Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Suzanna Mey
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Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Maria was an older woman, but a mother-like figure for a lot of the LAW lockerroom. Always willing to give out advice, she would take on multiple rookies one at a time in backstage spars to train them.
She had been in the gym for about an hour now, constantly training the newbies, now coated in sweat and out of breath, and all alone for now.
Cassandra, in her full kitty attire, would scoot towards Maria from behind, and poked her. “Uhhhh, excuse me ma’am, would you mind having a match with me right now?” She asked, with a big innocent smile on her face. “Nothing serious, I just need conditioning training~meow.”

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Maria had been busy training Lena at the moment, with the pair having an amazing back and forth. What would normally have been a 5 minute session extended into a nearly 20 minute match with near falls, submissions, and finishers. One final GTS from Maria knocked the Brit for a loop, flopping to the mat with a muffled wham before the Lucha Legend fell atop her, hooking the leg as she began the count, "1.....2......3!"

Extending a hand, she tugged her student up, "Nice job Lena. Keep mobile though, and take a look at that right ankle. You look like you've been limping a bit. Don't push yourself too hard.

The older wrestler took a huge swig from her water bottle when she heard a new voice grace her ears. Wiping the sweat from her brow, she turned to find herself face with a giant catlady. Tilting her head to the side, Maria quirked a brow, "La Gata?"

Hearing the request, the luchadora couldn't help but stifle a giggle, " students are all done for the day. So as long as you don't mind me being slower than usual senorita....."

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Cassandra had a massive, innocent smile on her face. “Oh don’t worry! I’m really bad at wrestling you being slowed down will put us on even standings.” She explain with a wink, swishing her hips back and forth.
At her approval, the catgirl took up a stance ready for a lock up, waiting for a reply from the luchadora. “Meeooowww”

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Maria couldn't help but let out a giggle to herself. For once she was happy the gym was mostly empty. In the ring she had to maintain the stoic, and often terrifying presence of La Parca. The Reaper was one to be feared and respected, after all. But in here, she was just Maria. Simple open mouthed Luchadora Mask, black sports bra, shiny black vinyl tights. No bells and whistles and no added skull paint. After bein a stoic badass for so long, part of her found the sudden change of tone to be quite relaxing. A spar with a more light hearted opponent? Sure.

Smiling, she raised her arms and went in for the lockup. Under normal circumstances, she would have never initiated a test of strength with such a larger opponent. But Maria felt that this was more of a time to wind down, seeing as the fight with Lena took a lot out of her. No one could say her students were not spirited after all.

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Cassandra was all adorned in her fully kitty attire, as if she was in a match for real. As soon as the girls locked up, she would stick her tongue out, and leaped upwards, aiming to use her superior weight to completely down Maria, crumpling her to the ground and straddling her waist. “I gotchu~ my little toooyy.” She would purr, her heavy frame mounting the luchadora.

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Maria grunted, the burning in her arms from her strained muscles a clear sign of her exhaustion. Her arms trembled under the strain of the lock up, when suddenly Cassie leaped up high into the air! The Luchadora let out a surprised gasp, when the full weight of the powerhouse landed atop her, planting her to the canvas with a heavy THUD!

Maria's arms flopped above her head, with the muscular catwoman straddling her body, "Nnngh......toy huh senorita?"

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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“Yessss a toy!” She would say ecstatically, and placed a fluffy paw glove on the face of Maria. “You better be ready because I’m bringing out one of my best moves NOW!” She would say, raising the paw up high, and catapulted it forward, slapping the face of the luchadora. Except, it didn’t hurt, due to the fluffyness taking away from the sting of the slap, it was just purely impact. She began to slap her back and forth, and back and forth, like a cat playing with a toy.

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Maria's grunt was muffled slightly from the soft texture of the furry paw smothering her face. Well...props to Cassie. The material was truly soft to the touch, and she didn't mind the feeling of it on her exposed bits of her face. That's when Cassandra raised her hand up and brought it swiping down!

Aside from the impact snapping her head to the side, however.......there was very little pain. Hardly anything to feel....

Maria's silver eyes widened slightly, before laughter bubbled up from her throat, barely controlled when the slaps continued. Deciding to shrug and say "Screw it," she began selling the moves, her head snapping back and forth with every playful swipe. She added to the authenticity, spit flying from her mouth, eyes rolling, and minor panting.

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Cassandra was having a field day with Maria, enthusiastic and knowing that she was selling the slaps. “I caught my prey! Kitties love to play with their food.” She leaned close to her, after concluding with a few more playful slaps. “I like you, I’ll let you stay a while longer before I eat you~” And leaned in, forcing an almost aggressive, and very sexual, kiss on her, tongue invading the older luchadora’s mouth.

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Maria kept up with the play fight, selling the furry slaps like a heavyweight punch. Once the barrage had ended, Maria slumped under Cassie, chest heaving and her hands scraping at the canvas. She was enjoying just unwinding with a silly nonsensical match. This was genuinely fun.

Her tired eyes snapped open when she suddenly found those soft lips pushed upon her. A muffled yelp came up from her throat, but her eyes fluttered shut as she began to kiss back softly, letting her mouth slowly open to let Cassie's tongue in.

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