The Booty and the Battleship - Ember Sykes vs Freya Ederne (Complete)

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Darius 2.0
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The Booty and the Battleship - Ember Sykes vs Freya Ederne (Complete)

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Standard Match
Victory achieved through Pinfall, Submission, or Knockout

It that time again for another main event at LAW. The crowds were roaring, the music was playing, and one of the league's rising stars was slated to appear in tonight's next match.

Ember Sykes waited in the backstage area doing a few last minute stretches, wanting to be nice and limber for tonight's fight. Her usual nervous pacing before an entrance had been phased out now that the shorty had a few matches under her belt. Now that she was starting to earn more wins in the ring, Ember felt more sure of herself, and after her last match her popularity was now at an all time high! Last time she was in the ring, she was faced against a taller, more experienced opponent who completely belittled Ember based solely on her short stature. The audience had expected a slaughter, which they got, but in the form of Ember completely decimating her mouthy opponent from the start of the match to the finish, surprising everyone in attendance! Using only the awesome power of her thick butt, Ember proved that not only could she defeat the other women of LAW, but she could do it with style! That kind of exposure made Ember's popularity soar, giving her the opportunity for dozens of new matches; one of which was this one.

Her music started to play, and Ember took one last deep breath for herself. "Showtime," she whispered with a smile, before taking those first steps out into the arena. Emerging from backstage, Ember was greeted by a chorus of cheers from a excited audience. It made Ember grin wide, having never received such a reaction before. She was clad in her usual, unorthodox attire consisting of white t-shirt and tight fitting yoga pants, under which a tiny black thong was poking out from her wide hips. Though unusual, this look was starting to become iconic for the purple haired woman.
Wrestling Attire
Wanting to get started as soon as possible, Ember would make her way down to the ramp with a light jog. Her big butt, despite being held tightly within her pants, jiggled along the way. She waved to the fans on either side of the ramp before finally reaching the ring. She would then slide underneath the ropes and head to her corner, giving a few more appreciative waves to the crowd as she did. Taking to her corner, Ember wondered now about her opponent. Just like usual, the person's identity was a mystery to her. Nevertheless, whomever emerged from backstage, Ember was confident she could take them down!
Last edited by Darius 2.0 on Mon Nov 29, 2021 4:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Booty and the Battleship - Ember Sykes vs Freya Ederne

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Freya is backstage facing herself in the mirror. It mind blowing to her that she is going to be in a match in a main event even through she has won a single match yet. Much to the annoyance of her older sister who been giving her an earful about losing so much, even losing to wrestlers that are in different weight classes. Wanting to prove everyone mostly her sister wrong Freya places a confident look on her face ready to go out and perform, but more importantly to win and get her first victory.

The loud Boom sound of a cannon fires over the speakers as Freya makes her way onto the stage. Her arms spread out waving to the crowd while her music plays in the background, strutting her way down the ramp to the ring. Her own stacked curvy figure is shown to the crowd as she slides in between the middle rope before bending over for the fans to cheer her name.


Seeing her smaller opponent in the ring Freya frowns a bit. But puts a smile on her face seeing how curvy the other woman is as well almost more curvy then her. "Damn and I thought I look good in a pair of Yoga pants. a big grin on her face eyeing Ember up and down. Before she turns and shows off her own plump rear even giving it a pat. I Think mines is bigger short stack but I like it..."

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Re: The Booty and the Battleship - Ember Sykes vs Freya Ederne

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Oh. My. God.

Those were the only words that ran through Ember's head as soon as she caught sight of her opponent emerge at the top of the ramp. She was massive! Easily as tall as six feet. And her muscles were huge! They were visible to Ember even all the way from the ring! It was now clear that the small middleweight's mystery opponent tonight was a heavyweight wrestler; the very first she would face in the ring. Ember knew that one day she would have to face a heavyweight in order for everyone to take her seriously. She just didn't think it would be now! Let alone with one as big as Freya Ederne!

As Freya approached the ring, she seemed to be getting even larger, and Ember swallowed nervously despite herself. It was only when the literal amazon was now standing in the ring that Ember understood the full breath of what she was up against. Whelp, I'm dead, she thought as she gazed on the giant before her. She stood nearly a foot and a half taller than Ember, and those biceps looked like they could do some major damage. For the first time since coming to LAW, Ember did not like her chances.

