Eyes: Blue
Hair: Purple
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 158
Nickname: Belly Queen
Alignment: Heel
Entrance music: Vapor Rock
Ring Attire
Ring Attire:



Bikini look with family

Caught at a bad time

Lazy day

And what are you looking at

She thought she could take me..What a cute thought

Spoiler, things get rough for her from here

Round 2, the bitch never learns

Don't be fooled. I love this women. But she often tries to bring this out of me

Signature moves:
Scissor hold: Kyoko wraps her legs around her opponents waist and squeezes for all her worth. If she can she will use her arms to either restrain her opportunity or strike them.
Missile dropkick: Kyoko goes to the top rope and leaps off as her opponent reaches her feet, planting her feet on whatever she can hit.
Finishing moves:
Akan buster: Kyoko pushes her opponent on the top turnbuckle, allowing her to position their head on her shoulder, grab their legs and hold them up in a muscle buster, before dropping them on their backs. Rarely used due to the difficulty in setting it up.
Spear: Kyoko positions herself in anyway she can to adorned opponent, charging them as they rise and driving her shoulder firmly into their gut.
Queen's Drop: Kyoko lifts an opponent up into a Jacknife powerbomb but instead turns and drops them down onto her knees abs first to crush there abs.
Preferred matches: is open for anything but is more interested in competing then anything else.
History: Kyoko started out as a calm and collected sweet girl in Kyōto Japan. She grew up as the first daughter of Denji and Touka Akan having watched her father wrestle growing up until his untimely death when she was 8. Still she retained much of the happiness the memories brought him and would grow up loving wrestling much like most of her family still did, but she didn't have much a desire to join it, especially when she started to learn wrestling from her grandmother a famous heel called the Empress. Her lessons were mostly about crushing foes at all costs which she wasn't about and it contrasted greatly with the way her father wrestled. In fact Kyoko was known for growing up as a protector with her fighting and natural brawling skills getting into street fights with bullies or the ones who messed with her sister and brother. Being the eldest of a family made her naturally desire to help others and soon she became known as a protector of everyone regardless of who they were and despite that sometimes people felt she could be a bit brutal in her nature, something Kyoko tried to calm down for their sake.
This changed drastically when an American student, Amy enrolled at the College and proved to be a big nuisance. Amy was an aggressive girl who didn't like being crossed and wasted little time in trying to establish her dominance on the school, although for awhile, the two stayed out of each others way. Kyoko finally had to intervene when one of Amy's lackeys was beating up a student in the locker rooms before Kyoko stepped in, leaving the attacker a beaten mess, this backfired as Amy took the attack personally and payed her back in full by jumping her as she thought she was alone in the same locker room. Kyoko was caught utterly unaware and though she tried to defend herself, Amy eventually beat Kyoko down and tied her up to the lockers, what followed was a life-altering experience as Amy ripped of her shirt and proceeded to attack Kyoko's defenseless belly like a punching bag until she eventually passed out. When Kyoko came to her senses and healed off the brutal assault she challenged Amy to a high stakes wrestling match (the sport Amy practiced.) If she won Amy would never lay a hand on anyone again, if she lost Kyoko wouldn't interfere in any of Amy's business, to which she agreed.
The match proved to be a disaster. Despite Amy's superior wrestling knowledge, Kyoko started off fairly even and even looked on the brink of winning with her expanded skills in several combat styles, but then Amy mixed things up and began focusing on Kyoko's belly, and promptly began to destroy her until she had the students hero against the ropes, pounding away at her midsection until Kyoko was forced to surrender for the first time in her life. Still wanting to protect her fellow students, Kyoko begged Amy to leave everyone alone and in exchange she would let herself be Amy's sole victim, an offer the American agreed to. Kyoko spent her entire second semester of College under the boot of Amy, used as her personal punching bag. The experience changed Kyoko drastically, and eventually she wanted to take Amy down for herself rather then for anyone else and she spent the break training her abs to prepare for her revenge. It came when she returned for her second year and challenged Amy again, this time to a belly-punching contest, Amy had to restrain her laughter as she accepted what she expected to be an easy. The outcome proved very different, as Amy struggled to hurt her while Kyoko effortlessly broke her down until her former tormentor was a gasping mess on the floor. This victory filled Kyoko with as ensue of pride and fulfillment she had never felt before, it proved to be far more satisfying then being everyone's 'Hero' ever did and Kyoko walked away a changed woman.
