Black and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Layla Colt

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Black and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Layla Colt

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Standard match. Winner decided by pinfall, submission or ko

Sheena stretched idly backstage near the guerilla position. She had quickly been scheduled for a second match almost immediately after her first one had been seen. A good sign she was sure and something she’d take in stride. After all the more chances she had to show her skills the greater impact she’d have, as well as the mkre chances she’d have to prove herself to her family.

Looking over herself in a nearby mirror the young Akan was sure to adjust any areas of her less than conservative outfit in order to make sure nothing would fall off or pop out. Doing a turn around Sheena nodded to herself. Everything looked good and she was more than ready. “The following is a standard match set for one fall! Introducing first... Wisteriaaaa Khannnn!!! Hearing her name called out followed by her music starting, she nodded to herself as she strutted out and posed.
Holdong her hands clasped above her head with a confident expression she smiled softly and nodded to the cheering crowd. Dropping her hands she began strutting down the ramp beading to the ring with a sway to her hips and confident smile. Kyoko may have liked to be ‘blunt’ with tbe crowd as she called it, but Sheena had no issue at all playing to them a bit and getting them hyped. Cimbing onto the ring apron she threw her arm up again before swinging her leg over the middle rope and sliding through into the ring.

Standing straight she hopped onto the rope and smiled out at the crowd. Sliding her hands up across her stomach she threw them over her head posing one more time for tbe crowd and drinking in tbe cheers and praise. Hopping off the corner she landed neatly on her feet and spread her legs a bit, placing her hands in her knees, waiting in anticipation for her opponet to come down.

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Re: Black and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Layla Colt

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Layla rolled her neck from side to side, loosening herself up as she prepared to the take to the ring for her next match. A lightweight hoodie covered her torso, above tight black wrestling shorts, fishnet tights and ankle-length boots. Her hands were covered by white fingerless gloves and she balled them into fists, flexing in preparation. Her next opponent was a relative newcomer to LAW, but Layla hadn't been around all that long either, and she was not in the habit of underestimating opponents. Rookie or no, she would be treating this match as seriously as any other.
Entrance Attire
Layla Colt
Her music, Burn Halo: Save Me erupted from the speakers and the black clad beauty strutted out into the lights, raising her hands high as the fans cheered her arrival. She wove back and forth down the ramp, catching high-fives and fist bumps as she went, before jumping up onto the side of the ring, grabbing the top rope and vaulting inside to join her next opponent.

She landed crisply, looking Wisteria up and down, examining the purple clad beauty's frame from top to bottom, gauging what she was dealing with. The woman certainly didn't worry about showing off her frame. Not to be outdone, Layla whipped her hoodie from her torso, tossing it to the referee and revealing her black lycra wrestling top that cut off at her ribs to show off her trim waist and abs. Bouncing lightly on her feet, she approached Wisteria.

"Ready to put on a show?" Layla said with a wry smile. "Wouldn't want to keep the fans waiting, would we?"

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Re: Black and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Layla Colt

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When she finally heard the music of her opponet start to play Wisteria looked up and focused on the entrance ramp, watching closely to see who she was dealing with. As Layla came out Sheena silently began analyzing her opponet from head to toe, trying to discern what kind of opponet she’d be. Stretching her arms a bit she idly noted that Layla was pretty attractive in a.. goth girl next door sorta way.

Something she immediately shook from her thoughts as a form of distraction. She wasn’t here to find girls attractive. She was here to win. Focusing once more as the girl spoke to her a soft smile crept up on Sheena’s face in response to what Layla said. It was good to know the girl she’s be facing wasn’t some crazy heel or bimbo that didn’t take things seriously. She appeared to be pretty down to earth, something Sheena could see herself getting along with.

Nodding to Layla the purple clas girl pushed off the corner and approached her blakc clad counter part, her hand going up as she did. ”Not at all, I look forward to a good match.” She said politely to the girl while offering her hand for a friendly hand shake with the brunette, something she felt comfortable doing give the friendly nature she seemed to exude.

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Re: Black and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Layla Colt

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Layla couldn't help but notice Sheena's gaze linger on her for a moment longer than necessary, the purple-clad fighter clearly taking a better than average look at her dark haired opponent. Her smile widened - fair was fair - Sheena was quite a looker herself. Still, they were here for more than a fashion contest. Her opponent came up to her extending a hand, confirming that she too was looking forward to an exciting contest.

Layla winked as she accepted Sheena's grip, shaking the other woman's hand. "Oh, I think we can guarantee that." Excitement building in her for the coming match, she stepped back, her whole body tingling with anticipation. She gave the referee a nod, indicating her readiness and sinking into a fighting stance.

