Naughty or Nice? Harmonia vs Gil 5 Fall Christmas Match!

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Naughty or Nice? Harmonia vs Gil 5 Fall Christmas Match!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Special 5 Fall Christmas Match:
First Fall: Collar Match
Second Fall: Bra and Panties Match
3 Fall: Spanking Match
4. Fall: Kiss Ass Match
5. Fall: Smother KO Match

Harmonia Edelstein, Topgirl of the Austrian Eagles Roster. that was currently on the rise, smiled when she put her horns on her head as final touch to her "Sexy Krampus" Costume.
She checked her outfit and decided that everything was neatly in place, so she got up and went to the entrance of the LAW Arena.
She was in a good mood, Christmas was on of her favourite holidays and as Krampus was essential part of the traditions of her Home Country, Austria, she was all to keen to base her outfit on the demonic Partner of Santa Claus.
Harmonias theme started to play as she walked in the neatly decorated arena.
The entrance door was simply built out of two crossed candy canes, the entrance way presented itself with fake snow and snowmans on each side that stood there like guardians.
The austrian woman was totally relaxed as she knew who would be her opponent, non other then her good friend Gil!
After their first encounter they became good friends and Harmonia was eager to get into the ring with her again.
Doing it in such a nice and wholesome setting made the sexy blonde smile even wider.
She carried a small rod made out of little branches from a birch tree, which was the Krampus traditional tool to punish naughty children that whipped around in her wind, ready to give Gil some good spankings, naughty or not!

The sexy Austrian walked up to the ring that was decorated as cute as was the rest of the arena, fake snow on the floor, the turnbuckles now candy canes, it was honestly quite creative and everyone who knew Harmonia knew that she loved cute and creative stuff, so this was perfect.
She bowed to the crowd when entering the ring, showing of her skimpy panties under her short, red dress and smiled inncocently, before jumping the ropes, showing the crowd some of her goods before settling back on the canvas, walking to her corner and waited what Gil would present to their interesting little bout!
Last edited by RedShinigami on Fri Dec 03, 2021 2:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Naughty or Nice? Harmonia vs Gil 5 Fall Christmas Match!

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Gil was excited to get back in the ring with Harmonia, they had hit it off rather well in their last bout, even if Gil didn't really finish that match the way she wanted to... But, there were no grudges being held, but that wasn't to say she wasn't encourage and fired up to kick some booty and win this time around...!

Current attire:
Soon came about Gil's time to make her entrance, and as her theme began, she pranced out, holding her hands out in front of her and galloping like a deer would, to one side of the ramp, and then the other, posing for cute pictures and for her fans to enjoy...! Eventually, she began to skip, as she usually would, high-fiving all she passed and twirling in a whimsical-manner, looking about at all of the wintery wonder that surrounded the ring. She met the side of the ring, and smoothly rolled under and shot back up onto her own two feet...!

"...Helllllloooo everyone! Happy holidays...!" She waved, prancing back around the ring, doing a couple laps before finally slowing to a stop and turning her sight to her friend, the model, and the always adorable, Harmonia Edelstein...! "...It's so nice to see you again...!" She giggled, approaching and spreading her arms wide, hugging Harmonia tight...!

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Re: Naughty or Nice? Harmonia vs Gil 5 Fall Christmas Match!

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Harmonias heart beat faster as she saw one of her oldest friends coming down the ramp!
They had'nt seen each other in a long time because they had their own duties at LAW and so both had'nt had the time.
But they stayed in contact with Harmonia watching some of Gils matches and vice versa. When her friend came down the ramp in that cute costum she just could'nt hold back some tears.
"Gil, oh my!",the blonde beauty smiled and hugged her tight.
"Did I have missed you...",she said and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"You can't believe how happy I am that we finally get to do a match again! And such a special one! Its beautiful is'nt it?", she smiled and the crowf cheered for the friends hugging and smiling and representing a good christmas spirit.

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Re: Naughty or Nice? Harmonia vs Gil 5 Fall Christmas Match!

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Harmonia's emotions almost made Gil tear-up, she brought in her friend in a tight-hug, returning the kiss on the cheek! "...I'm so glad to see you again, Harmonia, it's been far too long...!" She pulled back to look and her again, before going back into the hug. They both savored the tender, heart-felt moment for as long as they could, it always was unfortunate that things like this couldn't last forever...

Finally they both pulled back away, stepping a few feet apart. "...I must admit, these are strange circumstances to meet under..." She giggled! "...There are some rather... How should I say it, embarassing rounds to this whole shebang, you know?" She rested her hands on her hips.

"...Well, no worried, I'm ready, and I won't be losing this time...! I have some masterful plans, something you haven't prepared for...!" She chuckled to herself, sounding mischievious. "...No worries, though, it should be fun, we both know just how much you adore getting a little bit of butt in your face, isn't that right, Harmonia...?" She teased, sticking her tongue out playfully at the model...!

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Re: Naughty or Nice? Harmonia vs Gil 5 Fall Christmas Match!

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To say that Harmonia was happy would be an understatement, she was delighted as she just hugged Gil again and in a sudden burst of energy she grabbed her friend by her most prominent feature, her nice round behind, with whom she had smothered oh so many opponents in this League.
Gil had become something of a Legend herself with her cheery attitude, her friendlyness and of course...

