"If there's one thing I love, it's bringing pleasure and pain to my opponents, then shall we fight?"
Basic Info
Name - Sinia Scarlet
Ring Name - Sinia Saphire
Age - 20 Years Old
Hair Color - Red
Eye Color - Yellow
Height - 5'8"
Weight - 157lbs
Nationality - American
Wrestling Info
Entrance music:
Alignment - Heel
Fighting Style - Grappler and Strikes
General Statistics:
Endurance: ☆☆☆☆ - Sinia has a very good Stamina for her level, She can withstand some strong and powerful attacks without problem.
Strength: ☆☆☆☆ - Sinia has a pretty good strength level, due to the fact that she focuses so much on exercising when she wants , she's even seen lifting weights from time to time.
Speed: ☆☆☆ - Sinia has a medium fast speed for her, Anyone who sees her fight, even says that her Speed level it's kinda Good.
Defence: ☆☆☆ - Sinia's Defense is average to be honest, not too good, not too bad, but she doesn't mind that, as long as she has an opportunity to counterattack her opponent.
Technique: ☆☆☆☆ - Sinia's has an arsenal of very broad moves, ranging from Kicks, Punches, Quick Hits, Submissions and Etc.
Wrestling Statistics:
Strikes: ☆☆☆☆ - Sinia's punches and kicks are quite strong, being able to take the opponent backwards with each blow.
Submissions: ☆☆☆☆☆ - Sinia's Submissions are extremely strong, so much so that it's a little difficult to get out of the Girl's keys, but it's not impossible to get around the situation.
Powerhouse: ☆☆☆☆ - Sinia's powerhouse is quite good for Girl Tale, Nothing to say about it.
Aerials: ☆☆☆ - Sinia's flights are the weak point of her strength, so much so that she rarely manages to fit flights into her attack combos.
Counters: ☆☆☆☆ - Sinia's Counters are too good for her, so much so that Cassie, when she can turn the situation around, takes the opportunity to fit some lightning attack combo or to do a submission as reversal
Signature and Finishing move/s ___________________________________________________________
Personal Info
Appearance and Attires:
Sinia has a perverted and sadistic personality, She loves to see her Opponents Suffer from her Blows and Get Excited, In addition to Sinia, she is not afraid to hurt, for her, Pain is an incentive to keep fighting. Sinia, however, in some rare times, shows her more good side to her allies and friends, however, she prefers not to talk about it.
Twitter: @SiniaScarletLAW
Match History:
Plot Ideas/Preferences
Jaime's Note:
- Well, it's my first time doing a more detailed Character Thread, I thank dlamp for leaving his template so to speak, for other members to use, This is the first Horny character I've created, so there may be moments I run out running away from her personality, but I hope that doesn't end up getting in the way too much.
Recommended Matches
- Hentai, POW, Bed and Submission Matches
Possible Opponents -
• Lillian Bryne
• Rei Tachibana
• Rose "The Rose of Lust"
Basic Info
Name - Sinia Scarlet
Ring Name - Sinia Saphire
Age - 20 Years Old
Hair Color - Red
Eye Color - Yellow
Height - 5'8"
Weight - 157lbs
Nationality - American
Wrestling Info
Entrance music:
Alignment - Heel
Fighting Style - Grappler and Strikes
General Statistics:
Endurance: ☆☆☆☆ - Sinia has a very good Stamina for her level, She can withstand some strong and powerful attacks without problem.
Strength: ☆☆☆☆ - Sinia has a pretty good strength level, due to the fact that she focuses so much on exercising when she wants , she's even seen lifting weights from time to time.
Speed: ☆☆☆ - Sinia has a medium fast speed for her, Anyone who sees her fight, even says that her Speed level it's kinda Good.
Defence: ☆☆☆ - Sinia's Defense is average to be honest, not too good, not too bad, but she doesn't mind that, as long as she has an opportunity to counterattack her opponent.
Technique: ☆☆☆☆ - Sinia's has an arsenal of very broad moves, ranging from Kicks, Punches, Quick Hits, Submissions and Etc.
Wrestling Statistics:
Strikes: ☆☆☆☆ - Sinia's punches and kicks are quite strong, being able to take the opponent backwards with each blow.
Submissions: ☆☆☆☆☆ - Sinia's Submissions are extremely strong, so much so that it's a little difficult to get out of the Girl's keys, but it's not impossible to get around the situation.
Powerhouse: ☆☆☆☆ - Sinia's powerhouse is quite good for Girl Tale, Nothing to say about it.
Aerials: ☆☆☆ - Sinia's flights are the weak point of her strength, so much so that she rarely manages to fit flights into her attack combos.
Counters: ☆☆☆☆ - Sinia's Counters are too good for her, so much so that Cassie, when she can turn the situation around, takes the opportunity to fit some lightning attack combo or to do a submission as reversal
Signature and Finishing move/s
Signature Moves:
• Sleep with the Angels:
- In this Signature, Sinia needs the Opponent to be on the Canvas, so the Succubus Girl approaches the Opponent and ends up applying a Headscissors on the Opponent with her legs, while taking the opponent's air and provoking him.

• Break in Pleasure or In Hell
- In this Signature, Sinia ends up hugging the Opponent while trying to make the Girl breathless, in addition to that She lets Crowd choose what they're going to do with the Opponent, if they're going to Kiss her while taking the air out of her and breaking her back , or if you're going to be Breaking the Opponent's Back while you're pushing with your right Leg, on the sensitive part of the Enemy Girl, to make her agonize more Pain.

