Hair: Purple
Eyes: Orange
Height: 5'7
Weight: 142
Nationality: Japan
Alignment: Heel
Entrance music:
Fighting Style
Ava isn't one to mess around. Usually going for what will put her opponent away as quickly as possible. Her style consists of fast and powerful strikes that hit whatever she damn well pleases and sends them reeling while also taking it to the skies sometimes and capable of getting technical when she needs to. Despite this she loves to dominate a foe and in a more playful scenario is perfectly content to tease and smother an opponent out. She also has the power to lift and muscle through some situations but she usually only can pull off her more powerful feats in the beginning of a fight, as it gets harder as the match progresses.
Lotus bomb
Chin breaker
Born and raised in Japan, Aya found her idols in the culture of the place and in its people. Her small family would sit down and read old stories that inspired the girl and she grew up loving wrestling and old shows. Because of wrestling especially Aya knew she wanted to be a wrestler and become an icon in the business and strived to be nothing less. Training from an early age and watching her favorites whenever she could she quickly sought out anyway to improve herself, practicing any fighting style that might help her or participating in any sport that allowed her to build the muscle to proceed, every little step seemed to focus on wrestling and the kind of fighter she would become. Though her skill in wrestling became secondary to the way wrestling itself affected her.
Staying an avid fan she watched her hero take on whatever big bad stable or up and coming heel stood in her way and cheered them on all the way expecting them to come out on top...until they didn't and worse, joined one of the stables they fought. At first she was pissed and felt utterly betrayed until she watched the promo she gave the following week..and found herself agreeing with almost every word. She ranted how no matter how hard she tried someone would always take the place of the monster or heel or stable she took out and that it became an unappreciated neverending fight against a force she simply couldn't beat and instead joined just to finally enjoy herself. Aya decided that the world was naturally a harsh and cruel place and trying to fight against that would keep her from actually having a life while it slowly wore her out. Instead she opted to the one in control and her demeanor changed to mix with it becoming more aggressive and when she finally got to join a wrestling company her first opponent was left utterly humiliated and destroyed to show she wasn't playing around.
Her career continued down this path for the most part a few moments in between where she was more or less friendly with people but she still remained ruthless in the ring before she finally got a call to go to LAW a fun new playground to show off the best of what shes got.
Aya is nice to look at but difficult to approach for the kindest words to address her. This is worse in the ring where shes all about the victory and anything she does to her opponent in the ring is all completely okay in her mind. She isn't even all that pleasant out of the ring unless you catch her on an off day and even then if she feels she's dropping her guard she'll change things up and try to antagonize or brush them off. Still a bit childish in some aspects she isn't afraid to handicap herself taking on challenges that shed be better off not taking.
Main look


Wrestling gear

Who's idea was it to put me in this?
