Nickname: The Cat Army
Sex: Female
Age: 34
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: yellow
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 165lbs
Nationality: Mexican
Alignment: Face
Entrance music: Ready for this!
Wrestling Information
fighting style:
Carmen is no great fighter herself… she dislikes stepping between the ropes and getting into the match. She really hopes that when she has to be in a match it is over soon… she often starts to cry when she fights.
(Each cat has another fighting style)
Preferred Matches:
If she has do work one… she would say standard.
(Every cat has other prefers matches… but all love mask vs mask matches)
Endurance: 3/5
Strength: 2/5
Speed: 3/5
Defense: 3/5
Technique: 2/5
Favored moves:
Slaps and Punching
Carmen is no great fighter herself… she dislikes stepping between the ropes and getting into the match. She really hopes that when she has to be in a match it is over soon… she often starts to cry when she fights.
(Each cat has another fighting style)
Preferred Matches:
If she has do work one… she would say standard.
(Every cat has other prefers matches… but all love mask vs mask matches)
Endurance: 3/5
Strength: 2/5
Speed: 3/5
Defense: 3/5
Technique: 2/5
Favored moves:
Slaps and Punching
Finishing moves:
”Running drop kick in corner”
Visual Appearance:

Carmen is a friendly and nice person, although she is pretty shy most of the time and would like to avoid the spotlight in any way. She loves working backstage helping other people in any way possible. When it comes to going out she prefers a small workout with her friends instead of going out into the city and drinking a few rounds. (the cats personalities are very different from Carmens!)
To earn a bit more money she would start taking side jobs, one times jobs at night. One night she heard that a wrestling league was looking for some medical workers to check on the wrestlers if something would happen. Carmen would get into contact with the league, speaking about the conditions and the payment… and surpassingly the payment was good… even better! She knew it would be hard for her working late nights in this league as a medical employ and daytimes in the ambulance, but she saw it as the best way to get some money. And luckily the league was only hosting matches two times a week, so she only had to work on these days or if she got an emergency call.
The work in the league was much fun for her, except the times she needed to step out into the open to help the wresters who hurt themselves inside the ropes. She was always getting out there with a glowing red head.
But thanks to her nice personality and her good medical treatment Carmen made herself some good friends backstage.
But one night one of the female wrestlers hurt herself pretty badly by a horrible accident. (Fall down a few steps and hurt her ankle) Carmen would treat her imminently but she wasn´t able to put any weight onto her foot, meaning she was unable to compete this evening. Unluckily the woman was booked to fight the female champion of the league in the main event for the title… The manager of the league was scared of the reaction of the fan if he would have to tell them that this match would have to be canceled. She he came up with the idea of putting someone else under the mask of the hurt wrestler. The only woman backstage that would fit the looks of the hurt one was Carmen, who hated this idea! So after many people bagged her to do it, she dressed up in the outfit of the luchador and got ready for the match. Her knees were shaking when she thought about getting out there… but as soon as she put on the mask something changed. She suddenly wanted to get out there more than anything else. The masked Carmen was running out of the backstage area to the ring.
The Champ knew who was really under the mask, so she thought that this would be a pretty easy one for her. But surprisingly Carmen put up a hell of a fight refusing to stay down and putting a beating onto the champ like no one before. Unluckily Carmen wasn´t able to stand tall in the end, but the match was even better than the expectations for the original… When Carmen got backstage again and took her mask of the manager was already running her way with a performer contract, telling her how great this match was.
Carmen admitted that she already almost forgot anything that happened out there, but she still could hear the roaring crowed.
In the next event Carmen should try another mask on and should went out there again… a pretty similar thing happened, but what was really strange was that Carmen was behaving totally different this time and used different moves compared to the last time. After delivering another breathe taking match, again against the champ. Carmen finally singed the performer contract getting a part of the league as the masked wrestler.
Her colleges found out depending on the color and the looks of the mask her fighting style and personality was changing strongly… no one had any idea how this was working. Especially Carmen who wasn´t remembering anything from the matches.
Fun Facts:
- Loves cats
- Spicy food
- Sweat food
- Going swimming
Carmen is keeping every mask she wins in a Mask vs Mask match at her place and put them up there… not as trophies more like reminders on all the good times she had in the ring (She can´t remember)
Until now she won mask from in LAW:
(No one

