elder sister Diana, Viviana didn't want to be a one trick pony. Already feeling she had more to give than most in the kicks and strikes department, the tall Italian would instead put her focus on building up the aspect of pure strength, both in search of the ability to deliver all the harder hitting slams, and to deliver them without even breaking a sweat.
Her figure poised in a squat posture near enough dead centre of the gym, Viviana had atop her shoulders more weight than most women would even dare to glance at. Slowly lowering herself up and down, her form perfect if figure strained from that excessive amount, Viviana let loose quite the roar as she straightened herself out. Eventually coming to a straight stand, Viviana held the bar across her shoulders as she looked off into the distance, a little pleased with herself given what she had just accomplished, though perhaps oblivious to the loudness of the roar of exertion she had just given. Especially given today, it seemed one particular gym-goer was in search of a opponent to scuffle with.

And a women benching what could have been described as half a small car atop her shoulders, letting loose a primal scream atop of that, would certainly seem the ideal one...

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Re: Vivi and the Enforcer (For Devilish)

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

Korra finally noticed her when she stood upright. She had no idea how she escaped her notice before, maybe it was the fact she was so focused on her own things but she caught her attention now, if she wasn’t a wrestler she was certainly an athlete in some capacity and looking impressive. Korra felt she had seen her face somewhere before it at least something similar but she quickly stopped what she was doing and walked behind the women and carefully observed her as she stood there, looking at her backside and wondering how focused she was on her actions. After a bit Korra broke any chance at silence. “Generally your supposed to have a spotter when doing those.

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Re: Vivi and the Enforcer (For Devilish)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Viviana knew the risks, but opted to run that which this unknown figure was beratting her for. With a final press upwards, she'd seek to slide the weights upon the rack as she stood straight, with a sweaty as could be smile upon her face.

"I know...but I don't like to ask...why, you offering?" Smiled the Italian, looking in the direction of this unnamed figure as she put the towel across her good looks.

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Re: Vivi and the Enforcer (For Devilish)

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

This women’s first reaction was to smile at her and act friendly, either because she was being cordial or that was her default. Korra got a better look at the women that way and it was clear a lot of work had been put into making her body a lethal weapon. Not overly big but not someone you’d push around either. Basically much like her own, that intrigued her with Korra shrugging at the women’s words. “I can, though I’m curious how many sets you were looking to do anyway. Am I correct in assuming your a wrestler?” ugh, now she was starting to sound like Robin. But at least this type of talking was less confrontational then her usual way of speaking to people, which generally involved fists. But if she could keep this civil at least until she got what she wanted this might work out.

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Re: Vivi and the Enforcer (For Devilish)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Viviana's face dropped a little at that standard question, as it became apparent she was in amidst committing a rookie mistake. In forgetting how many sets she'd actually done, she'd have no way to compare her progress going forward, nor would she be able to see if she was even on track to her usual standard. Luckily another question soon presented itself.

"I..I am!" She'd mutter, sounding at first as if she had forgotten, before reaffirming herself. "I haven't had a match in-ring yet though...I take it you are aswell?"

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Re: Vivi and the Enforcer (For Devilish)

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

This women seemed a little nervous or shocked at such a simple question. Was she onto her, did she know who she was talking to and was startled or was it something she said that frazzled her? Korra has to raise an eyebrow at the way she was acting before she was asked a question as well. “So you haven’t seen me in action yet I take it? Well to be honest I’ve only done about 2 matches with neither being too memorable so I guess that makes sense, I’m much more well known in a few smaller that doesn’t exist anymore.” This was good, if the women didn’t know her she probably didn’t know how this kind of thing would usually go, Korra could milk this for more entertainment and see where it went. “Names Korra by the by.

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Re: Vivi and the Enforcer (For Devilish)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

", don't take it as an offence...I only really know the one wrestler around here...alongside Alaina Sanders..." Viviana once more muttered with a bit of nerves to her, as her cheeks became a little red over the fact that despite being a signed LAW competitor for so long, she not only had yet to appear before the masses in an official match, but had barely been paying attention to the company events!

"How does LAW compare to your older works?" She'd fire back quick in an effort to direct attention from what she deemed her own incompetence.

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Re: Vivi and the Enforcer (For Devilish)

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

Oh trust me if I was offended, you’d truly know.” Korra informed her watching her seemingly nervous for the perceived slight. It was much better that she hadn’t for several reasons as this would make this whole thing rather awkward or unbelievable as to why she was talking to her and not beating her up. “Oh it’s much bigger and livelier. My old place was more accustomed to an underground fight out then a wrestling company. Needless to say once my name was properly established I got out of there.” that was partially true her old company was nothing like LAW and though it was better now under its new management Korra wanted and was needed here.

The Ominous Future
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Re: Vivi and the Enforcer (For Devilish)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

" long as you're enjoying it..." Viviana muttered again with nerves abound, as her own well of topics began to run somewhat dry. She couldn't exactly compare her own past experiences in the world of wrestling, given prior to LAW, it had mostly been a kickboxing career that propelled the woman.

"So...ermm...did'ya want something?" She'd look again, throwing a awkward smile as not to made what sounded to be a rude question quite so rude.

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