Tiny Titans- Gail vs Ashley!

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Tiny Titans- Gail vs Ashley!

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*As the time quickly approached for Gail's impending match to commence, she had given very little thought regarding her adversary for the evening- Some unknown jobber by the name of Ashley Lucas. That name didn't set off any bells whatsoever, and the emerald cyclone was too preoccupied with gussying herself up with her trademark obsidian and toxic green attire to linger on her victim's existence.* "Feh!" *Gail essentially spat her name out, hacking up a loogie before ejecting the lump of saliva and snot across the room.* "I'm going to tear her limb from limb for having the audacity to step into the ring with me!"

*Before too long, it was already time for her to make an appearance. Charging through the hallway while deliberately knocking miscellaneous rookies out of her way before finally emerging onto the scene to an overwhelmingly negative response. However, this was what kept her coming back, night in and night out- The complete and utter disdain the audience held against her was like a breath of fresh air every time she performed; it's what propelled her towards the upper echelon of the law circuit, and with this pure spite fueling her intentions, she would be sure to leave a lasting impression on Ashely tonight!*
"Keep it coming, you inebriated fucks!" *She screeched while trotting down the ramp, stomping up the steps before hopping over the highest rope.* "I fully intend on beating the ever loving crap out of my opponent!" *She declared in quite the reassuring tone, almost as if she had already achieved said victory.*

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Re: Tiny Titans- Gail vs Ashley!

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While Gail was bathing in the hatred of the crowd the opponent she had written off as nothing but a jobber was in the back preparing. She could hear the boo's aimed at the green-haired heel even from backstage, clearly she wasn't very popular with LAW fans. Unlike Gail, Ashley had looked into her opponent for the night in quite a lot of detail. While Gail certainly loved to run her mouth and shit talk her opponents, Ashley would likely be on the receiving end of that pretty soon, she possessed the raw power to back up her big words. Ashley may be in a higher weight division, but that probably wouldn't matter against Gail. Steeling herself for a potentially very tough fight, Ashley prepared to make her appearance.

As soon as Ashley stepped out she was bombarded by cheers and screams, egging her on. While it was a nice change of pace from the lacklustre reception she got most nights she had a feeling that they weren't cheering for her because they were fans of hers, rather they were cheering because Gail had riled them up and they wanted someone to make her pay. Still, Ashley didn't care too much, she had planned on teaching Gail a lesson from the beginning. She posed at the top of the ramp, pointing to the sky with one hand while the other rested on her hip, before marching down the ramp, the cheers of the audience emboldening her approach.

Ashley climbed into the ring through the middle rope and straightened up, locking eyes with Gail as she did so. From up-close she could tell that the smaller woman was powerful, her eyes especially drawn to the Canadian's strong legs. Ashley gave Gail a grin which portrayed both excitement and anxiousness, she couldn't wait for the bell to ring "Hope you're ready."
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Re: Tiny Titans- Gail vs Ashley!

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*Occupying her time by crossing her arms and dismissively shaking her head, Gail had already prepared for this altercation mentally; the agitating little tart otherwise known as Ashley seemed keen on making a name for herself, which disgusted the jade typhoon to no end. However, perhaps if she snuffed out any type of hope that dwelled within the bubbly blonde, then her proclamations of being a certified badass would have some weight behind them. Once Ashley made her way into the ring, Gail caught a glimpse of where her gaze was drawn to, coaxing her to snapping her fingers at the gawking rookie.*

"Hey!" *She barked, expressing an irritated scowl.* "Eyes up here. You don't get to drink in all of this~" *She gestured towards herself while approaching the center of the ring* "Without feasting on a few knuckle sandwiches first. Don't worry though; I've got an entire buffet that I made especially for you tonight." *After their initial banter had been exchanged, the bell eventually sounded, leading to Gail taking an early initiative by lunging forward and ensnaring Ashley's hands in a test of strength!*

"Clang clang clang!" *The diminutive tornado darted forward, attempting to quickly overpower her prey before she even had a chance to realize what was going on!* "I know you must be a little intimidated right now, due to how terrifying I look and everything, but I assure you..." *She allowed her sentence to trail off before continuing.* "I'm just as scary as everyone says!"

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Re: Tiny Titans- Gail vs Ashley!

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When Gail caught Ashley staring her down she seemed to get the wrong idea about Ashley's reason for looking at her body and gave her a thinly veiled threat disguised as scolding "Don't flatter yourself, bitch." Ashley said, rolling her eyes. Moments later the bell rang and Gail lived up to her moniker as she dashed towards Ashley as fast as the wind. The two women engaged in a lock-up, they were evenly matched at first but after a few seconds Ashley found herself being overpowered by the smaller woman "S-strong..." she whispered through gritted teeth, as veins were popping in her arms with the effort it took to not get completely bowled over.
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Re: Tiny Titans- Gail vs Ashley!

