Mio in the Muscle Maze - Takao, Yuudachi, Tatsuta, Nagato, and Suzuya.

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Mio in the Muscle Maze - Takao, Yuudachi, Tatsuta, Nagato, and Suzuya.

Unread post by LunarOcean »

Endurance Match

No bikini tops allowed.

Mio must survive 45 minutes against five opponents.

They can only use submissions and cannot be too cruel.

She's allowed to cum three times before she loses.

If she wins, she gets a large sum of cash.

If she loses, she gets to be their plaything for the night.


In the quiet gym, where the only spectators were an all-female camera crew, and the arena was not a ring but a wide section of judo mats, it was hard not to feel a little out of place going into an official match. Especially when you were faced with five equally impressive women, each one of which was either a supermodel, a fitness queen, or a living statue. 10 breasts, all easily dwarfing Mio, seemed to watch her with their slightly perked nipples and a slight layer of sweat. Even the smallest of them was considerably larger than her own but for the taller women, theirs were massive and hefty, slightly drooping yet looking as dense as the toned muscles right beneath.

Each of them looked at Mio different. The curvier one with short black hair seemed impassive but her red eyes very carefully studied her frame. The short blonde outright licked her lips and had a hungry grin on her face. The purple haired one had a near welcoming smile, looking at her like a schoolteacher might a well performing child. The green haired girl hopped up and down, putting on an air of boredom as her huge breasts flopped right in front of Mio.

And the biggest of them simply had her arms crossed over her dense chest, looking at Mio as if she was a subject before royalty.

"I do hope you have no second thoughts." She said in a slightly deep, powerful voice. The others paused and began to spread out as Nagato took a few steps back. "
The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

Tatsuta Murasaki

Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

Arranged in terms of character size from smallest to largest.


Yuudachi Kunikida < Suzuya Jukudo < Takao Okimoto < Nagato Segawa < Laurukka Koskinen < Musashi Ishimoto

Discord: lunarocean.


Re: Mio in the Muscle Maze - Takao, Yuudachi, Tatsuta, Nagato, and Suzuya.

Unread post by Nicia »

Mio was told that she would be in a "real treat" for tonight's event, and what an occasion it turned out to be! With very little details given to her about this upcoming match, she then found herself surrounded not by just one or two oppositions, but five of them! That wasn't all, as the women she's sharing the room with at the moment, save one that's not too differently built from her, were all giantess that most likely could just squash her single handedly.

Naturally she got nervous, especially with all the divine beauties looking at her with different gazes, each of them seemingly had a different idea about what they're going to do to her. While her expression still relatively composed for now, a faint shade of pink already appeared on her cheeks, and she could feel herself getting excited just by being in their presences.

"N-no..." she shook her head, affirming that she's not going to back down, as crazy as it might sound.

This sure brought back memories from her previous place, even if she never faced five women at once. There's no telling what would become of her by the end of this match, and the thought thrilled her to no end. This could be the ultimate challenge she'd ever dream of!

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Re: Mio in the Muscle Maze - Takao, Yuudachi, Tatsuta, Nagato, and Suzuya.

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"30 minutes is a bit much... not that I'm complaining~" Tatsuta said, sauntering dangerously near to Mio. She was by far the most slender looking of them, at least initially. This close, the lengthy lines of carefully toned muscle that traced up her body and down to her legs didn't look so delicate; she could at least body press Suzuya and Yuudachi into submission. Those two were leaning against what appeared to be a steel pole erected in the centre of the mats.

Nagato held Tatsuta by the shoulder and gently pulled her back as Takao nodded to the camera crews.

"You should undress for the occasion." The curvy heavyweight said, her thighs looking as thick, if not thicker, than Nagato's biceps. "It's a little rude to come to such a match like that. We're all women here no?"

Takao motioned to her clothing. It was clear they all wanted it off And once that happened, it was clear they weren't going to hold back.

"Don't be so nervous, we won't bite. But Yuudachi will." Suzuya joked, ruffling the blonde's hair. She pushed back but was much, much more interested in Mio. The way Suzuya's hand was on her head made it look like she wanted to make sure Mio wasn't ravished right then and there.
The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

Tatsuta Murasaki

Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

Arranged in terms of character size from smallest to largest.


