times for new things! WNG (D) Vs the heartbreaker

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times for new things! WNG (D) Vs the heartbreaker

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Tipe of fight: tag team No DQ
victory condition: Pin, surrender or K.O. of a member of the teams (only the one who is fighting in the ring)

Nadia was a little nervous, since she, along with Jenny and Rose, made the new tag team official, and before she knew it, they would already have their first fight!

Yukari, being at the lockers with them, would explain to them that their opponents called themselves "the heartbreakers" and in her opinion "they are like Fenrir, they seem violent and evil but they are not so much"

That would relax Rose a bit, who was still upset that it would be another fight where her abilities were cut off, relying solely on her non-erotic skills ..... and maybe on her lips

And so, determined to give the best of themselves and be able to start the path that Jenny longs for, they would go out to the Arena, listening to Swett lust's entrance song in a way to honor that tag team that was born first.
Once in the ring, they would greet the public, before deciding that it was Nadia who would enter first, as this was their first tag team fight, and that is how Nadia, determined to always show her best expression, would rise to the top of the corner and smiling at everyone, she would somersault and fall to her feet,so then she would eagerly await her opponents as she prepared and displayed her stretching skills
haha, show off, at least you have your best skills available
Rose would say in a low voice, knowing that the day will soon come where they will fight and it will be Rose who will be able to use her best techniques.

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Re: times for new things! WNG (D) Vs the heartbreaker

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After their debut was announced as of Sweet Lust's match against the British Bunnies, the new team of WNG was now ready to be baptized with fire. At least, that was the thinking among the members of the Heartbreakers, who were now gearing up for the coming match in the locker rooms. Sachiko chuckled to herself as she straightened out her jacket, rolling her shoulders, while Misako cracked her knuckles. Kyoko, meanwhile, was eagerly hopping up and down, throwing a few jabs in the air to warm herself up. "Aaaaaall righty!" she cheered, before going for a high-five with her teammates. "Who's ready for this? 'cuz I am!~"

Sachiko chuckled, slapping Kyoko on the rear in - she insisted - a gesture of goodwill. "Hell yeah...these three think they're gonna make a splash, huh? Someone's gonna be splashing, alright...off the ropes and onto the cold, hard floor, when I get my hands on 'em!"

Misako groaned at that. "Not everything needs to be some overblown analogy, you know..."

Regardless, now that WNG had taken to the ring, it was now time for the Heartbreakers to make their entrance. The lights dimmed, and their gang logo slowly came into view on the big screen before the three of them stepped out, gathered side by side at the top of the ramp.
Sachiko Koizumi
Kyoko Kobashi
Misako Enjoji
The three of them walked in step with one another, each wearing a black leather jacket with their logo emblazoned on the back. Sachiko led the way, with a confident smirk, while Misako shot glares in the direction of those to either side of her and Kyoko tried to catch the crowd's attention with a few ill-conceived waves. Soon enough, they reached the ring, where they shed their coats before stepping up on the apron to size up the competition.

Misako looked at Nadia as she stood on the corner post, her display of flexibility netting her a few cheers. The delinquent, however, shook her head before climbing through the ropes and into the ring. "Pssht...big deal. Even if you're flexibile, we'll see how far you can take it before you break."
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Re: times for new things! WNG (D) Vs the heartbreaker

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Finally her opponents had appeared, they really were like Yukari said, they looked like bad and dangerous girls ....... but they were cute, when finally one of them stepped into the ring, Nadia could already know the attitude of that girl, approaching and with his hand for a squeeze he would say
hey, no attitudes ...... "toxic" I'm a little allergic to it, and tell your friend Kyoko she looks great in that suit

While Nadia tried to be nice to her opponent, Jenny was thinking about what her strategy would be like, as well as thinking about when a change would be good ..... Rose just imagined the fight as if it were her style, wishing it was like that, but unfortunately not, so she would look at Sachiko and make a gesture with her fingers to let her know she was Rose's target

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Re: times for new things! WNG (D) Vs the heartbreaker

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Before the match had even begun, the contrast of personalities at hand was obvious. Nadia was bright and bubbly as ever, something that Misako met with her usual cold glare, her narrowed eyes staring right into her opponent's as the two met in the middle of the ring. Nadia commented on Misako's demeanor, but it only made her huff, crossing her arms. Her expression remained flat and unamused. Nadia was already coming across as someone who was going to get on her nerves.

