Noko Fujikawa

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Noko Fujikawa

Unread post by Anon »

Name: Noko Fujikawa
Age: 18
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 110 pounds

Alignment: Tweener
Nationality: Japanese
Finishing move/s: Sunset flip, breast smother

History: Fujikawa achieved a modest amount of fame in her mid teens as an amateur model, and her notability only grew from there, at least in the sections of the internet most known for influencing fashion trends. From there her popularity grew exponentially, until she managed to accumulate nearly a million social media followers without ever quite reaching the magic number itself. Upon turning pro, Fujikawa took side jobs as the urge struck her, most notably as a pop singer (her closest thing to a hit did not reach the charts) and a wrestler (she scissored a rival pop singer's neck and flipped her into a pool). While Fujikawa has enough money to buy a lot of wrestling lessons, she is currently banned from official LAW competition until further notice after failing to show up to four matches in a row (citing more important commitments such as photo shoots and parties). Still, she competes unofficially against other third rate celebrities, and any wrestler in her weight class who will pay attention to her.

Personality: Fujikawa is loud, proud, and likes to show off, but isn't actually all that interested in physical sadism. She likes all aspects of putting on a good show, and is willing to compete in boxing, NHB, and less serious matches as well as standard rules wrestling. Her fame has left her isolated, leaving her all too willing to act up in or out of the ring.
Alison Campbell (Heavyweight)
Noko Fujikawa (Lightweight)

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