Yuudachi Kunikida < Suzuya Jukudo < Takao Okimoto < Nagato Segawa < Laurukka Koskinen < Musashi Ishimoto

Discord: lunarocean.


Re: Mio in the Muscle Maze - Takao, Yuudachi, Tatsuta, Nagato, and Suzuya.

Unread post by Nicia »

"Ah, um..." Mio gave a shy look to the naked women and then looked at herself. "I guess..."

She pulled off her tank top, revealing her bra-less chest, and tossed it away. Her breasts were nothing compared to all the other participants in this contest, but at least she wasn't completely flat. Next came off the pants and the underwear, her pale, lithe form was now in full exposure for everyone to see. Mio might looked like a frail little girl on first glance, but she always trained, and the result of those training was bound to show even if it's not as fruitful as Nagato and her companions. She was still in the wrestling business after all.

"Alright... I'm ready..." she gave the women a nod, taking a step back. They could easily gang up on her even if she tried to gain some distance, but Mio would at least try to grapple or something with whoever made the first move towards her.

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Re: Mio in the Muscle Maze - Takao, Yuudachi, Tatsuta, Nagato, and Suzuya.

Unread post by LunarOcean »

Something soft would press against the back of her head. Two somethings precisely along with a smooth yet resistant surface against her back.

"Ara ara, you're quite bold." Tatsuta purred as her tongue graced her earlobe. "We haven't even properly introduced ourselves yet. Why are you in such a rush?"

Her strong arms swept up her sides, brushing against her toned body yet her hands did not even hint at her breasts. Hooking under her armpits, she locked her in tight, stretching her arms just slightly in their sockets. As if to calm her, she began to nuzzle her cheek against the smaller wrestler's as the rest of them began to close in.

Like the dominant member of a pack of predators, Nagato's bare breasts met Mio's first. "Met" was an exaggeration. Her enormous breasts were like doughy meteors, mashing over hers. They practically vanished against them and Nagato pushed forwards a bit, putting notable pressure on Mio's collarbone as her breasts compacted a few centimetres inwards. Slowly, she grinded them up and down her tummy before leaning back with her shoulders. In turn, her powerful abs bumped against hers, like a row of thick cushions that scraped against her skin; up, down, then resting against her tummy and lightly brushing left and right.

Yet the others were not just standing about. Suzuya and Yuudachi's hands grasped hers and even while Nagato gave her a general rubbing, they were more than eager to squish her arms between their breasts. Tatsuta let up just enough they could pull them outwards and her biceps would feel two generous pairs smoothing them down. They'd giggle as they pressed their tits against where her arms had the most muscle, wrapping their arms over their breasts to compare their tits to her biceps.

Meanwhile, Takao gently nudged Nagato out. As the second largest woman, she decided to take the initiative and the others disengaged as she wrapped her arms around her; one around the small of her back, the other under her armpit. A bearhug but rather than bending her, she was forcing every inch of her body to press against hers. Not a crushing, flattening press but it clearly could be.

Takao looked a bit curvy and maybe *slightly* flabby... but her curves were far from pasty and fully soft. It molded against the tight, toned body of her younger opponent at first unlike how Nagato's pressed and resisted. Her breasts enveloped hers, going so far as to spread up to her neck while her tummy with a bit of force reluctantly let Mio's settle in. Yet slowly, her grip began to stiffen; bicep muscles, abdominals, and even her breasts seemed to slowly grow harder and expand, gradually tightening as she tested Mio against herself.

"You're what some would call almost but not quite ripe..." She commented, gently rubbing her chest up and down. In the process, Mio's tummy would be sponged and smoothed down by hers and she'd feel hints of hidden abs, slightly tensed as if they could rise at any moment and fully flatten her. "It'll be interesting to feel you when you start flexing."
The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

Tatsuta Murasaki

Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

Arranged in terms of character size from smallest to largest.


Yuudachi Kunikida < Suzuya Jukudo < Takao Okimoto < Nagato Segawa < Laurukka Koskinen < Musashi Ishimoto

Discord: lunarocean.


Re: Mio in the Muscle Maze - Takao, Yuudachi, Tatsuta, Nagato, and Suzuya.

