Sheena stretched idly backstage near the guerilla position. She had quickly been scheduled for a second match almost immediately after her first one had been seen. A good sign she was sure and something she’d take in stride. After all the more chances she had to show her skills the greater impact she’d have, as well as the mkre chances she’d have to prove herself to her family.
Looking over herself in a nearby mirror the young Akan was sure to adjust any areas of her less than conservative outfit in order to make sure nothing would fall off or pop out. Doing a turn around Sheena nodded to herself. Everything looked good and she was more than ready. “The following is a standard match set for one fall! Introducing first... Wisteriaaaa Khannnn!!! Hearing her name called out followed by her music starting, she nodded to herself as she strutted out and posed.

Standing straight she hopped onto the rope and smiled out at the crowd. Sliding her hands up across her stomach she threw them over her head posing one more time for tbe crowd and drinking in tbe cheers and praise. Hopping off the corner she landed neatly on her feet and spread her legs a bit, placing her hands in her knees, waiting in anticipation for her opponet to come down.