Highflying clash Evanna vs Asuka

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Highflying clash Evanna vs Asuka

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Evanna Lynch vs Asuka
Win by pinfall , submission or count out

It was mere seconds before her first match in LAW and the redhead was feeling a bit anxious as she had expected that her first match would be together with her best friend as they team up against another tag team. When that was not the cause Evanna had some extra training sessions with Lynn and just hoped the fans would enjoy her attire which consisted of a purple slightly off-the-shoulder long sleeved top which exposed her stomach, blue miniskirt that has a slit at the left side , turquoise and green-striped tights and ankle high boots

As she got the signal that it was almost time the Irish teen would take a deep breath and when she heard the voice of her favorite artist Natasha Bedingfield and walked onto the entrance ramp. From their the redhead would make her way towards the ring first slowly until she was halfway down the runway as she would start to run and as she got closer to the ring would leap forward and slide under the bottom ropes as she listen to the crowd cheering her on.

After making it back to her feet Evanna would walk towards her corner and await the arrival of her opponent who if she remembered correctly was some girl who when by Asuka.

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Re: Highflying clash Evanna vs Asuka

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Asuka watched Evanna's entrance from backstage, already having been dressed up in her wrestling gear. Her opponent's attire caught her attention with how seemingly impractical it was, covering up a lot of skin and leaving quite a few long, flowing sections that could be grabbed at if she was desperate. Regardless, her opponent was still fairly attractive, which so far seemed to be a recurring theme in the lightweight division.

The Japanese celebrity made her way up to the ramp once Evanna was in the ring, and hopped excitedly in place, waiting for her own music to hit. Just a minute or two later, the lights dimmed down, and then flared back up accompanied by Asuka's theme, getting a loud roar from the crowd. Asuka herself appeared just a second or two later, and quickly walked down the ramp with a big smile on her face, waving both hands at the crowd.

She hopped up onto the apron, and simply stepped in between the ropes instead of sliding under like she typically did. "Kon'nichiwa!" she called out, smugly smiling at Evanna and placing both hands on her hips as the referee (who, interestingly, was far taller than either girl) drew both wrestlers in to explain the rules.

Asuka was dressed up in her regular attire, wearing a pink and blue bikini top tied up behind her neck and upper back, along with matching tight-fitting short-shorts in the same pattern. She wore blue knee and elbow pads with her evil bunny emblem on the face of each one, and regular blue knee-high wrestling boots.
Last edited by DizzyKnight on Wed Oct 11, 2017 7:23 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Highflying clash Evanna vs Asuka

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Evanna would just lean back against the ropes and watch the entrance ramp as she could not wait to see if this Asuka was as attractive as most of the females who wrestle for LAW.Still regardless of how beautiful the other wrestler may be but the redhead knew she would always consider her best friend as the most attractive girl on the roster because of obvious reason she rather keep to herself.

The Irish teen did not have to wait to long as soon enough Asuka's theme would start to play as the crowd cheered loudly in responds to one of their own walking down to the ring. As Evanna checked her opponent out while she made her way to the ring she noticed her attire was showing off the Japanese girl's body and had to admit she liked what she saw.

Still as her opponent got inside the ring and called out to her while placing her hands on her hips as a smug smile was on Asuka's face caused the redhead to panic as she tried to remember what the word means. Luckily she figured it out and just bows as she replies ''Kon'nichiwa'' herself as she just hoped she remembered correctly as she thought the word means hello.

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Re: Highflying clash Evanna vs Asuka

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Asuka couldn't help herself but to laugh when Evanna responded with a bow, placing one hand over her mouth and leaning forwards a little. It was a little strange to see come from a girl she was about to fight, though Asuka certainly looked adorable as she struggled to control her giggling. Eventually, she straightened up and hopped in place a few times, smiling brightly.

"I wanna see how quickly I can beat you." Asuka declared in a taunting tone, still smirking at Evanna. The referee explained the rules to both lightweights, though Asuka felt confident enough in her knowledge that she simply looked forwards into her opponent's eyes with her cute smile still on her face. She got the feeling it'd be a fun fight, regardless of the outcome.
Last edited by DizzyKnight on Wed Oct 11, 2017 7:23 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Highflying clash Evanna vs Asuka

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Evanna had just bow down when she heard what she thought was the Japanse teen giggling as she would soon stand straight and say hello in Japanese.Still when her opponent would declare she wanted to see how fast she could beat the redhead rubbed the Irish girl the wrong way as she glared at Asuka and barely listen to her opponent.

After the ref was done talking Evanna would just reply ''first off I thought to show respect you bow to your opponent in this country and secondly Asuka i'm afraid I got some bad news.As it will be me who shall stand victorious after our match'' as the bell would rang while she was talking.

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Re: Highflying clash Evanna vs Asuka

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Asuka rolled her eyes at Evanna's response, strutting backwards to the opposite corner with a smirk on her face as she listened to the Irish girl's long-ish cheesy rant. Luckily for the Japanese gamer, the bell rang to start the fight mid-way through her opponent's speech, giving her an opportunity to interrupt it.

Of course she took it, sprinting out of the corner and diving right towards the other lightweight to try and spear her into the canvas, throwing all of her weight behind her shoulder and aiming to drive it right into Evanna's soft and exposed tummy.
Last edited by DizzyKnight on Wed Oct 11, 2017 7:24 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Highflying clash Evanna vs Asuka

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Evanna soon would learn that you should never go on a rant just before a match was about to start the hard way. As while she was talking and ignoring the fact the bell had bin rang her opponent did not and before she knew it she was on her back after she got Asuka's shoulder in her tummy and looked at the referee confused.

While she lay on the canvas she would gasp in pain as she looks up to the Japanese teen as she would hear the crowd react to what had happened as some of them just started to laugh at the rookie mistake the redhead just made.

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Re: Highflying clash Evanna vs Asuka

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With Evanna now laid out on her back, Asuka smirked down at her very smugly. Right away, she reached down to take hold of both of the other lightweight's ankles in each hand, before attempting to fold them up and over to try and apply a matchbook pin, threatening her opponent with a near-inescapable pin just seconds after the bell! Evanna would have to think quickly to escape before Asuka locked it in, else she may well lose the fastest match ever.
Last edited by DizzyKnight on Wed Oct 11, 2017 7:24 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Highflying clash Evanna vs Asuka

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With Evanna on her back after the spear she was a bit dazed at first but when she feels her opponent grasp her ankles knew she had to react and quickly.Still the redhead doubted she would have the strength to push the Japanese girl off her but knew she had to try as she would set off with as much strength as she could in an attempt to shove Asuka off her using her legs.

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Re: Highflying clash Evanna vs Asuka

Unread post by DizzyKnight »

Asuka locked Evanna's feet down beside the redhead's head and got a loud cheer from the audience. In addition to presenting the victim's butt for all to see, this type of matchbook pin was practically inescapable for Evanna, barring a rope break or interference. The girl's squirming and kicking did nothing but make her butt wiggle, and the referee slapped the canvas for "One!"
Last edited by DizzyKnight on Wed Oct 11, 2017 7:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

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