Lost Masks to:
No one

Cat Personas:
Name: Gato
Ring name: The Mexican wonder cat!
Eyes: Brown
Alignment: Face
Entrance music: Ready for this!
Favored moves:
German Suplex, Tear drop Suplex, Running shoulder tackle, drop kicks, DDTs , belly to belly suplex, Suplex Series, Clothesline, Powerbombs
Signature Move:
Finishing moves:
Visual Appearance:
Gato is a very patriotic cat… I mean woman. She loves her home country and love the colors of the flag…
Gato tries to win any match she takes part of in the name of her home country.
Ring name: The Mexican wonder cat!
Eyes: Brown
Alignment: Face
Entrance music: Ready for this!
Wrestling Information
fighting style:
Gato fighting style is very aggressive and most based on offence, like hit your opponent hard enough and keep him down and you win! Her moves can be described as all-rounder although she mostly try to perform a power based move followed by a highflying maneuver.
Preferred Matches:
Mask vs Mask; Standard, Last woman standing, multiple falls, best of series, Iron woman Matches
Endurance: 4/5
Strength: 4/5
Speed: 3/5
Defense: 3/5
Technique: 3/5
Gato fighting style is very aggressive and most based on offence, like hit your opponent hard enough and keep him down and you win! Her moves can be described as all-rounder although she mostly try to perform a power based move followed by a highflying maneuver.
Preferred Matches:
Mask vs Mask; Standard, Last woman standing, multiple falls, best of series, Iron woman Matches
Endurance: 4/5
Strength: 4/5
Speed: 3/5
Defense: 3/5
Technique: 3/5
Favored moves:
German Suplex, Tear drop Suplex, Running shoulder tackle, drop kicks, DDTs , belly to belly suplex, Suplex Series, Clothesline, Powerbombs
Signature Move:
Flying clothesline
Samoan Drop
Kitten Splash (Frog Splash)
Kittenhammer (Jackhammer)
Visual Appearance:
Her in-ring outfit

Gato tries to win any match she takes part of in the name of her home country.
Name: Amor
Ring name: The hottest kitty Alive!
Eyes: Brown
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance music: Rosana
Favored moves:
Drop kick, Slaps, Hair pulling, back body drops, Spinebuster, sleeper holds,
Signature Move:
Finishing moves:
(both can easily be turned into hentai moves)
Visual Appearance:
Amor is a thrill seeker… she is trying to get herself into as much pleasing situations as possible. She would back down from no change… Sometimes she don´t know when to stop…
She loves to humiliate and to be humiliated!
Ring name: The hottest kitty Alive!
Eyes: Brown
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance music: Rosana
Wrestling Information
fighting style:
Amor don´t waste any time going of her primary goal… pleasure… giving it or resaving it during a match. She isn´t really interested in dealing out much pain, but she would do if she has to… although she will enjoy the match she will do anything to win it as well!
Preferred Matches:
Mask vs Mask; Humiliation matches, Hentai matches, Hentai Ko, multiple hentai falls, Multiple round matches, Strap on matches, Kinky mask matches… and anything else Hentai related.
Endurance: 5/5
Strength: 3/5
Speed: 3/5
Defense: 4/5
Technique: 3/5
Amor don´t waste any time going of her primary goal… pleasure… giving it or resaving it during a match. She isn´t really interested in dealing out much pain, but she would do if she has to… although she will enjoy the match she will do anything to win it as well!
Preferred Matches:
Mask vs Mask; Humiliation matches, Hentai matches, Hentai Ko, multiple hentai falls, Multiple round matches, Strap on matches, Kinky mask matches… and anything else Hentai related.
Endurance: 5/5
Strength: 3/5
Speed: 3/5
Defense: 4/5
Technique: 3/5
Favored moves:
Drop kick, Slaps, Hair pulling, back body drops, Spinebuster, sleeper holds,
Signature Move:
All mine!

(both can easily be turned into hentai moves)
torture/pleasure Rack

pleasure Bomb

Visual Appearance:
Her in-ring outfit

She loves to humiliate and to be humiliated!
Name: Locura
Ring name: Suicide Cat!
Eyes: Brown
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance music: Ready for this!
Favored moves:
Sleeper holds, Punches kicks, Biting, Clawing, hair pulling, slaps against the chest hitting with weapons, ddts, powerbombs, spears, suicide dives, jumps from the top ropes to the in and outside... anything that hurt
Signature Move:
(has no go straight for the kill)
Finishing moves:
Visual Appearance:
Locura is a totally sadist, she loves putting the opponent into pain and make them suffer badly. She will not stop until she wants to… Locura often don´t wait until the match if official on the way.
Ring name: Suicide Cat!
Eyes: Brown
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance music: Ready for this!
Wrestling Information
fighting style:
Going crazy
Preferred Matches:
Mask vs mask; Hardcore, Hell in Cell, Brawls EVERYWHERE, Last woman standing, No holds bar, Ladder matches, Table matches, TLC, 3 Stages to Hell match, Iron woman match (don´t mind a bit hentai or a lot)
Endurance: 5/5
Strength: 4/5
Speed: 4/5
Defense: 5/5
Technique: 3/5
Going crazy
Preferred Matches:
Mask vs mask; Hardcore, Hell in Cell, Brawls EVERYWHERE, Last woman standing, No holds bar, Ladder matches, Table matches, TLC, 3 Stages to Hell match, Iron woman match (don´t mind a bit hentai or a lot)
Endurance: 5/5
Strength: 4/5
Speed: 4/5
Defense: 5/5
Technique: 3/5
Favored moves:
Sleeper holds, Punches kicks, Biting, Clawing, hair pulling, slaps against the chest hitting with weapons, ddts, powerbombs, spears, suicide dives, jumps from the top ropes to the in and outside... anything that hurt
Signature Move:
(has no go straight for the kill)
Finishing moves:
punt Kick
pleasure Driver (will be turned into a piledriver!)

Visual Appearance:
Her in-ring outfit


LAW Information