But, proud fighter that she was, the big bottomed gal would go to meet her opponent in the ring with her head held high. Once she had stepped up to Freya, the size difference became even more apparent, and Ember had to strain her neck in order to look the woman in the eye! "O-Ooh, um, thanks," Ember stammered when Freya paid her a compliment, something she did not expect. When Freya presented her butt with a little pat upon it, Ember couldn't help but smile. Her eye twitched a little at short stack, but other than that Freya seemed quite nice. "That's what you think. But you'll see soon enough when you're napping underneath it!" Grinning despite her apprehension, Ember got herself ready to conquer a giant!

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Re: The Booty and the Battleship - Ember Sykes vs Freya Ederne

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Hearing the threat of napping under her opponent plump rear end. Freya can't help but laugh seeing how brave Ember is deciding to tease the smaller woman some more before the bell rings. Walking forward towards the smaller woman Freya bends over showing off her busty chest in front of her eyes, before placing one hand on her cheek. "Such smooth skin Ember... would you mind if I do this." with a flirty wink Freya leans down and kisses the woman on the lips.

Pulling away with a big grin on her face. Even licking her lips as if memorizing the taste of Ember lips on hers, before strutting away making sure her own rear switches from side to side for her opponent to see. Before turning back around and waiting for the bell to ring, that cocky grin still on her face eager to get another taste of the smaller woman.

The bell rings as Freya comes out of her corner slow waiting to see what her opponent is going to do first. But really is wanting to have Ember grab her so she can get a hold of her opponent body some more.

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Re: The Booty and the Battleship - Ember Sykes vs Freya Ederne

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Ember was still quite nervous about having to go up against this amazon of a woman, but she was comforted that Freya at least didn't seem to someone who took pleasure in hurting other people. Too many wrestlers out there have tried and failed to squash Ember simply because they thought they could. It seemed like Freya wasn't one of them, which was fortunate for Ember. Because with her opponent's size and strength she just might end up succeeding! This was even more apparent when she stepped in close to Ember and further displayed their massive height difference, though Ember wasn't sure what Freya was getting at when she leaned down to touch her cheek, displaying a rather impressive rack as she did so! Ember braced under the touch, not knowing what to expect. "Mind if you do wh-?"

Ember's question was cut off when the massive woman suddenly pressed her lips against her own in a kiss! The purple haired girl let out a muffled squeak of surprise, and the audience let out a collective hoot at the scene! When Freya pulled away to head to her corner, Ember stayed rooted to the spot her face as red as a tomato! Her mouth hung open in disbelief as she processed what had just happened, only snapping out of it once the bell rang! Shaking her head to reset herself, Ember got into her ready position, though was clearly still rattled.

So rattled in fact that she did something she normally never did: make the first move! Launching herself forward, Ember would aim to wrap her arms around one of Freya's legs in order to yank it out from under her! At least that was the plan.......but Freya was so big that Ember would just end up pulling uselessly at her leg, her strength not enough to even budge the Battleship! it would be quite the embarrassing spectacle, one the crowd was happy to laugh at!

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Re: The Booty and the Battleship - Ember Sykes vs Freya Ederne

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Freya smiles knowing that her quick kiss did rattle the smaller woman. But to her it all in good fun since she really does view Ember as a cute little plushy type woman, someone that she can enjoy spending time with in the future. Preferably after winning this match and not in a mean way either but more of a flirty victory.

Feeling Ember grab her leg and start to try and pull on it. Freya frowns hearing the crowd laugh at the attempt as she reaches down and wraps her own arms around her opponent mid section lifting her off her feet with ease. "Up you go and I hope your not scared of heights you know." she says placing one hand on her plump rear end, the other on her breast and lifts her above her head in a military press hold.

"Sorry for this baby.. But don't worry I make sure to make it up to you after the match." giving off a flirty wink. Freya let's out a small grunt before tossing Ember into the air watching her fall to the canvas in the middle of the ring. The crowd cheering seeing the taller amazon woman beating the smaller opponent almost woman handling her.

