Nickname: Heat
Age: 20
Nationality: Japanese
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'5”
Weight: 133lbs
Alignment: Face
Entrance music: Yappari Esaka
Match Attire

Match Attire #2/Tag Attire

Bikini Attire

Bikini #2/ Hentai Match Attire <nsfw>

Strategy: By no means a technical wizard, Yuu's gameplan focusses entirely on her strength and endurance. She uses a mix of powerful slams and explosive aerial maneouvers to pound foes into the mat and leave them dazed enough to pin. Her incredible willpower and toughness also allows her to outlast foes if she needs to and it will take a very talented submissionist to make her tap.
Preferred Matches: Yuu is open to most matches, but dislikes hardcore matches. She's also eager (if a little embarrassed) to try hentai matches. She's also able to take part in tag matches with her occasional tag partner and rival Tsubaki.
Overall Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Strength: ★★★★☆
Yuu is pretty strong for her size and weightclass. She's strong enough to compete against, although only rarely overpower, heavyweights, can generally outmuscle middleweights and will often physically dominate lightweights.
Stamina: ★★★★☆
Excellent conditioning and fighting spirit but she has her limits. Her focus on lifting and slamming opponents means her style is quite energy intensive and she tends to wear herself out if matches drag on too long, especially against heavier wrestlers.
Toughness: ★★★★★
With an iron will and a hardy body she can be difficult to put down for good. She takes pride in never having submitted in her entire (admittedly short) career. Whether she can withstand the pains and pleasures LAW has to offer remains to be seen.
Speed: ★★☆☆☆
While capable of bursts of speed, Yuu is used to running in open space not the confines of a wrestling ring. She is fast but not agile so she can close distance easily but smaller movements like dodges tend to be a little clumsy.
Finesse: ★☆☆☆☆
Yuu is still inexperienced and her early successes have perhaps made her a bit complacent when it comes to the more technical side of wrestling. She shies away from complex moves, relying on simpler ones. More technically minded wrestlers will find her easy to counter and even easier to tie up in knots with complicated holds.
Strikes: ★★☆☆☆
Nothing to write home about and a little predictable. She chiefly relies on clubbing forearm blows and elbows or kicks to the lower body and midsection.
Throws: ★★★★★
Her forte. Yuu's throws are damaging and effective and she has a surprisingly wide arsenal for someone so green. Typically she will start matches with quicker moves like hip tosses, scoop slams and snapmares before moving on to heavier moves that involve lifting and slamming opponents such as Samoan drops, backbreakers and powerslams.
Larger opponents who rely on sheer weight to prevent opponents from lifting them can be in for nasty surprise. While it will definitely limit her moveset, Yuu is capable of surprising and impressive feats of strength. Such efforts, however, are extremely draining so these tend to be all-or-nothing affairs.
Holds: ★★☆☆☆
Yuu's submission holds are simple maneouvers that rely on her strength. Holds that wrench or bend a body part or two like neck cranks, full nelsons and boston crabs are her primary submission offense.
Aerial: ★★★★☆
Yuu's aerial attacks are risky but extremely damaging. She typically uses these when she's trying end a match, put down a particularly resilient opponent or when it's not feasible to rely solely on her throws such as when she's at a heavy weight disadvantage. A dropkick, crossbody or elbow drop from Yuu can turn the tide of a match or bring her much closer to ending it.
Counters: ★☆☆☆☆
Can only really counter very simple moves. More often than not she prefers to simply endure the hit and carry on which can leave her vulnerable to being worn down over the course of a match.
Finishing moves:
Heatseeker: A diving lariat.
Blazing Spike: A sitout spinebuster. She'll need heavier opponents to be running toward her so she can use their momentum to perform the move. Personality:
Yuu is an honest and driven athlete who approaches friendly competition with boundless enthusiasm. She generally holds no ill will against her opponents unless they are particularly cruel or dishonest and even then she often respects their skill. That said, she can sometimes be overconfident which can lead her to biting off more than she can chew or cause her to miss key details that could win her the match.
She is extremely stubborn, and will carry on fighting even when all seems hopeless. Sometimes this allows to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Other times it will simply allow an opponent to test the limits of her endurance at their leisure.
Outside of the ring, she is less confident. Due to the pressures of her upbringing and growing up in a rural area, she's not particularly worldly. She sometimes struggles with the intricacies of city life and she doesn't know a whole lot about modern culture. She also never had much time for relationships meaning she doesn't have much experience in that regard either. In contrast to her in ring persona, she is rather quiet, however she is loyal and supportive to those close to her.