Finisher Moves:
• Sharpshooter:
- In this Finisher, Sinia holds both her Opponent's legs, crossing them with her right leg, where then The Succubus Girl turns around and holds the Opponent's legs with her right hand, while applying pressure to the Girl's back. In Hentai Matches, Sinia, when she turns around, ends up placing her right hand on the sensitive part of her opponent, where she starts to masturbate to that

• Time to Fall:
- Sinia, ends up elbowing her Opponent to make her a little dizzy, where then the Girl ended up doing a spin while lifting her right foot and hitting her opponent in the Head, knocking her down on Canvas

• Choke until Sleep:
- In Sinia's Finisher, The Succubus Girl ends up jumping on the Opponent's back, where she held herself by putting her legs around the opponent, then Sinia goes to the ground putting her right arm around her neck, making her start to run out of air. There is a Variation in Hentai Match, where when applying Submission, Sinia is licking Her opponent's left ear, in addition to teasing her.

• Sleep with the Angels:
- In this Signature, Sinia needs the Opponent to be on the Canvas, so the Succubus Girl approaches the Opponent and ends up applying a Headscissors on the Opponent with her legs, while taking the opponent's air and provoking him.

• Break in Pleasure or In Hell
- In this Signature, Sinia ends up hugging the Opponent while trying to make the Girl breathless, in addition to that She lets Crowd choose what they're going to do with the Opponent, if they're going to Kiss her while taking the air out of her and breaking her back , or if you're going to be Breaking the Opponent's Back while you're pushing with your right Leg, on the sensitive part of the Enemy Girl, to make her agonize more Pain.

Finisher Moves:
• Sharpshooter:
- In this Finisher, Sinia holds both her Opponent's legs, crossing them with her right leg, where then The Succubus Girl turns around and holds the Opponent's legs with her right hand, while applying pressure to the Girl's back. In Hentai Matches, Sinia, when she turns around, ends up placing her right hand on the sensitive part of her opponent, where she starts to masturbate to that

• Time to Fall:
- Sinia, ends up elbowing her Opponent to make her a little dizzy, where then the Girl ended up doing a spin while lifting her right foot and hitting her opponent in the Head, knocking her down on Canvas

• Choke until Sleep:
- In Sinia's Finisher, The Succubus Girl ends up jumping on the Opponent's back, where she held herself by putting her legs around the opponent, then Sinia goes to the ground putting her right arm around her neck, making her start to run out of air. There is a Variation in Hentai Match, where when applying Submission, Sinia is licking Her opponent's left ear, in addition to teasing her.

Personal Info
Appearance and Attires:
• Main Attire:

• Alternative Attire:

• Hentai Match Attire:

• Beach Match Attire:

• Bed Matches Attire:

• Alternative Attire:

• Hentai Match Attire:

• Beach Match Attire:

• Bed Matches Attire:

Sinia has a perverted and sadistic personality, She loves to see her Opponents Suffer from her Blows and Get Excited, In addition to Sinia, she is not afraid to hurt, for her, Pain is an incentive to keep fighting. Sinia, however, in some rare times, shows her more good side to her allies and friends, however, she prefers not to talk about it.
Sinia, was born in Columbus City, Ohio, where she lived with her parents until she was 5 years old, the Girl was always addicted to Wrestling in General, in addition to being quite excited to see what the Wrestlers could do, The Girl came to to take a picture with one of the most famous stars of American Wrestling, but his life would change a lot when he turned 5 years old.
That day, Sinia was forced to move with her parents to Japan. She had a hard time adapting to the new country, after all, it was quite a shock for the Girl to have gone to that place.
Slowly, Sinia started to get to know the local language and customs, until at age 10, she decided to start dressing up as a Succubus after meeting a girl who wore a costume like that, Sinia even started to think about joining a wrestling company wearing this costume, but as she was very young and didn't know if there was any company like that, she had to wait until Opportunity came.
Finally, that opportunity came when the girl was 19 years old, where she started auditioning at LAW to get to wrestle there, it took a while for the Opportunity to occur and then at age 20, Sinia would finally wrestle in a wrestling company.
That day, Sinia was forced to move with her parents to Japan. She had a hard time adapting to the new country, after all, it was quite a shock for the Girl to have gone to that place.
Slowly, Sinia started to get to know the local language and customs, until at age 10, she decided to start dressing up as a Succubus after meeting a girl who wore a costume like that, Sinia even started to think about joining a wrestling company wearing this costume, but as she was very young and didn't know if there was any company like that, she had to wait until Opportunity came.
Finally, that opportunity came when the girl was 19 years old, where she started auditioning at LAW to get to wrestle there, it took a while for the Opportunity to occur and then at age 20, Sinia would finally wrestle in a wrestling company.
Twitter: @SiniaScarletLAW
Match History:
Plot Ideas/Preferences
Jaime's Note:
- Well, it's my first time doing a more detailed Character Thread, I thank dlamp for leaving his template so to speak, for other members to use, This is the first Horny character I've created, so there may be moments I run out running away from her personality, but I hope that doesn't end up getting in the way too much.
Recommended Matches
- Hentai, POW, Bed and Submission Matches
Possible Opponents -
• Lillian Bryne
• Rei Tachibana
• Rose "The Rose of Lust"