Age: ???
Hair Color: Pure red
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 142 lbs
Entrance music: 'Witness' by Mindless Self Indulgence
Nationality: American! (DUH!)
Fighting Style: Acrobatic, and likes to use her ass as a weapon.
Finishing move/s:
Triple Classic: Wendy traps her opponent against the ropes, and slams her thick ass into her gut three times. If her opponent drops, she'll smother her out against the ropes.





History: Wendy Thomas was born in Columbus, Ohio on November 15th, 1969. She was brought up as a nice girl. Kind. Polite. Always striving to make her patrons happy with the food she served. Life was good for a good, long while as her business expanded to all ends of the North American continent. She grew to be one of the most well known faces in the country.
As the years rolled by, she met a man born in Canada by the name of Tim Horton. They hit it off almost instantly. To the point that they decided to pull their companies together, under one building. It was a fantastic partnership. But perhaps they moved a little too quick. It lead them to splitting up years later. The separation hit Wendy particularly hard. It was shattering for her. She went years, going quiet. Over that time, technology evolved, and evolved, until the development of social media came around. Like many companies, Wendy was able to adapt her company to modern technology and stay afloat in a market that changed constantly.
Then one day, she saw it. News that Tim Horton had joined with another food company; Burger King. It tore a new hole in her. She felt resentment and anger bubbling inside her.
Then one day it happened.
She had made a post about the food she served, when a user by the name of NHRide accused her of lying about her food never being frozen. The conversation started out polite, but the low height of NHRide's intelligence showed itself when he didn't seem to know the difference between a refrigerator and a freezer. She let a bit of snark into her replying posts to him. To her surprise, her snark was well received by the internet. They loved the sass. It opened her up to a new world.
Since then, she started to grow more spoiled, more like a brat. Like a smug bitch. And the internet just continued to eat it up like one of the many delicious sandwiches on her menu. From that day, she had let her true colors show, and never let herself look back.
Extra: It's hard to say just how old she is. Her birth year in 1969, one would assume she's over 50 years old, yet she still maintains her youthful, spunky appearance. There are many rumors how she pulls it off. Does she suck the souls out from her unruly customers? Does she use her vast wealth to fund state-of-the-art aging tech? No one knows for sure.
Wendy hates Burger King, but she finds Ronald to just be more of an annoyance and an easy punching bag for the smackdowns she's able to lay in her Twitter posts.
Wendy's Bitches: - This is a list that Wendy has devised of women who have fallen for her charm, and have kissed her butt in the middle of a smothering.