Erika van Buren

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Erika van Buren

Unread post by xalex »

Erika van Buren
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Hair: Blond
Eyes: brown/yellow
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 120lbs
Nationality: Swedish
Alignment: Face
Entrance music:

Wrestling Information
fighting style:
Fast and highflying… she tries not to lock up with her opponent and instead hopes to hit her as often with as many hits as possible. Never let your opponent get to close… otherwise she will get a real problem. Only if she is sure she got the advantage over her opponent she starts to get close hopping to get a few moves and holds in to wear her opponent down, before going up to the sky!
Preferred Matches:
The match that hurts the least!

Endurance: 5/5
Strength: 2/5
Speed: 5/5
Defense: 2/5
Technique: 3/5

Favored moves:
Drop kick, cross bodys, slaps, kicks.
Signature Moves:
The clapping kick
Finishing moves:
Springboard Elbowdrop
Leg drop on the neck
A superkick… a simple superkick


Visual Appearance:
her ring attire
her alternative ring attire
good kitty
Image Image
Time for some training
Sad :(

Erkia or short Eri, how all her friends call her, is a outgoing and friendly woman. She loves to have fun in a sporty and fair compotation. When both competitors give their very best to win and overcome the other one then she is happy. Why shouldn´t she be. She didn´t really cares about the outcome in the end as long as it is fun until then.
The other members of SG were voting her to their official leader… and she was pretty surprised about this. But they said thanks to her happy personality. Ability to cheer up the others and her confident appearance she was perfect for the job. With all that trust into her person Erika couldn´t turn them down and took that job.

About the past of Erika was not much to tell. She grew up in a normal household in Sweden. She liked to go to school and meet her friends. Her favorite classes in school were naturally art and gym. Who didn´t like these two come on? She was pretty good in school sports and was able to get some records under her belt while she was there. She was the girl that jumped the highest and the girl that jumped very closely to the longest distance. She beat everyone in her class when it came to sprinting but she was never good enough to come even close to the school records there, no matter how hard she trained and how much faster she got.
In all the other classes she was okay… not record breaking but she was never in danger of failing a class.
When she got into high school she was caught on her second day form the leader of the cheerleader group. Eri was pretty surprised of this but the girl told her that they laid eyes on her and would want her to join the cheerleader club. She was fit enough for it and got the perfect looks for that. So Eri would visit the try out training… she was able to get into the team but the next day her muscles were burning in pain… and the following trainings weren´t any easier for her. But her colleges told her she was doing a great job and was getting better with every time! Eri was pretty happy to hear that. The team even was able to get into the national cheerleading tournament and get into the final… where they unluckily loosed to another team. But still they made silver.

After finishing high school Eri wanted to join an professional sport to earn her living. So she went to a showing, where many people had the chance to show off their sport talent. Eri hoped that she would be able to join a cheerleading team, but none team wanted her… surprisingly for her she got a letter from a Japanese wrestling school offering her a very interesting contract for a developmental training.
Fun Facts:
LAW Information




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