Curves Collide - Lola Morgan vs Wicke Sykes

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Curves Collide - Lola Morgan vs Wicke Sykes

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With her move from her former job over to LAW, Lola Morgan had been unsure that she'd actually be able to make things work, the uncertainty of moving to a new career being enough to weigh heavily on anyone, no matter their personal confidence. However, much to the busty bunny's sinister delight, the crowd ate up her act, and from her first match she had already made quite an impression with the crowd, managing to get them on her side despite her underhanded antics and get a win!

And now she was presented with the opportunity to do it once more, faced off with yet another heavyweight foe, Lola wearing a sinister smile on her face as she finished preparing in the locker room! From there, she would take a quick walk over to the entrance way, waiting for her cue before bursting out from backstage, making her entrance at the top of the ramp!
"Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo LAW! Did you all miss me?!" Lola cried out in a cutesy voice, spreading her arms and spinning around for the fans, before heading down the ramp, offering high fives and hugs all the way. Lola stomached the fan interaction in order to really get the people on her side, before hopping up onto the apron!

Lola would proceed to bend over, pausing to wiggle her hips and give the crowd a healthy eyeful of her ass, before finally sliding inside, blowing kisses for just a tad bit longer before retiring to her corner, ready to see who she was up against!

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Re: Curves Collide - Lola Morgan vs Wicke Sykes

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It was time for Wicke Sykes to enter the ring once more. She never heard of this Lola Morgan person but that will change by the end of things. Hopefully somebody quite colourful and enchance her already exciting wrestling experience. Wicke was feeling optimistic about her chances. Keeping her eyes on the prize was her main priority. With her recurring appearances, it seemed that she was getting a second stroke of wind. Could she gain gold once again?

The moment of truth arrived as she emerged from backstage wearing her favourite labcoat. "Salutations my loving fans!" sh It was clear that her fans were quite dedicated as the announcer was barely audible with all the cheering and shouting around. Out of the two wrestlers in this bout, it was evident that Wicke was the favourite to win. Will she live up to expectations?

She walked down the ramp shaking hands with as many front row spectators as possible. "Hello! Hello! Yes that is the correct material" the purple haired woman tried to make small talk before climbing into the ring.

"My my what a striking display of colours. Are you one of those Playboy Bunnies?" she asked feeling particularly interested in her opponent's attire. "Oh my apologies! My name is Wicke Sykes and I have business to attend to" she apologised before unbuttoning her labcoat and throwing it to the side revealing her white leotard clad body.
Last edited by SwordSavior1 on Wed Oct 16, 2019 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Curves Collide - Lola Morgan vs Wicke Sykes

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Waiting for her opponent to arrive, Lola would stretch a bit in the corner to limber herself up, only stopping when her opponent finally arrived, stepping out onto the top of the ramp and making her presence known! And immediately, the fans were in a frenzy, cheering for the woman in the labcoat who began to make her way down the ramp and towards the ring, greeting them on the way down as Lola herself tried to hide a frown, annoyed at the reaction that her foe got compared to her own!

Still, she managed to keep her facial expressions in check as she watched Wicke finally reach the ring, slipping inside and getting into the ring with Lola, both competitors now inside the ring! And soon enough, Wicke would turn her attention to Lola and question the bunny on her background, the corners of Lola's mouth turning down slightly at the mention of her own job, fast enough that it was near impossible to notice, before she smiled in response!

"No no no silly! I'm a wrestler, and I'm ready to fight! It's nice to meet you Wicke, but Lola Morgan is here to win! Dumb bitch..." Lola responded, her final words being hissed under her breath so Wicke couldn't hear them, still maintaining her friendly attitude for now, knowing the fans loved her ditsy persona.

Still, Lola would watch as Wicke yanked off her lab coat, and the bunny's eyes would go wide as the heavyweight scientist revealed her incredibly curvy body, clad in a one piece that showed off a lot of skin! Still, Lola was no slouch herself, and purposefully bent over to touch her toes a few times under the guise of stretching, while showing off her own plentiful rear, not wanting Wicke to have the advantage of the fans too much more before the match started!

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Re: Curves Collide - Lola Morgan vs Wicke Sykes

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Wicke rubbed her eyes as she thought she saw Lola's face contort a little. She decided to ignore this as Lola otherwise retained her supposedly bubbly personality. "And I'm a wrestler, part time researcher and the person who is ready to make you submit. It is also nice to meet you Miss Morgan!" she responded being genuinely polite to her opponent. The sneer wasn't able to reach her ears so there wasn't any tension at least for now.

"Oh right, I need to do some stretching as well" Wicke exclaimed looking at Lola's posture. The researcher also bent over up and down much to the delight of the spectators. At this moment she quickly regained the support from the fans much to Lola's large dismay. This was already shaping to be quite a heated contest despite one not being an active party.

