Name: Mako Adachi
Nicknames: "The Shark", “The Top Predator”
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Born: 11-30-1995
Eyes: Grayish-Green
Hair: Dyed blond at the top, naturally dark on the sides
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 151 pounds
Nationality: Japanese
Attraction: Bisexual (She likes boys, but she loves tough women)
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance music: Shark Attack - by WOLF
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Nonstop Offense/Go into a frenzy/Never stop moving forward.
Style: Karate, Muay Thai, and Tae Kwon Do.
Type: Striker
Preferred Attacks: Elbows, Kicks, Punches. Her mastery of three martial arts makes each very dangerous.
Preferred Matches: Standard-Hardcore (could do hentai)
Endurance: ★★★ – While she can overexert herself with her nonstop strategy, the opponent is usually KO’d by then.
Strength: ★★★– While not a powerhouse, Mako is built for hard strikes, and can even use throws on larger opponents.
Speed: ★★★★ - Mako is built for speed, and most of the time she will use it to beat down her opponents in a frenzy.
Defense: ★★★ – She is often more focused on attacking than defending. This leaves her open to counter attacks.
Technique: ★★★★– Mako has trained for years, and thinks of herself as the best at what she does. And that might just be true.
Strikes: ★★★★★ - Mako's strikes are her greatest weapons. Knowing quite a few that can crack some bones.
Submissions: ★★ - Mako much of a submission user...
Powerhouse: ★★★- Mako isn't that strong, but her decent strength does give her a boost.
Aerial: ★★ - While not a high flyer, she does use the ropes quite well.
Counters: ★★★ - Mako has some good counter strikes she learned in her Muay Thai training.
Weaknesses - She can be too focused on attacks to defend, has no submissions, and can misjudge opponents based on their appearances. She also likes to finish opponents off quickly and professionally, but if she's enjoying the fight she can get reckless in her decisions. Even giving the opponent moments to ready themselves.
Favorite Strikes:
Spinning Roundhouse Kick

Fury of the Sea

Bull Shark:
A Springboard bulldog



Body Breaker: After positioning her opponent to lay across the middle ropes of the corner, Mako will come down with both knees on their stomach/rib cage.



Wrestling Attire: A black sports bra (Made more revealing than most) and black shorts (Also very short). She will wear black leg protectors, as well.
Wrestling Attire

Black Hoodie Attire

Casual Attire

Dangerous and Sexy

Physical Appearance: Mako is well built. She’s not big and tuff looking like she wanted to be, but she is fairly strong. Her normal height actually annoys her, as she’d rather be really tall and have more muscles. But because she’s not, Mako trains her speed a bit more than her brawn. This has lead to devastating results for her opponents.
Mako in a match with smaller opponent


Mako when she's genuinely surprised

Mako's Dream

Mako is the daughter of a female yakuza boss, and the pit fighter who ran off after sleeping with her, which is where Mako’s story begins. Growing up as the daughter of yakuza, Mako was feared by others. Her mother, thinking it was her profession causing this, tried to explain why she was feared. But before she could, Mako surprised her with the fact that at the age of 11, she was often fighting with other kids on a regular basis.
In fact, the kids referred to her as ‘the shark’ since she would often hunt for opponents, and because they found out that “Mako” was a shark name (She liked the name a lot after finding that out). But while they feared her, she was pretty popular with the boys since she was pretty. This would lead her to challenge them to beat her, and if they won she’d date them. Three years passed and she had beaten every boy in her school, sometimes more than once.
But by her 14th birthday, she could no longer beat down the boys she was used to fighting with. She was still wining, but not as easily as she used to. The boys had grown stronger over the years, and Mako couldn’t keep up with them. She started hating her weaker figure, and wanted to change it.
But she just couldn’t seem to get enough muscles even after starting to train herself. Deciding she was stuck with this type of body, Mako decided to focus on her speed and learn techniques. This would lead her down a path to eventually join several dojos to learn martial arts. Each of which Mako was kicked out of for excessive violence in fights. They were all just too boring for her.
This continued until she learned of a Muay Thai class at a local gym. Here they were giving lessons to female students for self defense, but Mako went too far as she wanted to learn offense, instead. So she walked up to the toughest looking woman in the room, and kicked her in the gut. The woman she kicked, though, was a retired 6’3” fighter who returned with a knee to her face.
Out cold Mako was taken to a hospital with a concussion, leaving the fighter she kicked guilt ridden. Surprisingly, though, her mother laughed it off saying she had that coming over the years. She did ask for a favor, though. That favor being to teach Mako Muay Thai, and any other martial art she knew.
So for six years, Mako would use all her energy to train, lift, and throw everything she had at her new trainer in attempts of revenge. This woman was the only one who could handle Mako, and there were some close calls, but she always beat her. But in the end, at the age of twenty, Mako asked for a fight, got the fight, and after an hour of two very stubborn fighters beating each other to dust, she stood victorious. Until collapsing in exhaustion, and the two had to share a hospital room. Now needing a place to put these skills to the test, Mako joined the LAW to kick ass, and get a few tough girl’s numbers.
Fun Facts:
One day her dad returned to see her, and she knocked him out cold. They get along great, though…much to her mother’s horror that they are so similar. Both love fighting, both love drinking, and both seem have a love for strong woman. (Mako’s mother is 6’, and while she’s not built tough, she’s pretty damn intimidating.)
Due to being in a female gym for thousands of hours while training and fighting, she developed a love of tough/well built women.
Mako has never been on a date. Which she just recently realized and got pretty pissed off about it. Who would have though her challenge to the boys would have screwed her love life up?
Loves beer and vodka.
Her favorite type of food is steak. But her favorite meal is anything at an Italian restaurant she found, which includes Pizza, Lasagna, and other Italian dishes sold there.
Due to her frenzy-like fighting style and movements in fights, Mako got the nickname “The Shark” early on.
Use to keep track of the boys she beat by carving marks into a tree, but she stopped after it became too difficult to count just how many there were.
Mako has learned most of what she knows from her trainer, who also taught her wrestling moves since she was considering joining LAW. Mako struggled with some move, but learned that she exceled with simple but devastating move like the pedigree. She also has a skill for springboard moves like the bulldog that she calls The Bull Shark.
LAW Information
Crushes: Any “Tough Girl” in the LAW