Nariko Hirano
"Absolute Strength"
ProfileReal Name: Nariko Hirano
Nicknames: The Strongest In The East, Beast Of The East
Age: 24
Eye: Light Red
Hair: Salmon Pink
Height: 5'10
Weight: 180lbs
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance Music:
[First Entrance Music] Hell Yeah By Rev Theory
Does not have an AFW equivalent.
Tall, stacked and beautiful, Nariko's long pink hair flows down to her thighs when let loose from its hair band. Dense and muscular, Nariko considers her bicep and such second to none; with the arms themselves possessing an incredible width and tone to them.
Nariko's persona is a tricky one to narrow down. Befitting her image, she is serious nigh all the time, lacking compassion and a sense of humour outright. That been said, she is far from cruel, and rarely goes out of her way to hurt her foes. Respect means little to Nariko; she does not disrespect her opponents, nor does she care if her foe, nay, the world, respects her back. To her, there is but one thing that is certain, a fact almost. That she is outright the strongest woman in the east, if not, the world.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: If strength had a image in the dictionary, it would be of Nariko. What one would call a glass canon, Nariko makes up for her lack of finesse, speed or technique with outright arm strength. There has never been a foe Nariko could not lift or throw as if weightless, nor has there been one that could ever overpower the Beast Of The East. Her legs are nothing to laugh at mind, albeit still nothing compared to her arms. If she manages to latch onto you with all intent, consider yourself over.
Style: Powerhouse
Type: Strongest Arms In LAW.
Preferred Attacks: Nariko will use her mighty arms to shred, strike and throw her foes to oblivion. In amidst such, she is not afraid of using the rest of her powerful figure, kicking and throwing herself at her foe without regard.
Preferred Matches: Any from which she can demonstrate her power.
Attitude To Hentai: "Try and entertain me first."
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance:★★★★ - Can go the distance and then some.
Strength:★★★★★★ - Second to none.
Speed:★★ - Has very little interest in cardio and all things related.
Defence:★★ - Overconfidence equals a sloppy defence.
Technique:★★ - Roughness over complexity
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes:★★★★ - Rare to punch, yet brutal when she does so.
Submissions:★★ - Rare, but can break your back with ease.
Powerhouse:★★★★★★ - Definition.
Aerials:★ - Nariko finds little reason to fly.
Counters:★ - Besides pushing or punching her way out of restraints, Nariko is vulnerable.
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
Shi no kōshin (Death March): German Suplex-Release, Followed By Gorilla Press Slam.
Raiotto jaberin (Riot Javelin): Flying KO Punch.
Senpū supaiku (Whirlwind Spike): Delayed Brainbuster (Adopted After Her Qualifier Match With Bella Antoinnete)
Finishing Moves
Tashika ni korosu (Sure Kill): Choke-Slam Into Turnbuckle.
Karitori rokku (Reaping Lock): Camel Clutch.
Urutā abisu (Utter Abyss): Ushigoroshi slam.
Nariko Hirano's Beginning
Having never met her parents, Nariko's orphanage was a simple but caring sort, one that encouraged self-reliance above all else; teaching the children that even if they never find a home via the means of others, they can always rely on themselves. Taking this lesson as to care for little more than herself, Nariko resorted to both honourable means of living via the lowly jobs of the Tokyo streets, and to outright pickpocketing and stealing. She even soon gained a reputation of sorts, gaining the nickname 'Fokkusu no Mita Dōri' (The Fox of Mita Dōri, the street in which Nariko 'worked'). Such a reputation did not come without a cost however, as rival pickpockets and thieves took it upon themselves to removing the competition; catching Nariko, and leaving upon the young girl a mild beating. Said beating somewhat oddly inspired Nariko's now signature eye patch; the young beauty is not at all hindered in the eye she covers, suffering only a black eye in said beating that left her with poor vision for but a few days. She simply motions this as "Always leaving one eye on my front, whilst the other watches my back." That, and her time in hospital with the eye covered under wrappings left Nariko with a somewhat smug view of how threatening she believed the eye patch made her look.
Soon recovering, Nariko took it upon herself to leaving such a dishonourable way of living altogether, recalling that she'd "Never let anyone pin her down again." Committing what fortunes she had gained into a life of fitness, Nariko soon became somewhat a natural at the art of powerlifting; gaining prominence in her gym that somewhat eclipsed her infamy on the streets. Every hour of every day would soon be committed by Nariko towards her new found love of the art- committing herself almost entirely to the weights of the gym, as she no longer deemed cardio necessary. Tempted into more diverse sports that the gym offered that made use of her monstrous strength, Nariko soon became adept at arm wrestling, boxing, and to no-ones surprise, wrestling. Utilising a old style of professional wrestling in which she nigh let her foe free of her grip, nor would she ever exert herself beyond the use of her power, Nariko became a master against all forms of opponent. Simply put, there was not an opponent that could outlast one with Nariko's strength.
Seeking more funds to commit herself to her love of such, and discovering a new means to test her extreme strength, a LAW advertisement soon caught Nariko's attention, and within a week, the beauty was signed on.
The rest as they say, is history.
Soon recovering, Nariko took it upon herself to leaving such a dishonourable way of living altogether, recalling that she'd "Never let anyone pin her down again." Committing what fortunes she had gained into a life of fitness, Nariko soon became somewhat a natural at the art of powerlifting; gaining prominence in her gym that somewhat eclipsed her infamy on the streets. Every hour of every day would soon be committed by Nariko towards her new found love of the art- committing herself almost entirely to the weights of the gym, as she no longer deemed cardio necessary. Tempted into more diverse sports that the gym offered that made use of her monstrous strength, Nariko soon became adept at arm wrestling, boxing, and to no-ones surprise, wrestling. Utilising a old style of professional wrestling in which she nigh let her foe free of her grip, nor would she ever exert herself beyond the use of her power, Nariko became a master against all forms of opponent. Simply put, there was not an opponent that could outlast one with Nariko's strength.
Seeking more funds to commit herself to her love of such, and discovering a new means to test her extreme strength, a LAW advertisement soon caught Nariko's attention, and within a week, the beauty was signed on.
The rest as they say, is history.
Winner of numerous local weightlifting competitions.
Lilliana Antiqua Having the audacity to interrupt Nariko's workout has earned the figure known as Liliana a permanent place upon her list. Not that she would know said name, given how primal their gym engagement was. One Nariko seeks to repeat.
Valentina Morozova: Serving as a hell of a obstacle for Nariko to overcome in their match, Nariko has nothing but desire to surpass the Russian squeezer. And maybe, give her a squeeze or two in return she won't forget.
Main Attire






Full Body Shot

Casual Attire




Bunny Nariko