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*As Gail surged forward, she could instantaneously tell that Ashley wasn't well endowed in terms of physical strength; something that the jade whirlwind intended to take full advantage of.* "I've been called many things, but you can call me master~" *It had been quite some time since the miniature whirlwind stepped between the ropes, and judging by the blonde's inexperience fighting stronger contenders, this was going to be a cake walk for Gail. Without much inclination to go off of, Gail disengaged from her foe, only to whip herself back around for a furious lariat aimed directly at Ashley's dome!* "But, seeing as how pathetic you are, I highly doubt you're going to last for too much longer!" *The rebellious rocker barked while attempting to slam her forearm across Ashley's facial region!*

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Re: Tiny Titans- Gail vs Ashley!

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Ashley grunted in exertion as Gail pushed her back, trying and failing to match the Nonchalant Tornado in strength and stop her forced retreat. Gail mocked Ashley, suggesting that the blonde could call her master. Under normal circumstances Ashley would have told her to fuck off, but under the pressure Gail was giving her she didn't really have the chance, so instead she replied with an annoyed grunt that would just blend in with all the other noises she was making.

Before things got too bad for Ashley Gail disengaged from the lock up, giving Ashley some much needed reprieve for her tired arms, or at least that's how it seemed. It turned out that Ashley made a big mistake making that assumption, as Gail immediately followed up with a vicious lariat that landed against Ashley's face with a THWACK! Ashley cried out in pain as she was given a one-way ticket down to the mat, clutching her face. The start of the match was not looking good for the blonde, and it was starting to look like Gail's bold statement at the start of the match had some weight to it "...ugh, shit."
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Re: Tiny Titans- Gail vs Ashley!

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*Having already predicted that her clothesline was going to send Ashley spiraling to the canvas, Gail did little to capitalize- Rather, she casually waltzed towards the immobilized blonde and began to mercilessly taunt her from afar.* "You're out of your league, kiddo." *She began, disappointingly shaking her head while hovering a solitary boot over her midsection.* "I chew nobodies like you up and spit you out on a daily basis. But hey, at least you can find some relief in the fact that you got some time in the limelight, yeah?"

*While the audience was obstinately against what was transpiring within the ring, there was little they could do about it but voice their opinion through a variety of jeers and hisses rained down upon her. As per usual, Gail turned her head and sneered in the direction of the disapproving spectators, proceeding to trample against her victim's abdominal region with the platform of her boot!* "You can tell my feet loves this, can'tcha?" *She snickered all the while* "They're smiling right at cha, after all~"

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Re: Tiny Titans- Gail vs Ashley!

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After getting knocked down to the canvas by Gail's clothesline Ashley was treated to a frustratingly familiar sight; the ceiling of the LAW arena and the spotlights shining down onto her face. Being reminded of some of her earlier failures frustrated the blonde enough, but then Gail went and made Ashley even more angry by taunting her as she stood over her. Ashley growled at the shorter woman "Do you ever shut u- UGH!!!" Before she could finish speaking Gail cut her off by stomping her boot directly into Ashley's stomach, taking the air from her lungs mid-sentence. Gail then taunted Ashley further while the blonde gasped for air underneath her feet.

Ashley's features hardened as she hooked one of her arms around the ankle of the foot that pressed against her abs, then tried to sweep Gail's leg out from under her. At the same time she would buck her body upwards, hoping to compromise Gail's balance. Even if Ashley was unable to trip the green-haired woman up she would take the first opportunity that presented itself to roll out from under Gail towards the rope and start to help herself up to her feet.
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Re: Tiny Titans- Gail vs Ashley!

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*After what felt like squashing an irritating bug underfoot, Gail subsequently hopped off of Ashley's squishy midsection and made a beeline towards the audience, who began venting their disapproval the only way they knew how- Constant, aggressive jeering in The Jade Tornado's direction! This, of course, would not go unnoticed, as she would raise her two favorite fingers skyward as a retaliatory tactic.* "You all honestly think that this piece of garbage can entertain me? She's not fit enough to polish my boots, let alone compete with someone of my caliber!" *As much as they abhorred to admit it, the audience had no response- Gail was deftly dominating Ashley, and before they could conjure up another insult to hurl at her, she had pivoted on the heel of her boots to face the battered blonde once again.*

"So, what do we have...???" *Trying to locate where Ashely could have disappeared off to, it wouldn't take long before Gail realized the overwhelmed rookie was attempting to escape.* "Awww, ain't you just the cutest little thing~" *She maliciously remarked, slamming her balled fist against the flat while she began to gain ground on her target.* "Tell me, how scared are you in this particular moment? The last image you'll have of this evening, before I send you into oblivion?" *The Miniature Monsoon inquired, her eyes flickering with baleful intent.*

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Re: Tiny Titans- Gail vs Ashley!

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Ashley's attempts at tripping up Gail and removing her foot proved to be unsuccessful, but before Ashley could even ponder what she was going to do to get her off Gail stepped off herself so that she could taunt the audience by insulting Ashley. Charming. The green haired woman then turned around and saw that Ashley was not lying on the ground anymore, which she interpreted as the blonde trying to escape the ring. Ashley got up to her feet as Gail taunted her further, asking her how afraid she was. With teeth gritted in anger the blonde took in a deep breath and let Gail have a piece of her mind "SHUUUUUUUUUUUUUT UUUUUUUUUP!!!"

With newfound vigor Ashley would march over to where Gail stood and would lash out with a kick aimed at her stomach, hoping to force the lightweight to bend over forwards.
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