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Re: The Booty and the Battleship - Ember Sykes vs Freya Ederne

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If there was any indication that Freya's kiss had rattled Ember, it was when she actually attempted to topple the giant with brute strength, which culminated with her hugging uselessly at her thick leg. While Ember was not lacking in muscle, bringing down the amazon in this fashion was a herculean task. All she ended up was look foolish before the watching audience. It took a second, but Ember soon realized how foolish she was being, especially since she had yet to even budge Freya. The pint size fighter was about to pull away and come up with a new plan, but before she could try Freya had already grabbed her!

"H-Hey!" Ember shouted in alarm when suddenly she was yanked off the mat. Lifted up high as if her middleweight body weighed nothing at all, Ember was soon pressed up over Freya's head, higher than she had ever been lifted before! It was terrifying to experience, but it soon became embarrassing when she realized Freya was groping both her butt and boobs while holding her! The purple haired girl went red again, but her problems would only get worse when the Battleship tossed her from up high!

"UUUUGGGHH!!!" Ember cried out, slamming down HARD into the center of the ring. She practically bounced off it with a loud crashing sound that had the crowd wincing in sympathy. Ember could only lay there after the fact, groaning in pain, very much out of it. With the first move of the match, Freya had done quite a bit of damage to the smaller gal!

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Re: The Booty and the Battleship - Ember Sykes vs Freya Ederne

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Seeing her opponent slamming into the canvas with a loud thud. Freya let's out a small winch helping she didn't injured or hurt her little friend, but knowing this is a match and Ember agreed to it she has to go all out. Even if it means not holding back as much as she wants to do so, letting out a sigh she steps forward.

Reaching down and lifting her opponent off her feet slowly. Scooping Ember off the canvas and holds her again above her head, but walks around the ring showing off her strength and such for the people to cheer. "So yea... I hope your not hurt or nothing I make sure to hold back some more for you alright. And damn girl your ass is bigger then mines..." giving another extra hard squeeze to the woman plump backside, before slamming her back down to the canvas with a scoop slam.

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Re: The Booty and the Battleship - Ember Sykes vs Freya Ederne

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After being tossed from high in the air like she weighed nothing at all, Ember collided with the mat with an impact that shook her entire body. The purple haired girl could only lay there in a daze afterward, groaning and wincing. Receiving that move really put into perspective the challenge she was up against tonight; a woman so large and strong that she made Ember look like a child in comparison! All it took was Freya lifting and dropping her to put Ember into this damaged a state! Now as Ember heard the Battleship approach, no doubt she aimed to do it again!

Groaning as Freya scooped her up off the mat, again making it look frustratingly easy, Ember was once again lifted up high into the air, pressed over Freya's head. This time her amazon opponent chose to make a spectacle of her by walking around the ring, both showing off her strength and the ease with which she was dominating Ember! That would have been embarrassing on it's own if the larger woman didn't suddenly grope Ember's big butt while holding her in the air! Even in her dazed state, Ember's face went red again at the act. What was with this woman?!

"UGGHH!!!" she cried out when her back impacted the mat after being unceremoniously slammed into again; this time being dropped onto her back. She arched against mat, her spine in agony as she grit her teeth in pain. Ember needed to do something to turn this match around fast, or she would end up being slammed and groped by Freya all night!

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Re: The Booty and the Battleship - Ember Sykes vs Freya Ederne

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After her scoop slam Freya was enjoying herself against her smaller opponent. Even getting the chance to grope and feel up Ember plump backside was a added bonus in her book, but now it was time to go for the finish since she didn't want to drag this on any farther and make the other woman look bad in front of everyone. So she reaches down and picks Ember up by grabbing her underneath her armpits, holding her up in the air before placing her on the turnbuckle.

Freya plans on ending the match with her Tomahawk Finisher.. But wanted to get a more extra gropes on the woman plump backside some more, giving it a hard squeeze and light smacks to watch it jiggle in front of her face. "Damn I got to admit your not half bad with this big girl right here." she says while patting the woman butt some more. Before throwing concern out of the window and buries her face between the soft plump cheeks to see how it feels.

"Oh yea... After I win you want to come back to my place to enjoy some movies?." Freya says this with her face still between Ember cheeks, that how confident she is in winning the match.

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