Victory Conditions: Gained by having the opponent orgasm
Standard Hentai rules apply.
For tonight's match, Eirina Makishima was slated for another hentai match, this time against someone named Wisteria Khan. She had heard of that name sometime ago, though she didn't really know what she was like. Of course, there was only one way to find it out as she would get ready to make her entrance. When she was called to make her entrance, Eirina made her way out of the locker room, heading out to the ramp as as her music was played. The crowd cheered and hooted, and the Frau Doktor blew kisses here and there as she walked down the ramp.
Eirina Makishima
Soon after that, Eirina made her way to the corner, waiting for her opponent to show herself. Leaning against the turnbuckle, the Frau Doktor looked at the entrance so that she could see her opponent making her appearance. She had seen Wisteria before, and while she didn't know what her real name was (there was no way Wisteria Khan was a real name), she was more eager to see whether this woman could compete with her in this lewd match where they needed to make the other submit through orgasms.