Kyoko desperately sought out this feeling again, taking the opportunity to compete in wrestling, taking an interest in the various challenges it presented. Over the course of two years mixing her growing wrestling skills and her striking ability, Kyoko became a force to be reckoned with as she was taking on opponents with twice her experience and winning, most commonly known for her love of attacking her opponents stomach and bragging about her own, yet still taking on all comers earned her the nickname the "Belly Queen" an accolade she took with pride. Despite this she was still a face respectful and kind just a fair bit more cocky and selfish in her early days. Time would change even that, Kyoko soon found fans had grown bored with her and would often cheer things that fell on her much to her slight annoyance, while she had a following it wasn't big enough and often she found herself losing work as she was used less and less outside of certain areas. She tried to not let it get to her but even with her attempts to get over it she was disrespected often by other wrestlers, even ones she respected or looked up to and after a brutal and soul crushing feud with Da Xia who broke Kyoko in more ways then one (even if Kyoko actually won all the official matches) Kyoko decided she was done doing anything for anyone but herself and started to turn brutalize opponents much in similar ways had been done to her, letting out a inner bit of anger and sadism out that been noticeable for some time. Having change herself completely and become an arrogant and evil version of her former self she found her workload busy again simply because the fans who outside of her small loyal circle had come to boo her outright, in Kyoko's mind they always hated her and now paid to see her get beat up, she was fine with that and grew to enjoy winning in spite of there hate. Her name was far more known now then back then and shortly after all this she was offered a contract with LAW giving her a new place to work and new opponents to fight.
Personality: The years since her "makeover" has done a number on her personally. She has gained an immense amount of pride in her stomach and isn't afraid to flaunt it and any of her other assets when she can. She's also extremely cocky and looks down on anyone she feels isn't up to her standards. Recently she has acquired a bit of a berserk button in regards to being challenged, she hates to be looked down on and it brings out a nasty side of her when she is ignored or mocked, she's definitely at her worst in this situation. Despite all her newfound aggression, she won't just needle someone aggressively, especially if said person is unable to actually put up a fight, in her mind any of her insults are just tough advice so its pointless to give that out to a non fighter. If she likes you she's actually pretty tolerable and friendly and is almost the same person she was before her drastic changes if she calls you friend. Her belly fetish pertains to others as well as she will openly admit when someone has a nice set of abs and loves to test them and have hers tested. However friend or foe, the one place she has no mercy to give is during a fight, she will say or do anything in her power to win.
Other facts:
-Her ring gear was made in an effort to look more professional. Befitting the changes shes looking to make in her life.
-She's bisexual, but didn't date another girl until she started wrestling, before her current girlfriend she dated 3 guys and one girl.
-She's protective of people she calls friend, a small sign that the woman she once was isn't entirely gone...
- She was taught to cheat by her grandmother but mostly only does it to event he odds against someone who cheated first. Otherwise she wrestles fairly as she did as a face.
-She's always looking for a worthy challenge to test her belly against, she feels the title doesn't matter unless she does otherwise.
-Her superior abs.
- a good challenge
- eating
-being looked down upon
-bullies(there's a grey area here)
-Aozora: "Aozora found in me the one thing none of the lesser beings at LAW seem to get..talent. She actually understands what a value my wrestling is to a wrestling company and intends to help me show it, just like I intend to help her put down the idiots running things and actually get this place going like a proper machine. Together its only a matter of time before we get what we want."
Sara Luther and Angela Guillot: "What's to say about them? I like them about as much as they like each other and I trust them about as much as one should trust a rapid pit-bull. But there part of The Rebellion and clients of Aozora so as long as they dont get in my way I wont hurt them...much.."
Violetta Aonlous: She's part of Rebellion and the bitch broke my belt, that should tell you all you need to know about what she is for me as far as an 'ally' still she is at least tough so when she learns that im the person she should listening too just as much if not more then Aozora I'm sure there will be some benefit to her.
Tara Jaegar: Well she doesn't annoy me and she had the brains to actually join me rather then stick to her guns an get a beating. Besides it will be interesting to see how she develops. That's why I took her under my wing, I think we make a good team.