When the bell rang Layla would feign stepping forward for a lock up, trying to draw the rookie wrestler in before leaping at Sheena, aiming a swift dropkick at the other woman's chest, hoping to catch her by surprise with some sudden acrobatics!

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Re: Black and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Layla Colt

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”Good to hear.” Sheena said with a slight smile gracing her face as she shook hands with Layla, glad she could kick off her second match on good terms with her opponet. Putting her hands up in preperation while stepping back Sheen braced herself mentally for what was to come.

Eyes focused on Layla’s form she saw her raise her hands up for a lock up and on instinct moved forward to meet her. However this seemed to be exactly what Layla wanted, as the moment she should have felt her hands grip Layla’s, she instead felt the girl’s feet crash into her chest! “Ugh!” She’d grunt out falling straight backwards from the impact. She hadn’t expected such a thing from Layla by her apperance, but it wasn’t particularly a cheap tactic. Just unexpected.

Landing on her back the youngest Akan was keft wincing for just a moment before showing her own talent in fortutude as she threw her legs up, kipping back to her feet in a crouch. Assuming that Layla would still be getting up afterher drop kick Sheena would attempt to take advantage and dash forward, extending her arm in the process. Her idea being to bring Layla back down to the mat on her terms with a thunderous clothesline.

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Re: Black and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Layla Colt

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Things started well. She roped Sheena in, allowing the woman to believe the lock-up was coming before catching her off guard with a swift dropkick. It worked like a charm, knocking the other woman back to the canvas. Layla rode her own impact as she fell back to the mats, unharmed, and picked herself up, expecting a second or two of free space to follow up her opening move.

What she found, however, was Sheena barrelling towards her, the other wrestler having absorbed the drop kick and sprung back up even faster than Layla!

"UNNGH!" Layla blurted as Sheena's clothesline hammered into the Canadian brawler's bust, knocking her flat! She thudded into the canvas with a gasp, mentally cursing herself for allowing that to happen. Gritting her teeth through the pain, she scrambled to her feet as quickly as she could, getting her arms up in an effort to be ready for the follow-up she was sure would be coming her way in a matter of seconds.

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Re: Black and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Layla Colt

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Wisteria was still wincing in pain from the drop kick, it had hurt like hell but she had taken much worse at the hands of her cousin Kyoko. Managing to kip up in time she was able to slam her arm into jer opponet’s chest, blasting the other woman down to her back in a bit of revenge, effectively leaving the two even blow for blow thus far.

Turning around immediately following the clothesline Sheena held her hands up, watching her opponet carefully as she waited for the dark haired girl to stand up. Once she did than the purple haired girl would dash forward, her arms shooting forward, one going around the back of Layla’s neck, the other to her shoulder. This time to try and force her into a collar elbow lock up.

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Re: Black and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Layla Colt

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Layla got to her feet in readiness after the crunching clothesline, her chest still smarting from the impact, but the tough Canadian had been through a lot worse than that. Knees bent and arms raised she was more than ready as Sheena came dashing in for a lock up, one hand sliding around behind Layla's neck to pull her in. Not one to shy away from a challenge, she reciprocated the grip, leaning into the collar and elbow tie up and planting her feet against her purple-clad foe.

With brute strength not being Layla's forte, however, she strained in the lock up only for a moment, allowing Sheena to shove into her before trying to turn the tables on her foe. Trying to use Sheena's momentum against her, Layla tried to spin the other woman around as she shoved and twist her hard back into the turnbuckle to trap her opponent in the corner!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Black and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Layla Colt

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‘Not exactly one for physical strength huh?’ Sheena thought to herself as she entered a full on lock up with Layla, this time for real as opposed to a ruse. Almost immediately after doing so she noticed the way she managed to take a definite lead in the grappple. Granted it wasn’t by a wide margin, she was still grunting with effort to control Layla, but it was with more ease than she would have initially thought. Slowly but surely she forced Layla further and further back, attempting to bear down on the dark haired girl with sheer force and bring her down to the mat. However much to Sheen’s shock she found their positions suddenly and roughly switched. Layla hadn’t out powered her but outmaneuvered! Gasping as she was turned she winced as she slammed into the corner, now trapped between it and Layla!

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Re: Black and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Layla Colt

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Layla's bait worked to perfection as the Canadian brawler drew in her opponent, letting Sheena shove into her before abruptly turning the tables and slinging her opponent hard into the turnbuckle. She heard the gasp from her surprise foe, and a smile slipped across her face - she'd caught the woman off guard with her quick switch.

Not wanting to wait around to let Sheena recover from a fairly superficial impact, Layla burst into motion, taking two quick steps and throwing herself into the air, twisting her body sideways and attempting to smash a flying hip attacks squarely into Sheena's exposed midriff.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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