With her move from her former job over to LAW,
Lola Morgan had been unsure that she'd actually be able to make things work, the uncertainty of moving to a new career being enough to weigh heavily on anyone, no matter their personal confidence. However, much to the busty bunny's sinister delight, the crowd ate up her act, and from her first match she had already made quite an impression with the crowd, managing to get them on her side despite her underhanded antics and get a win!
And now she was presented with the opportunity to do it once more, faced off with yet another heavyweight foe,
Lola wearing a sinister smile on her face as she finished preparing in the locker room! From there, she would take a quick walk over to the entrance way, waiting for her cue before bursting out from backstage, making her entrance at the top of the ramp!
Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo LAW! Did you all miss me?!"
Lola cried out in a cutesy voice, spreading her arms and spinning around for the fans, before heading down the ramp, offering high fives and hugs all the way.
Lola stomached the fan interaction in order to really get the people on her side, before hopping up onto the apron!
Lola would proceed to bend over, pausing to wiggle her hips and give the crowd a healthy eyeful of her ass, before finally sliding inside, blowing kisses for just a tad bit longer before retiring to her corner, ready to see who she was up against!