*Occupying her time by crossing her arms and dismissively shaking her head, Gail had already prepared for this altercation mentally; the agitating little tart otherwise known as Ashley seemed keen on making a name for herself, which disgusted the jade typhoon to no end. However, perhaps if she snuffed out any type of hope that dwelled within the bubbly blonde, then her proclamations of being a certified badass would have some weight behind them. Once Ashley made her way into the ring, Gail caught a glimpse of where her gaze was drawn to, coaxing her to snapping her fingers at the gawking rookie.*
"Hey!" *She barked, expressing an irritated scowl.*
"Eyes up here. You don't get to drink in all of this~" *She gestured towards herself while approaching the center of the ring*
"Without feasting on a few knuckle sandwiches first. Don't worry though; I've got an entire buffet that I made especially for you tonight." *After their initial banter had been exchanged, the bell eventually sounded, leading to Gail taking an early initiative by lunging forward and ensnaring Ashley's hands in a test of strength!*
"Clang clang clang!" *The diminutive tornado darted forward, attempting to quickly overpower her prey before she even had a chance to realize what was going on!*
"I know you must be a little intimidated right now, due to how terrifying I look and everything, but I assure you..." *She allowed her sentence to trail off before continuing.*
"I'm just as scary as everyone says!"