Harmonia squished the soft cheeks in her hand as she turned Gil and her around in circles, laughing.
Today was a important evening for the Austrian. Probably more than every other match she had ever had on this company.
She came to an halt, forehead to forehead, eye to eye with her friend as the audience cheered.
"Gil? Promise me...make this one unforgettable for me. Lets give them such a show!", she grinned and kissed her friends on the lips, just a small peck.
"Don't hold back!", she smiled and sat her down.
And finally the Christmas Special Match was on the way!

Harmonia grinned and charged for Gil, trying to spear her into the corner and get early advantage!

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Re: Naughty or Nice? Harmonia vs Gil 5 Fall Christmas Match!

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"...I'll do you one better, Harmonia, I'll give them one hell of a show, and I'll give you, the best match you've ever had...!" Gil chuckled, wiggling her hips at the woman. "...How does that sound?" She turned and poked her butt out's at her friend, her skirt barely coming down far enough to hide all of her bottom-half...!


With the ring of the bell, Gil knew exactly what her game-plan was: Wait. She had been in L.A.W for about nine-months at this point, long enough to learn that her opening attacks had to target a weakness, and include some trickery in order to land properly, so her better bet, more often than not, was to wait things out, and slip away with her incredible, outstanding, speed...!

Harmonia dated right at her, lowering her shoulder to pierce Gil's stomach with a devastating spear, but, she would miss...! Gil comically popper her leg out to the side, wide and far, landing it on the mat and pulling the rest of her body with it with one swift movement...! "...Looks like you missed, Miss Edelstein, whatever will you do now...?" Gil giggled like a little devil, hopping up-and-down, spinning-and-dancing around the ring...!

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Re: Naughty or Nice? Harmonia vs Gil 5 Fall Christmas Match!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Harmonia had'nt fought Gil since the begin of their both respective careers but she had followed her friends matches knewing that with each confrontatian, win or loss, Gil would become stronger and mor expierenced.

Harmonia and Gil knew when Harmonia would get her in her grasp that early in the match, that Gil would'nt stand a chance.
And so did Gil use what was given to her, namely her speed, something that Harmoni still laked in but decided to change when she found the right trainer.

"H-Hey!", Harmonia said and looked around for the cocky little wrestler that hopped through the ring like some little imp in a Disbey Cartoon.
Harmonia grabbed on the of the collars that was prepared for round one and hat to bet put on the neck of their opponents.
But how should she do acomplish that when she could'nt get Gil in her grasp!

Finally Harmonia decided to let Gil have the first move of the match.
She had to watch her close but this was the only way to get sure to get near to her...

"Fancy Gil, but come on you are more then that! Come on!", she trief to mock her and get her careless.

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Re: Naughty or Nice? Harmonia vs Gil 5 Fall Christmas Match!

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"Hmm...! I'll show you fancy...!" Gil retorted, still hopping and skipping about to keep her movements un-predictable and hard to read...! She swept around, side-to-side, light on her feet, sliding on her leg-warmers which she wore, not just for looks, but also to help her mobility...!

Gil danced around a little too long, carefully waiting to place her move at the right time, knowing her opening moves weren't always the most effective, she had to be careful...! Eventually, she slid forward and left her feet, trying to hit her rear-end right against Harmonia toned stomach and knock her back into the corner...!

However, if she missed, she would smack herself right into the corner, barely managing to hold herself up with the ropes, now finding herself in a tough situation, vulnerable, and with Harmonia now on the attack...!

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Re: Naughty or Nice? Harmonia vs Gil 5 Fall Christmas Match!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Harmonia knew that Gil was far from a pushover. The girl was capabale of doing some serious damage so she had to be on her toes!
This was a funny little game between two friends and Gil finally decided to raise the stakes!
And Harmonia, who was still lacking in the speed department could'nt jump away that fast!
She got hit by Gils cute butt before getting out of the way or her hands ok her fast enough and had to pay the price...

Man Gil was fast!
Harmonia got hit and sent into the corner behind her.
It was'nt too hard but enough to sent Harmonia sailing!
Problem with that was that she swiftly planned her next move!

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Re: Naughty or Nice? Harmonia vs Gil 5 Fall Christmas Match!

Unread post by Arista »

"...Too easy...!" She winked, backing herself up into Harmonia who stood in the corner. "...You stay right there...!" Gil rubbed her butt against her for a moment, just to quite literally rub things in, before she shot her hips forward, just about as far as they could go, before rocking them back at high-speeds, busting right into Harmonia's stomach...!

She did it once more, and again, and again... All until Harmonia would fall flat on her ass, and after that, she knew what came next...! "...Looks like were getting right to it, huh?" She giggled, ramming her ass back into her face, rubbing from side-to-side. Burying Harmonia's features deep within her curves, not slowing down the rotation of her hips, really digging deep to make this early stinkface count...!

Of course, landing a smother early wasn't really all that smart, Harmonia was definitely still in-it, and kicking! She had nearly a full tank of gas, so this was more for revenge...! "...Remember last time we met in the ring, it was a stinkface-athon, you won... But this time, I'm getting even...!" She chuckled...!

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