Unread post by Nicia »

Mio gasped as she was seized from behind by Tatsuta, feeling the woman's tongue on her ear sent her a small wave of shivers through her back. She didn't get to react much from that point, as the rest of the gang closing in on hers. Nagato engaged her from the front, pressing her large breasts onto hers, grinding and squashing them to immediately draw some moans from her lips. "Aaahmm..." Mio wriggled in Tatsuta's hold, but she's clearly trapped with no way out with Yuudachi and Suzuya joining in, taking an arm each and placed them between their orbs. "Huwee~" the lithe girl soon began to writhe around in her fleshy prison.

She was kinda left wanting more when the women disengaged from her.

Instead, she was then embraced by Takao, her smaller form being pulled against the woman, almost looking like she's going to be absorbed by her or something. It could easily be a crushing hug, Mio was aware from that, and she was grateful that Takao wasn't doing that. There were rules to prevent them from going overboard, but Mio couldn't help but to wonder just how much it affected her opponents as they seemed to be relatively nice people.

"Uaah... ooh..."" Mio couldn't help but to keep moaning with Takao rubbing herself all over her. Parts of her already flexed a bit in reaction to what the woman was doing, her body felt like it's being molded to her captor's liking. It was a strange, yet exciting feeling, something she hadn't really experienced before despite already facing a handful of larger opponents.

Eventually her fighting instinct began to kick in, and she'd try to flex herself and push away Takao, futile as it might be. If she let herself being swept away by these divine beauties so early, she definitely would be turned into a mush physically and mentally by the time they're done! Not that she'd hate it, but the excitement in such match also came from struggling against her opponents, especially when it's all for naught in the end...

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Re: Mio in the Muscle Maze - Takao, Yuudachi, Tatsuta, Nagato, and Suzuya.

Unread post by LunarOcean »

"You had a chance to escape earlier you know?" Takao smiled, barely moving from her squirming. Whereas Mio had to struggle, kick, and thrash, all the heavyweight had to do was squeeze. Her arms crossed further over Mio's back and she was drawn closer into her warm, welcoming body. Yet where the curves once hugged to Mio, now they expanded and hardened as trained muscles rose, capturing her between the stark rigidity of her arms and the powerful muscular mass of a veteran heavyweight wrestler. What was once slightly doughy became touch and dense; a smooth but powerful plateau of hardened belly muscle expanded directly into Mio's, forcing her to flex or flatten but for her breasts, it was only flatten; once more they vanished.

Squeezing her for a few seconds, Takao stopped and looked to the other girls. Suzuya and Yuudachi grumbled, clearly restless, causing Tatsuta to giggle as she removed Mio from Takao, relinquishing her with little reluctance. "Don't be so impatient, we're just softening her up~" Tatsuta said as she cross body pinned Mio, letting her smooth, sharply toned tummy rest on hers. She'd wait for Mio to inhale before lightly pressing down, stroking her well defined abs over hers, aiming to nick the smaller girls' between them as she scrubbed up and down.

"Don't make her completely stiff now." Nagto instructed, caressing her cheek. "Yuudachi, Suzuya, why don't you show Takao what you learned practicing leg locks?"

It wasn't long before four powerful, sensual legs wrapped around both of Mio's and frictious thigh muscles rubbed near but never quite touching her crotch. Suzuya and Yuudachi hummed and purred as their flexed legs squeezed Mio's lovingly and began to rub up and down, synchronizing with Tatsuta's sharp abs grating over hers. To make it worse, Nagato had moved over her breasts, calmly resting her enormous abs upon those perky, aroused peaks and grinding her sharp definition over them again and again! Meanwhile, Takao's plump rump began to descend onto her face.
The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

Tatsuta Murasaki

Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

Arranged in terms of character size from smallest to largest.


Yuudachi Kunikida < Suzuya Jukudo < Takao Okimoto < Nagato Segawa < Laurukka Koskinen < Musashi Ishimoto

Discord: lunarocean.


Re: Mio in the Muscle Maze - Takao, Yuudachi, Tatsuta, Nagato, and Suzuya.

Unread post by Nicia »

Mio felt Takao's body began to harden as if it's trying to flatten hers, and she couldn't help but to get tense in response to it, her own muscles, while puny in comparison with the woman embracing her, flexed in an attempt to resist that. Not that it helped her much, but in the end she was pulled away from Takao as the other women also wanted to have their fun.