"This is just my face," she muttered flatly. "If you're allergic to it...you'd better have an Epipen ready. Otherwise you might go into anaphylactic shock. Which is generally not good."

Kyoko, on the other hand, was leaning over the ropes to try and get closer to the action, and when she heard what Nadia had to say, she took it in stride. Her face lit up with a grin, as she lifted her hand in a thumbs-up. "Didja hear that, Sachiko? She likes my outfit!~"

"I think we all do..." Sachiko replied with a chuckle and a wink, playfully elbowing Kyoko's side. She then looked up, seeing Rose beckon toward her. To some wrestlers, this might have come across as a threat, but to someone like Sachiko - particularly when she knew Rose's usual tactics - she took it as an invitation, grinning wider and pointing back toward the redhead with a pair of finger guns.


Either way, it was time for the match to begin! Misako wasn't going to mince any words or waste any time in getting right into the action. Wanting to see how Nadia would react, she turned and ran toward her with a shoulder charge, looking to slam her weight against her!
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Re: times for new things! WNG (D) Vs the heartbreaker

Unread post by Lederface »

Nadia would listen to Misako's comments, which would make Nadia laugh a little, so then, before she could do or say anything else, the bell would ring, and she would watch Misako run against Nadia as if she was only thinking of hitting her, knowing that That first blow could be bad, Nadia would quickly catch that blow, ending in a duel of strength, knowing that she must prevent it from attacking her weak point

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Re: times for new things! WNG (D) Vs the heartbreaker

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Misako was prepared to go charging in as soon as the bell rang, hoping that by hitting hard and fast she'd be able to inflict some damage on Nadia before the white-haired girl had any chance to prepare herself. But just before she was about to make impact, Nadia was able to gether hands up, grabbing onto Misako's shoulders! Her advance was halted in her tracks, and she skidded to a stop. At first, Misako was surprised to see that Nadia had such good reaction times. But she soon narrowed her eyes back down into a glare, grumbling with frustration as she took hold of Nadia's shoulders too. If this was how Nadia wanted to take things, she could play that way, too!

Misako clenched her teeth, lowering her head and pushing herself back toward Nadia to try and even up the force between them. She bent at the knee, attempting to get more of a push behind her as she brought her shoulders forward to narrow the gap. At the same time, though, Misako began to pace around Nadia, circling around so that her back was turned to the Heartbreakers' corner. If she could line things up right, she was going to try and push her opponent back into where her partners were waiting, so that Kyoko could hit her from behind with a well-placed jab to the back!
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Re: times for new things! WNG (D) Vs the heartbreaker

Unread post by Lederface »

Nadia would be able to successfully catch Misako's onslaught, which was something that even she was surprised, but she knew that it didn't mean that it would now be easier, on the contrary, when Nadia managed to catch Misako, it was only a matter of seconds before it started. to feel how Misako began to move little by little to use her strength in its maximum splendor, feeling how that girl seemed to show a hidden strength, Nadia knew that now she was in trouble!

But not everything was bad, and although Misako managed to change the way they were pushing, now Nadia knew what would happen if she was pushed to the corner, she would be against Kyoko and Sachiko! But at least Nadia would notice something positive in that! Now Misako had placed herself in the same situation, only that she would be at odds with the WNG Corner, so Nadia without wanting to be the one who gave the advantage to the opposing team, would push with her forces to take Misako towards the other tensor , becoming a great duel of forces! where the strongest could give the head start to her teammates!

