Sex: Female
DOB: 03/08/2000
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Purple
Height: 6'3
Weight: 184lbs
Nationality: Mexican
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Entrance Theme: Awaken (Intense Symphonic Metal Cover)
Alternate Theme: Jojo All Star Battle OST: Light Mode
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Katarina favours the power game, she'll usually waste no time in taking the fight right to her opponent and laying in with clubbing blows and ragdolling her opponents. Once they're left dazed and confused she often enjoys taking the time to brag and demean them before putting them out for good
Style: Powerhouse
Preferred Attacks: Clotheslines, lariats, suplexes of any kind, demeaning holds
Preferred Matches: Standard, Ironwoman, NHB.
Endurance: 5/5 - Built from the pillars
Strength: 5/5 - The power to not only take the strain but to heft it around
Speed: 3/5 - Can take great strides, but usually takes it slower than most
Defence: 3/5 - Usually confident in her ability to take hits rather than try to actively block
Technique: 4/5 - Learned from many a wrestler in her clan's gyms
Strikes: 4/5 - Can throw punches and kicks that only the best can surpass
Submissions: 2/5 - Not her main preference but knows a few good holds to crush her opponents
Powerhouse: 5/5 - Ragdolls you and employs creative grapples
Aerial: 2/5 - Knows how to moonsault, that's about it
Counters: 2/5 - You'd be surprised but she can be actually pretty easy to tag
Favoured moves:
Sunset Slam - Kars performs a sunset flip on her opponent before rolling and transitioning them into a powerbomb.
Avalon - After throwing her opponent to the ropes Kars pops them up into the air and delivers a hard hitting European uppercut
Aztec Judgement - Katarina approaches a downed opponent and cinches them into a surfboard stretch while doing an elaborate chant to weaken her foe's morale.
Finishing moves:
Light Blade - A fast spinning and hard hitting discus clothesline done to an opponent rebounding off the ropes
Sacrificial Altar - Kars hefts her opponent up into a torture rack, after marching her opponent around the ring she'll then convert it into a backbreaker and then deliver a punch to their heart to put them out for the pin
Visual Appearance:




Past: The Pilar clan hail from Mexico, able to trace their lineage back to mighty Aztec warriors. Nowadays the clan are most well known for running one of the best chains of gyms one can find in the land, many a wrestler or weightlifter from Mexico would recommend their local Pilar gym for either starting out in fitness or if you were a bodybuilder to begin with.
Katarina is the scion of the clan, the only child of the head branch who had big shoes to fill from the start. However she took the challenge with pride and only lived up to the name more and more after she grew and grew and grew some more, before long she was very much akin to the ancient warriors of old. As Katarina grew she developed an intense interest in wrestling, many an aspiring grappler and luchador would show up at whatever Pilar gym was nearest to them. Eventually she'd learn the tricks of the trade and develop herself on the indie wrestling scene, taking the name Kars for it after a fellow gym goer made a joke about it, they weren't bended into two different places for it at least there......
Before long Katarina would blaze a trail through the indie scene, to the point where she was scouted out by the LAW. Kars decided to gleefully take up the offer, this was only the first step on the path to greatness. She'd lay waste to any who dared to stand in her way, till the only one standing was her. Posing magnificently atop a mountain of defeated foes.
Wrestling Attire: Same as in pictures, either that or a sports bra and a pair of MMA shorts
Fun Facts:
Katarina enjoys posing in front of people and in the mirror. She also enjoys crafting hats and masks, in particular she was known on the indie scene for showing to matches with a 'Stone Mask'
Typically after defeating an opponent Katarina might grab her downed opponent and air guitar strum with their legs for some reason
LAW Information
Wins: DIO via pinfall