As Tatsuta then laid her on the mats and pinned her, Mio took the chance to get a little breather, although when the woman starting to press and rub herself all over her, she'd start moaning again. "Nnnnn..." Her legs were then trapped between Suzuya and Yuudachi's, both women squeezing her limbs while also rubbing them on hers, further turning her more bothered. Being dangerously close to her crotch but not there also adding up a little frustration to her part, which would only build up as it went on, but there's nothing Mio could do about it as it was.

Nagato and Takao then joined as well, the largest woman in the room resting her large breasts on her chest, devouring her own perky pair. "Oooh..." Mio gasped, her face starting to get flushed from all the combined sensations. With not much room left on her small form to claim, Takao completed her predicament by descending on her face, planting those plump rear on her features. "Mmm...!" Mio let out an insignificant, protesting squeal, but it's muffled by the flesh of Takao's derriere. Being barely able to squirm with all the women occupying her body, all she could do was just to endure the onslaught of these divine beauties!

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Re: Mio in the Muscle Maze - Takao, Yuudachi, Tatsuta, Nagato, and Suzuya.

Unread post by LunarOcean »

Mio was small but she was undeniably comfy. Her tight abs were as frictious as tree bark and Tatsuta was careful not to flatten them soft as she rubbed her belly back and forth over Mio's, pressing in just enough that Mio would likely feel compelled to flex back enough to stop flattening but in the process, making the rubbing all the tighter and more delightful. Nagato on the other hand loved how her cute tits perked as hard as they could, molding and sponging over her abs and found it hard not to get carried away.

With Takao's crotch and rump smothering her, it would Make Mio all the more desperate, likely panting and moaning into a now warm, moistened cushion as Yuudachi and Suzuya lovingly rubbed her ankles between their breasts while their flexed, muscled thighs grinded against hers.

Of course, even that wasn't enough for some girls.

While the others were busy flattening Mio, Suzuya and Yuudachi would lay onto their sides, eyes facing away from one another, and begin rubbing their crotches up and down the soft inner portions of Mio's thighs. Both girls thrusted forwards, squeezing like clamps as their nethers smoothed up and down from the kneecap down to where the thigh was the thickest.

Then, Yuudachi smirked and thrusted downwards, her bare pussy slipping across Mio's, thrusting and jutting in before pulling up... then Suzuya would imitate her.

Both girls were panting loudly and with three powerful adult women pinning her down, Mio was helpless as she was tribbed, crushed, smothered, and rubbed!
The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

Tatsuta Murasaki

Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

Arranged in terms of character size from smallest to largest.


Yuudachi Kunikida < Suzuya Jukudo < Takao Okimoto < Nagato Segawa < Laurukka Koskinen < Musashi Ishimoto

Discord: lunarocean.


Re: Mio in the Muscle Maze - Takao, Yuudachi, Tatsuta, Nagato, and Suzuya.

Unread post by Nicia »

Mio felt like she's quickly getting overwhelmed by the women. Her lithe form were crushed and stimulated, placing her in a heaven and hell situation of some sort. Her nipples hardened, poking on Nagato's larger pair and with the women keep rubbing herself all over her chest, her breasts were getting more and more sensitive with each passing seconds. Her abs trying hard to prevent itself from getting flattened by Tatsuta's, who seemed like barely trying, flexing cutely from time to time only to be softened again whenever there was an increased pressure by the woman. She was just being toyed around, clearly, but her body seemingly starting to embrace the sensation of Tatsuta's grinding on hers.

Meanwhile, Suzuya and Yuudachi were doing wonders to her lower half, squishing her legs with their breasts and rubbing them between their own legs to turn her on more and more. Mio wriggled under the women, as much as she was allowed to anyways, then bucked slightly as she felt Yuudachi's crotch thrusting on hers, followed by Suzuya's later on. It's as if she's trying to hump them back, and yet she couldn't because both women were in complete control of her lower half. With the feeling of wanting more only growing each time, she's also getting more and more aroused from her frustration.

"Mmmnn...! Mmmhh...!"

With Takao's rump and crotch perfectly covering her features, however, all her panting and moaning were muffled, giving her little room to express herself. She's been inhaling the woman's scent ever since, and it slowly began to intoxicate her mind. From time to time her slender figure shivered from all the sensations she's having, thrilled by her own helplessness!

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