Claudia Kwon
"The Hellhound"
Real Name: Claudia Kwon.
Nicknames: The Carnivorous Canine.
Age: 29
Eyes: Hazel.
Hair: Black (sometimes gold splashed in).
Height: 5'10
Weight: 185lbs.
Nationality: Korean.
Alignment: Likeable heel
Entrance Music:
"Bark at the moon" by Ozzy Osbourne.
Boasting a slender, taut figure that she had sculped through diligently hitting the gym on a daily basis Claudia is capable of executing somersaults on command, while also deadlifting heavier opponents without breaking much of a sweat. Her wolf hoodie reflects how much of an avid hunter she is, utilizing the patience she's developed while on the hunting grounds within the ring whenever possible.
Claudia is as flashy and outspoken as her outfit would lead you to believe, boisterous and outgoing whatever the situation may be. She hides a sinister undertone within her cadence, that constantly lurks beneath the surface, always eager to make its presence known to try and allure her prey with its beguiling essence.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Relying heavily upon explosive maneuvers that drain a substantial amount of energy from her foes, Claudia sets her sights upon eliminating her opposition as quickly as she possibly can without much of a hassle. However, if they do end up posing more of a threat than she originally anticipated, she can always resort to obscene gestures that rile them up, potentially baiting them into making a crucial mistake.
Style: Strong Style
Type: Overwhelm them.
Preferred Matches: Flashy, energized spectacles.
Attitude To Hentai: "Have you seen my body? Of course I want to flaunt it~"
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★ - Can take a thrashing and return in kind.
Strength ★★★★ - Wields more power than her size would convince you she possesses.
Speed ★★★★★ - Swift, quick-footed and lethal on her feet.
Defense ★★ - Claudia doesn't like to admit it, but she can barely protect herself whatsoever.
Technique ★★- Nothing concrete, but can replicate what she sees with relative ease..
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★- Can unleash a flurry of blows if the situation calls for it.
Submissions ★★ - Would much rather hit someone than pull or yank.
Powerhouse ★★★★- Knows how to use her momentum with each, offensive move.
Aerials ★★★★- Gravity is one of her closest allies.
Counters ★★★★- Always a few steps ahead of her competition.
Match Ending Moves
"Wolfsbane" Leaping double stomp.

Finishing Moves
"The Hangman's noose" Modified neck breaker.

The path of the lone wolf
After being discarded by her stringent parents for not living up to their scholastic standards, Claudia was disowned at a young age and forced to depend upon her innate skills of deception and guile just to make ends meet. However, her luck would turn around one day when, after introducing her knuckles to someone who tried to grab her ass inside of a bar, she was approached by a certain, ginger-haired Texan. She promised Claudia all the riches in the world, but that didn't manage to capture her attention. Ever persistent, Jess approached her from a different perspective- When she mentioned being able to put a catastrophic beating on some of the most talented performers in the world, Jess managed to spark the feral female's interest, and with a little aesthetic help from her kunoichi compatriot, was ready to make a splash on the wrestling world.
Despite having a mean streak, that she's extremely proud of, Claudia has managed to stay out of correctional facilities her whole life.
Fun facts:
While not really mentioning it aloud, Claudia is secretly an avid fan of anime and manga, especially lovey dovey ones.
As stated earlier, Claudia is an avid hunter, and is almost as good of a cook as Jess...almost.
Claudia tends to the garden The Haven boasts, and possesses an impressive knowledge on all sorts of flora.
Claudia's hair is naturally obsidian, but she occasionally dyes it blonde to bring out the yellow of her ensemble.
While unknown to most, Claudia spends quality time with Zetta, learning how to properly strike to enhance her combative style.
Relationships Aside from The Gem's denizens, she cares little for anybody else.
Friends:Jess, for obvious reasons.
Record- 1/0/0
Pinfall victory over Peach Cake.
The Wolf Mother landing a shining wizard on Peach

Claudia pouncing on her prey~