After making sure every part of her body wasn't stiff anymore, Wicke stood upright once again. "Let have a good old fashioned bout" she said raising an arm for a hopeful handshake.
Last edited by SwordSavior1 on Wed Oct 16, 2019 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Curves Collide - Lola Morgan vs Wicke Sykes

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Standing across the ring from Wicke with a smile on her face, Lola remained composed in the face of the scientist revealing her incredibly curvy body, the fans delighting in seeing Wicke's busty form in full, though Lola quickly began to "stretch" to show off her own body as well! Still, Lola's devotion to keeping up her nice bimbo act was tested as Wicke politely informed her that she was planning to make the bunny submit, the corner's of Lola's mouth twitching for just a moment before her smile was back to normal!

"Well! I'm excited to have a go at you! By the end of this I plan to have you tap tap tapping!" Lola said with a smile and a wiggle of her hips, before looking over to see Wicke stretching as well! The former playgirl had done so in order to show off her rear, and while Wicke's motives were more pure, it still showed off her thick, massive rear end to the crowd to their delight, and Lola's dismay!

"You gotta be fuckin kidding me... She's totally jacking my fuckin idea!" Lola hissed under her breath, for her and her alone to hear, before Wicke stepped forwards and reached out to offer a handshake!

Of course cutie! I'm excited!" Lola responded with a smile on her face, reaching out and accepting the handshake. Much as she didn't want to, the bunny would keep up her nice gal act for the fans, and would back up to her corner, waiting for the bell to ring and Wicke to make the first move!

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Re: Curves Collide - Lola Morgan vs Wicke Sykes

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There it was again. Wicke hearing voices that made her a bit uncomfortable. Was somebody else speaking to her or was it just her subconscious trying to take away her confidence. "This shall be the one time I will enjoy experimenting on a rabbit" she quipped before walking into her own corner. The battle between the busty heavyweights was to begin any moment now.


And we are off. Taking one small step at time, Wicke raised her arms up as she reached the centre. "Come here cute little bunny! I won't harm you too much!" she said in a playful manner. Whether it was grappling or slamming, the older woman would be up for whatever. Maybe upon contact she could see the bunny's true colours.

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Re: Curves Collide - Lola Morgan vs Wicke Sykes

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With some pre match pandering to the crowd, Lola and Wicke would eventually finish up with their stretching, both heavyweights ready to go as the bell rang, kicking off the match between Wicke and the hidden heel that was Lola! And immediately, both women would step forwards towards the center of the ring, Wicke and Lola both raising their hands and coming together for a lockup, two thicc women meeting and pressing tight to try and bully the other backwards into the corner!

"We'll see... who's gonna beat who!" Lola chirped, still in a relatively positive tone, as she pushed against Wicke, leaning in close and causing both women's breasts to smush together, as she tried to move Wicke! Her body smushed against the scientists, Lola would attempt to suddenly slip a leg behind Wicke's and shove her, tripping the woman to the mat and hopefully land atop her in a sort of splash, trying to floor Wicke and knock the air out of her!

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Re: Curves Collide - Lola Morgan vs Wicke Sykes

Unread post by SwordSavior1 »

As the two bodies mushroomed together, it seemed to be an even contest so far. "I believe the winner shall be the one with brains, brawn and beauty!" she said also chipper except genuine. With how things were heading, it was either until one tires out or somebody transitions into another move. Keeping her eyes on the bunny girl, Wicke failed to guard her legs.

"Wahhhhhhh!!!" she cried out as the older woman was still holding onto her opponent as they fell to the ground. Wicke grunted as she fell onto her back, but that was only phase one. Lola landed directly on top of her, knocking the wind out of her opponent. "...Well that was not clean..." she uttered not holding any grudges since it was within the rules and is quite strategic. She had trouble moving a muscle with Lola asserting her weight.
Last edited by SwordSavior1 on Wed Nov 06, 2019 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Curves Collide - Lola Morgan vs Wicke Sykes

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With Lola and Wicke colliding, two busty bodies mushing up against one another, this match was quite clearly already heavily appealing to the fans, as their breasts smushed together, with Lola eventually getting the upper hand and tripping Wicke! The two women fell hard, Wicke hitting the mat and Lola's busty frame smushing into her as she landed atop her, Wicke letting out a groan as Lola made use of her position atop the heavyweight, a smirk on her face as she responded to the scientist!

"Oh, it was very clean! Now shut your fat ass up and get pinned..." Lola said, muttering the insult under her breath as she grabbed Wicke's wrists with her own, and grapevined the busty woman's legs! Lola would attempt to pin Wicke's arms down while also spreading her legs, splaying her curvy foe out while pinning her down to the mat!


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Re: Curves Collide - Lola Morgan vs Wicke Sykes

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Wicke's wrists would be seized, leading to the first pin of the night. As the referee started counting something clicked in her mind, leading to the older woman pushing up against Lola's grip and force the bunny girl completely off of her. After the pin was broke, Wicke initially sitting on the mat pressed her hands against the ground. A small smile was formed on her face. Now it was her turn.

If Lola was too slow to react, Wicke would swoop in from behind and envelop her neck with a side headlock. Regardless if her move was successful, she decided to address something that was bugging her. "Excuse me, but can you speak a bit louder now? I am hearing a lot of echoes. I can't tell the fans to stop cheering for me" she unintentionally crossed a line excluding Lola.
Last edited by SwordSavior1 on Sun Nov 17, 2019 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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