Kirie Kato: She has the good sense to see my value as a teacher. Sure she's a little annoying at times, but she's eager to learn and more importantly listens. Those facts alone trump any issues we meet with different personalities.
Da Xia: I hate her still, but let's face it we fought each other for 8 years and in that time I've never met anyone who could beat my ass as well as she could. Now that she's forced to work for me I hope to show her that we can do real damage together and maybe then we won't have to hate each other. It'll be nice to make progress without being dragged down by the Chinese Bully refusing to let me get away.
Marissa Winters: "Take the stereotypical dumb blonde and put a dumber smile on her stupid face. Then you have this chick, I cant imagine how anyone tolerates her over excitedness and the fact that she just shows up and somehow thinks shes on my level is a joke! And not a funny one. When I'm done with her, the only thing the Belly Buster will be remembered for is being carted off with a red and black Belly that served as her reminder to never show her face ever!"
Eirina Makishima: Eirina was one of the toughest girls I faced for my title. Truly a worthy opponent but nothing I couldnt handle, she gave me as good a run as any and it still didn't matter in the end she spent a whole day as my prisoner, needless to say I think she knows her place now.
Yoko Littner: "The only reason that girl is still standing is cause my cousin seems to think she's her friend. Sure she gave me a good fight but here she is trying to but in my life like were supposed to be best friends now. She'll learn how well that works for people.
Astrid Arvidsson: Astrid is a breath of fresh air in this godforsaken company. No moral BS that everyone comes at me about, she just wants to shut up and fight like any wrestler should. I need more like her in this world for my sanity, the only logical choice to win the Openweight Championship after I won the Middleweight Championship.
Besides everyone? LAW as a whole might as well be my enemy...Though if I was asked to name spefics...
Jessica: "The cheating bitch jumped me during a check up...what else needs to be said about her? Well the boxing Nurse was a beaten mess when I was done with her so hopefully she never tries that shit again. there's a reason her ass is retired.
Gabriella Guerrero: "Little punk needs to learn shes messing with the wrong girl. She actually had the audacity to call me out for my belt and tried to take it from me! Well im still the defending champion and what as she accomplished? Nothing, and that will be a recurring them if she continues to try me.
Alizeh Midori: A so called ex-fan who tries to tell me I've lost my way. Right, if I lost my way how am I champ? A champ who even beat you at your best? Sick of these losers trying to play mind games and downplaying my accomplishments. Fuck her and her girlfriend.
Katarzyna Zawiślak: Only good thing about her, is everything below her chest and above her waist. Everything else especially her Alizeh bias can fuck off.
Karin and Hua Shin: Dumb and dumber, Karin was my first opponent here and when..yes when I crushed her completely I offered her advice on how to be not completely terrible, Hua decided that this was as good a reason as any to try and step up to me in a fight. Naturally she got nervous and made sure the match ended before it even began and then took my belt. Something that when she challenged me at her place I made sure she paid for. Lets just say after our little weekend retreat Hua Shin hasn't even shown her face to me...
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH....Your serious? I have a girlfriend. Why would I be crushing on someone else."
Record: 39W-13L-1D
Inagural Belly Queen Champion-Defended the belt against Gabriella in a draw
-Defended the belt against Jessica by submission and ko
-Defended the belt against Hua Shin via KO
-Defended the belt against Daisuke via verbal submission
-Defended the belt against Katsumi via pinfall
-Defended the belt against Tamago via submission
-Defended the belt against Eirina via orgasm and pinfall
-Defended the belt against Yuki via submission
-Defended the belt against Marissa via pinfall
-Defended the belt against Misaki via verbal submission.
-Defended the belt against Eirina via orgasm and pinfall
-Defended the belt against Violetta via KO
-Defended the belt against Da Xia via pinfall
-Defended the belt against Sydney Bax via Submission
-Defended the belt against Lyanna Eon via Pinfall
-Defended the belt against Lyanna Eon via Knockout
-Lost the belt to Da Xia via submissions and knockout
Belly Queen Championship 2x
-Defeated Da Xia to win belt via knockout
-Defended the belt against Da Xia via verbal submission
-Defended the belt against Emaline via pinfall
- Lost the belt to Harmonia Edelstein via verbal submission
LAW Apex Winner for Middleweight Championship
LAW Middleweight Champion
-Won Championship from Apex Event, defeating Emaline
-Defended the belt against Wyvern via knockout
-Defended the belt against Alizeh Midori via pinfall
-Defended the belt against Akane via pinfall
-Defended the belt against Katarzyna Zawiśla via pinfall