Yuu has always been naturally gifted for sports, running and swimming in particular. Growing up in small town on the coast, her talent for athletics actually made her something of local celebrity at an early age. This unfortunately led to her suffering a lot of scrutiny growing up. It wasn't enough for her to be good at sports, she needed to keep her grades up as well and ensure she maintained a squeaky clean image. Who she could spend time with and how she spent her time were closely monitored by her well-meaning but overbearing parents.
Her closest and perhaps only friend was, ironically, her biggest rival. Tsubaki and Yuu were always competing against and alongside each other and while they both respected and liked each other, there was always friction between them. Yuu was sometimes resentful of Tsubaki's freedom and adventurous attitude while Tsubaki was envious her fame and success. It was Tsubaki that introduced her to the wrestling world and it was something they both enjoyed greatly. They would often go to matches together until eventually they decided to be wrestlers themselves, partly because of a genuine passion for the sport but partly, in Yuu's case, to escape from the confines of the expectations that had been weighing her down.
Once they graduated, they left home to join a wrestling federation. The federation they joined at first seemed fairly decent. They training they received was good enough that they were ready to debut after a year. The pair initially had great success in both singles and tag matches but then issues started to arise. The federation they had joined was unfortunately something of a vipers nest.
While Tsubaki was able to successfully navigate the backstage politics and rise to the top of the organisation, Yuu lacked the guile to manage the hostile environment and simply fell into the background. She wasn't used often and when she was it was simply so that she could be dominated by veterans against whom the rookie didn't stand much of a chance against. Even so, he absolute refusal to give up even the in the most grueling matches made her popular with crowds which naturally didn't endear her much to the veterans she was supposed to be elevating.
Yuu was becoming sick of the way she was being treated but was still prepared to carry on. Tsubaki on the other hand was dissatisfied with the way they were treating Yuu (not that she would ever tell her that) and had become disillusioned with backstabbing and manipulation that was rife within the federation. Tsubaki had already been scouted by LAW and with a little bit of wrangling, she managed to ensure a contact for Yuu as well. Both of them left the federation behind and moved onto to the greener pastures of LAW.
Yuu has always been naturally gifted for sports, running and swimming in particular. Growing up in small town on the coast, her talent for athletics actually made her something of local celebrity at an early age. This unfortunately led to her suffering a lot of scrutiny growing up. It wasn't enough for her to be good at sports, she needed to keep her grades up as well and ensure she maintained a squeaky clean image. Who she could spend time with and how she spent her time were closely monitored by her well-meaning but overbearing parents.
Her closest and perhaps only friend was, ironically, her biggest rival. Tsubaki and Yuu were always competing against and alongside each other and while they both respected and liked each other, there was always friction between them. Yuu was sometimes resentful of Tsubaki's freedom and adventurous attitude while Tsubaki was envious her fame and success. It was Tsubaki that introduced her to the wrestling world and it was something they both enjoyed greatly. They would often go to matches together until eventually they decided to be wrestlers themselves, partly because of a genuine passion for the sport but partly, in Yuu's case, to escape from the confines of the expectations that had been weighing her down.
Once they graduated, they left home to join a wrestling federation. The federation they joined at first seemed fairly decent. They training they received was good enough that they were ready to debut after a year. The pair initially had great success in both singles and tag matches but then issues started to arise. The federation they had joined was unfortunately something of a vipers nest.
While Tsubaki was able to successfully navigate the backstage politics and rise to the top of the organisation, Yuu lacked the guile to manage the hostile environment and simply fell into the background. She wasn't used often and when she was it was simply so that she could be dominated by veterans against whom the rookie didn't stand much of a chance against. Even so, he absolute refusal to give up even the in the most grueling matches made her popular with crowds which naturally didn't endear her much to the veterans she was supposed to be elevating.
Yuu was becoming sick of the way she was being treated but was still prepared to carry on. Tsubaki on the other hand was dissatisfied with the way they were treating Yuu (not that she would ever tell her that) and had become disillusioned with backstabbing and manipulation that was rife within the federation. Tsubaki had already been scouted by LAW and with a little bit of wrangling, she managed to ensure a contact for Yuu as well. Both of them left the federation behind and moved onto to the greener pastures of LAW.
Being outdoors
Big meals
Closed spaces
Desserts (especially ice cream)