Hair Color: Pink and Brown
Eye Color: Brown (Left eye) Pale Pink (Right eye)
Height: 4’10
Weight: 120
Alignment: Heel
Entrance Music:
One Thing
Normal Finishers
Pink Mist
Pink Arrow
If used in hentai styled matches the mist is a powerful aphrodisiac
Last Serving
Pentagram Lock
Last Sundae
French Tower
Suspension of Disbelief
Pinwheel Flip
Backstory: The first thing that jumps out to people about Neo is how quiet she is. She is mute, not entirely as you may understand it. Neo suffers from selective mutism; this is due to her not-so-great past. Neo was practically born an orphan, not much of a memory of her family. Sometimes Neo even questions if she has a family. Though at a certain point, she stopped asking a question she was never getting an answer to. That being said, Neo would bounce around from family to family. Never really sticking in one place because of any of the reasons you could think of. She didn't fit in; the parents weren't ready to have a kid, had an attitude or anything else, and the all so common abusive households. With each family that didn't work, little by little, Neo would begin to hate people. What was the issue? It couldn't be Neo. But that her string of unlucky homes would end soon enough. Neo would finally get accepted into a lovely family. Her new parents were a friendly bunch; speaking plainly, they were adopted because they could not have kids. It didn't take them long to learn about Neo's more hateful side. Not wanting their new daughter to be some psycho murderer in the future, they knew that Neo needed some direction. Luckily this was a wrestling family, not so famous really; some might recognize them from the indie scene. But uh, something about Neo made it apparent that wrestling would be brutal for her. Her body. You don't have to be a genius to know that Neo is not meant for the ring. Just taking a look at her is enough. Yet even then, that didn't stop Neo or her parents. They were making Neo's body a strength instead of a weakness. Soon after some training sessions, Neo would start in some amateur matches. Not much to say about them; Neo would win them easily. Well, no, that's a lie; Neo's matches would last longer than most matches. Not because they were close or anything, but because Neo would have so much fun beating on her opponent that she would prolong the game.
Most people would see this as a troublesome trait of Neo's but not her parents. Their logic is that if they are in the ring, then everyone is aware of the risks. As Neo grew older, she would have more and more matches. Neo's parents were having a more challenging time controlling her as she had more matches. The tipping point to this would be when Neo snuck out of the house to wrestle in a illegal underground promotion. Maybe this was some phase she was going through, the thought, but Neo didn't stop going. One night they decided to watch one of their daughter's matches. But low and behold, what they saw was Neo in her element. She'd be beating her opponents to a bloody pulp, all with that same smile on her face that would have most people thinking she is a sweetheart. This would worry her parents, but what could they do? Stopping here would do nothing because Neo would find somewhere else to fight people. Not allowing Neo to wrestle could lead to her taking more drastic measures. Safe to say they were lost. Neo isn't dumb, though; she realized how she was worried her parents. Despite the many nasty rumors about her, Neo could show empathy and kindness for people close to her. So making the executive decision, Neo would leave her parents to live on her own. Being old enough to do so legally. This wouldn't be the last time they spoke; Neo speaks to her parents, often keeping them appraised on her condition. Yet, she'd make sure to leave out everything else she was doing. Neo's natural talent for violence would be of some use outside of the ring. Not wanting to get Neo into any trouble here, she would take "security jobs" as a side hustle to get more money and other jobs. Neo would meet many people during this time. A few she even became close with. But also during this time, she would eventually find herself the fine establishment that is L.A.W. It only took watching a few matches, but she was already sold on it. Now L.A.W has to beware because they have to deal with Neo.
General Statistics:
Endurance: 3 - Not the most durable but she can surprise you
Strength: 3 - Odds are Neo is not knocking you out
Speed: 4 - Good luck trying to get away from Neo
Defense: 5 - Trying to get a hold of Neo is hard enough as is
Technique: 5 - Don’t let Neo get a hold of you
Wrestling attire 1
She couldn’t