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Re: times for new things! WNG (D) Vs the heartbreaker

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Misako herself was shocked to see how much force Nadia could leverage. She was expecting to steer the white-haired girl around with ease, but she was proving to be surprisingly resilient. Misako's eye twitched and her teeth clenched at the thought of it, as she gripped tighter to Nadia's hands and leaned her weight in close in an attempt to force her to step backward. That wasn't the point, though. Getting control over her opponent was one thing, but Misako really wanted to set the girl up for a trap. She knew that her teammates would have no qualms about striking behind her back, and if Nadia was forced into the corner, the ref wouldn't be able to see. It seemed like the perfect plan!

Except for the fact that Nadia, stubborn as she was, wasn't letting Misako get far. Not only did she hold her ground, she soon began to double back in the other direction, forcing Misako to take two steps torward WNG's corner, where Jenny and Rose were waiting. Misako's mouth dropped open in a gasp. Had her own plans been anticipated and countered? "Hey! What's the big idea-!?"

Snorting with all the fury of a charging bull, Misako nevertheless lowered her body further, grounding her center of balance to hold herself in place. Her arms trembled and her hands slowly were pushed back, but she held firmly to Nadia in a white-knuckled embrace. If Nadia thought she could beat Misako at her own game, the delinquent wasn't going to play at all! Rather, while the two were in point-blank range, she would swiftly swing her leg up from the mat, aiming a strike between Nadia's legs that would hopefully hit too fast for anyone to see coming!
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Re: times for new things! WNG (D) Vs the heartbreaker

Unread post by Lederface »

Nadia was doing a great job of keeping Misako in the same situation, with both girls giving all their energy so they could lead the other to the corner and take the advantage, the public was supporting each of their side, while Some supported Misako with shouts, others did too, but giving support to Nadia, motivating her not to give up, she could feel how the small drops of sweat passed through her body, the sensation of being in a great duel of strength and will. ..... it was amazing.

When she saw Misako began to show signs of slight fatigue when she saw how she moved her arms, it was an opportunity for Nadia, raising her arms, she would try to take a position of domination against Misako, but little by little everything would return to normal, with both Girls in the standard position, hearing Misako talk about whether Nadia had a plan, she would laugh a little, then tell him
well ..... the only thing I have in mind is to prevent you from taking me to your corner and there I will probably lose a life or 2

After saying that, Nadia would continue to press, using her strength and concentration for that, so much so, she would barely see when Misako raised her leg and threw a powerful kick against Nadia, which could not do anything! of emotion, it seemed finally there would be a factor of change in this fight! Nadia would be panting, having been so focused on that duel would make her lungs take a little time to recover, crawling to the ropes, where she would hope she could recover, before Misako took too much advantage of that situation.

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Re: times for new things! WNG (D) Vs the heartbreaker

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While the fans' opinion was split between the two girls, it wasn't just them who were voicing their support. As their mutual struggle continued - Misako gripping tightly to Nadia's arms, her muscles bulging with each shift of her motion and each breath she took, her clenched fingers trembling but still pressing on as her chest expanded and contracted with hoarse grunts - the other two members of the Heartbreakers had joined in, too. If they couldn't covertly give Misako a leg up, they were just as happy with serving as her cheerleaders!

"C'mon, Misako!! You can do it! Make us proud out there!!" Kyoko cheered, leaning in over the ropes as she cupped her hands to her mouth and hopped up and down. Sachiko, too, grabbed at the rope as she punched a fist in the air. "Show 'er who's in charge!"

But for better or worse, the two girls were evenly matched. Misako, as she grit her teeth and stared daggers through Nadia, knew that things were going nowhere if she was going to try to beat her in a fair fight. But where Misako had an edge was when she didn't fight fair - and there was nothing keeping her back from kicking up her leg now, and going for the low blow! It landed with a thud, and Nadia crumbled soon after!

As soon as Nadia was struck down, a few loud boos echoed through the arena from those fans disgusted by Misako's conduct, or simply disappointed that Nadia's chances had been crushed. Misako shot a glare back at them, raising a hand to show a disapproving middle finger. The referee, too, had taken note, and was walking closer to Misako to issue a warning. But Misako wouldn't stick around to hear it. She had set her sights on the fleeing Nadia - who she was now rushing toward, looking to pounce on as she threw herself closer with her elbow raised to land an elbow drop before she could tag her partners in!
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